woodson shindig, april 28th


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May 3, 2007 - 03:22am PT
God,It looks like I shoulda been there selling u guys T shirts.I only have about a thousand Kinnaloa Ts lying around.I'm thinking about flooding the Textile Market.

Trad climber
Golden, CO
May 3, 2007 - 09:38am PT
You're right, Phantom X, you don't do mushy in public very well. I'll bet Piggott could do a better job:)

right here, right now
May 3, 2007 - 10:48am PT
Here's a picture with you in it Brad, from '86.
Also, if you look real hard, you can see Leroy:


Mountain climber
San Diego
May 3, 2007 - 11:19am PT

Well I can see I missed the '81, '82, and '83 Great Western Bouldering contests via T-shirts, since I was gone from San Diego from early '80 until '84. Bummer. That was a lot of activity while I was gone :-(( So who won those contests?

Edit: By the way I have a picture of Phantom X and Mrs. Agent 13. I'll post it up soon. It's a classic.
scuffy b

The town that Nature forgot to hate
May 3, 2007 - 11:30am PT
Supertopians: Oracle, Phantom X is broadcasting secret
messages and we've lost our decoder rings! What can we do?

Oracle: .... ... ...

Supertopians: Quickly, more burnt offerings!!
What can be done, Oracle?

Oracle: Kick Poway's Ass!!

Details may be off, but that's the recurring gag in the feature
article in Stone the Crows, reputedly still in existence
in the possession of Agent 13.

Eagerly awaiting the scanning of The Itis and Stone the Crows,
if it is deemed possible (I only made it through Page 1 of The
Itis, the point where Nate Smith is kicked out of Poway).

Bloated Ibex? hmm..

scuffy b

The town that Nature forgot to hate
May 3, 2007 - 11:36am PT
Klimmer, help me out. I want info on those OW thingies out past
Lemon Chiffon and the Uncertainty Principle. I almost had a
heart attack, my eyeballs were practically pickled from all the
sweat pouring into them, I have a sore throat from breathing so
hard, I wore out the button on the back of my pants, but my
precise delicate footwork ultimately saved the day.
Don't those things have names? I gotta know. Harder than 5.8, innit? I mean,
that first one even felt harder than Doggie Do!!

Trad climber
Golden, CO
May 3, 2007 - 11:50am PT
scuffy_b - I have the San Diego Climbing Guide right here in front of me. From what I can tell, the easier one (west side) is Eric's Crack (5.9), and the harder one on the east side is unnnamed, but rated 5.10. Personally, I'd call the east side crack at least 5.10c.

And just what did the Oracle have against Poway? Was it our juggling prowess?
scuffy b

The town that Nature forgot to hate
May 3, 2007 - 11:58am PT
Thanks, eeyonkee.
Per the Oracle, it's hard to know. After all, when all the
smoke cloud blew away, The Oracle was revealed to be DJ (Dennis
Jennings), and he probably had a unique logical perspective.
But what do I know, those barstids wouldn't even give me a hat,
even though I fully woulda "looked tough in a G&E Buff"

Mountain climber
San Diego
May 3, 2007 - 01:37pm PT
All I know is that the historical PMBs document in the possesion of Agent 13 and Phantom X is ROTFLMAO funny. It should be posted and then archived and sealed under Argon gas. Let the world decide the true meaning.

And now the revealing of Phantom X and Agent 13. Duh - da - da - dah!!

I think the two of them asleep while Salad gives Dr. Shockley an award for the best looking legs, out climbing everyone younger, or just being an inspiration, among other reasons I can't remember due to some alcohol induced condition I suffered, show a defense mechanism when on camera --- they fall asleep or pretend to be asleep. But we can still see you! Here they are, Mr. Kinley Adams and Mrs. Adams, Phantom X and Agent 13.

Boulder climber
Redmond, OR
May 3, 2007 - 07:47pm PT
Klimmer-I was just catchin' up and roaring, reading all about the Woodson gig and finally I came to the revealing of Agent 13 and Phantom X.

I felt a responsibility to warn you...the identities you have observed and have climbed with and even have photographed, may, in fact, be false identities, masquerade dillitant, or some other crafty form of beguilment.

Also, I have heard it is common for them to close their eyes for long periods of time in preparation for stealthy activities requiring night vision skills. Climbers: check your gear!!

Skuffy B- You're breaking my heart- why didn't you get a buffer hat?!

Grug-eeonk ee! -can you verify, concerning the documents, that they were not forgeries?

Wish I coulda been der!


right here, right now
May 3, 2007 - 10:18pm PT

*Phantom X * Scuffy B * Crusher * Agent13*


right here, right now
May 3, 2007 - 11:01pm PT
Lot's of old climbing stuff showed up,
I mean, besides our tattered physiques and Ray's packs.
But nobody took up the Amick challenge of actually using it:

Nor did anybody bother trying to twist the toes of Scuffy's keen boot collection:

But, BUT, there was to be seen, all over the mountain, scads of nice girls well positioned to seek audience with us bad old farts:

Off White

Tenino, WA
May 3, 2007 - 11:10pm PT
Hah, I was right behind you when you came up to those two women, "Hey, do you mind if I take your picture and pretend you're part of our group?" Man, you're such a smooth talker, they consented, ya'll swapped names and shook hands, and you snapped that pic. I muttered to myself that little did they know, but they're picture was going to wind up on th" interwebs in a few days.
Phantom X

Trad climber
Honeycomb Hideout
May 3, 2007 - 11:13pm PT
Agent 13 here with pics from the recent stakeout, whatever you do, don't tell Phantom X! Prepare yourself, hhmmm,I may need help with the pic post.

Mountain climber
San Diego
May 4, 2007 - 01:35am PT
Agent 13,

I think you posted it in invisible internet mode, kind of like invisible secret agent ink. We can't see it. :-))

Do you have a free photobucket account or other? Lots of help on this thread to get you going. Someone will help you get it shown. Please advise.

Right now its a "No-Seeum"


Perhaps you meant to post an "X," in that case don't I feel foolish . . . ;-))
scuffy b

The town that Nature forgot to hate
May 4, 2007 - 03:40pm PT
Bruno, it broke my heart, too, at the time.
Private Cool Head Sir, in an overprotective
state, decided that giving me a hat would set
a dangerous precedent. It was sort of like
trying to maintain control of all the H-bombs
when the USSR broke up.
I tell you, it's a big burden going through life
knowing that you're considered a security risk.
scuffy b

The town that Nature forgot to hate
May 4, 2007 - 07:56pm PT
I would like to offer special thanks to some people whose
contributions to this outrageous event have BEEN OVERLOOKED.
Most especially and specifically:
The byword was Be There Or Be Slandered, and, Boys, let me tell
you, there was some high-grade dirt flung in the general
directions of your carefully cultivated reputations.
Without you, there's no telling what unhealthy outlets for
scurrilous remarks would have been employed.
Wait a minute...we couldn't have done it with you? No, something
is not right...

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - May 4, 2007 - 08:21pm PT
scruffster, let's face it. they're old. they're washed up. they'd never have held up to the five star standard we set: massive crankage in extreme heat while in a state of extreme inebriation. best leave that kind of action to us big boys.
scuffy b

The town that Nature forgot to hate
May 4, 2007 - 08:32pm PT
Well put. I bow to your logic.

Boulder climber
San Jose, CA
May 4, 2007 - 08:47pm PT
Hey Tarnuster...

I just want to know if you got where those two girls were from. The one had a nice accent.
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