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Jon Beck
Trad climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 07:28pm PT
Nice source xcon, here is a screenshot from their home page
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 14, 2018 - 07:33pm PT
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said citing the data from the Swiss laboratory that BZ toxin was used in the poisoning of the Skripals, adding that the chemical has been possessed by the US, the UK, but has never been produced in Russia.
The lab is never identified in that article. It is only referred to as "a Swiss lab", or "the Swiss lab".
The effect (of BZ) is achieved within 30-50 minutes and lasts up to four days.
Sergei Skripal is still in the hospital, more than a month after he was poisoned.
I could have, in my bathroom, a "Swiss Lab". It would be an empty Swiss Miss hot chocolate powder container that I would use for mixing up homemade toilet bowl cleaner.
And, the Swiss Lab might show that the nerve gas came from West Palm Beach, or North Korea, depending on how much fiber I have in my diet.
But I'd say the pages here are full of hate
Hate is not the same thing as an aversion to injustice.
You sound like the Charles Manson followers I saw on TV, back when he was on trial:
Oh, poor Charlie. Everybody here is so full of hate.
Mountain climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 07:50pm PT
More like open eyes, common sense, a sense of fairness, a clear understanding of the constitution, and a heart and mind free of bigotry and hate.
Again, Joseph, if you say so. But I'd say the pages here are full of hate--quite raw--and a decided lack of understanding about a great many basic subjects.
No doubt, the UC sciences remain strong--but the soft side of academia there is pushing the system over a cliff the way I see it.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Apr 14, 2018 - 09:04pm PT
The effect (of BZ) is achieved within 30-50 minutes and lasts up to four days.
Sergei Skripal is still in the hospital, more than a month after he was poisoned.
I appreciate that you don't routinely deal with various poisons, so you don't know from personal experience. The poison may dissipate in 4 days, but it's effect may be permanent. If it, for example, causes severe damage to your heart, the heart may remain permanently damaged.
Or, the person may have been skillfully poisoned, with the express intent of not killing, but disabling the victim.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 09:05pm PT
RT!!! now that's a solid source
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 14, 2018 - 09:05pm PT
RT News is the Russian government's updated version of Pravda. It's a Kremlin-funded propaganda machine.
The effect is achieved within 30-50 minutes and lasts up to four days.
The poison may dissipate in 4 days
There's no point in parsing what RT News alleges about a "confidential lab report" about the Salisbury nerve gas attack. It would be expected that Comrade Lavrov would feign broken English to additionally confuse and deceive his audience.
Mountain climber
Karkoekstan, Former USSR
Apr 14, 2018 - 10:07pm PT
Nethanzayo got trump by his balls and Bolton is his man to take care of business.Anytime the billion dollar man wants to go off track, an old case of sex whatever will surface to remind him that D.C. aint a place for the all American hero
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Apr 14, 2018 - 10:10pm PT
Y’all are living proof that the Rooskies invented and perfected disinformation.
Trad climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 10:51pm PT
Trad climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 10:57pm PT
Looks like NATO really stood up for a change.
Sweet! Even the Canadiens are on board.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 14, 2018 - 11:08pm PT
The Canadians are a understated, sedate, moralistic and adorable lot.
When a big ol' Canadian boy turns, looks, waits, and then says, "Eh?
What he really means is:
"You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to ME? I don't see anybody else here, so you must be talkin' to me."
Canada is what you would get if you distilled America to get all the best parts, and then put that on ice so it doesn't go bad.
Canada is Britain Lite: great taste, without all those unnecessary carbs.
When W.C. Fields said, "I never met a kid I liked," he forgot about the Canadian kids. The kids from Canada who've made it in Hollywood are just priceless. John Candy, for example, or for younger readers, Mike Myers or Jim Carrey, just blow the roof off of wherever they're appearing on screen. Lorne Michaels, creator of Saturday Night Live, is a Canadian GENIUS.
And, those two Canadian kids who came to Yosemite as high schoolers, Hugh Burton and Steve Sutton, are priceless. They showed up and established Magic Mushroom. I can attest that to be a fine line that has aged well. Charlie Porter joined the Canadian Kids to put up Mescalito, which is the King Of the Trade Routes.
The nascent sport of Big Wall Camping has been developed to a very high art by Supertopo's own PTPP, who is also from Canada.
During WW II, Canada played a sedate, understated, but important role. I suppose that's how they're behaving right now.
Nethanzayo got trump by his balls and Bolton is his man to take care of business
As a child, his parents used to say to him, "Naughty. No-no."
The Israeli Knesset is still invoking that sentiment whenever they pronounce his name.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2018 - 01:32am PT
The Trump Administration has made a great move towards draining the lobbyist swamp.
Pharmaceutical companies want to extend their expired patent monopolies indefinitely to despoil an aging, suffering public with excessively high drug prices.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, said recently that drug makers must “end the shenanigans” that prevent competing products from reaching the market.
Pharmaceutical companies have been restricting access to their expired patent drugs, to prevent generic equivalents from being compared to their high-dollar, name-brand cash cows. This is to prevent affordable equivalents from being available to the public. This behavior perverts the free market that the GOP/FSOP claims that they fight for.
I saw this, as a medical device engineer. It was difficult to obtain a current device, to learn from it, and strive to develop a competing alternative that was new and improved. Skullduggery and fraudulent intent was necessary to obtain an existing, simple, medical implement. The existing short-leg walkers - removable casts for the lower leg -were primitive, heavy, flexible and not ergonomic.
I hit my first home run, right out of college:
Every short-leg walker today is derived from the Royce Medical Company Equalizer that I helped to develop. I was the primary structural engineer on that product. I was the first to demand glass-fiber-reinforced injected-molded nylon, and an improved torsional resistance of the sole, to stabilize the foot against rotation. Everything else, at the time, was junk.
ALL of the current short-leg walkers are derived from my design.
I worked in an environment of other companies refusing to allow scrutiny of their inferior products. Daniel Haynes, a hot-shot Beverly Hills podiatrist, was the father of my company's owner, and he not only got the competing products for us, he also came to me, and personally instructed me about how to ergonomically approach the design of the new short-leg walker that would revolutionize previously inferior designs that were artificially protected by limiting access to them.
At one time, my boss at Royce instructed me to go to a the Thousand Oaks Shopping Mall, and bribe a shoe store salesman to allow me to steal a Braddock Device, which is used to determine the size of a customer's foot.
It was right about then that I thought, "The medical industry is rife with nefarians. I need to quit, right now, and escape before I am indicted, along with the rsst."
The entire situation was a conflict between doing a great thing for humanity, and salesmen wanting to make money.
I later started making Valley Giants, stayed pure to the product, and the rest is history.
the Fet
Apr 15, 2018 - 01:58am PT
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2018 - 02:27am PT
AUROHOLIC = a person who is addicted to GOLD.
This is a person who is addicted to silver - argyholic
This is a person who is addicted to gold - auroholic
Boulder climber
Apr 15, 2018 - 05:50am PT
The post world war II, white, skilled worker's pedestal has been kicked out from under him- one law, regulation, advancement and social shift at a time.
He got laid off, unemployment ran out, his daughter married a Mexican, his fat little grand kids game all day and his RV got repo'd.
Bring home the jobs? Reeducation? His tech skills are limited to playing fantasy football online. 5G and AI are coming along with the browning of America and this guy hasn't a fuking chance, he knows it.
His economic and social emasculation is complete, Fox, Rush and Hannity have explained all this to him in fine detail. Trump is the demonic hate child of his Querencia and unfortunately marks the beginning of a small but dangerous rage cult.
Mountain climber
Apr 15, 2018 - 06:32am PT
Jon Beck:
RT!!! I agree.
Personally I would neither trust US MSM nor Russian MSM untill I see an independent confirmation.
Both are just tools of government propaganda (as for foreign affairs).
So far I neither saw a credible report on Skripals' poisoning nor a report on the latest "Assad's crime".
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Apr 15, 2018 - 06:47am PT
Comparing RT to US mainstream media is laughable
Apr 15, 2018 - 07:42am PT
US mainstream media is the worst brainwashing tool ever now.
What a bunch of st00pid tools the American US mainstream media is.
Americans should be ashamed.
Instead, they actually swallow all that diarrhea coming out of those corrupt terrorist organizations masquerading themselves as news ....
Trad climber
Apr 15, 2018 - 08:39am PT
Repeating the same message/rant dozens of times in this thread seems like an attempt at brainwashing to me..
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2018 - 12:17pm PT
Two ducks walk into a bar in Southie.
The first duck says, "Quack, quack, quack."
The bartender puts out a bowl of oyster crackers.
The second duck says, "St00pid crankL00n Meric0ns are brainwashed idi0ts who believe everything they hear".
The bartender takes away the oyster crackers and says, "You two need to go to the back room of the kitchen".
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