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John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:00pm PT
I didn't say that there was violence at the tea party gatherings. I said they had signs saying that if they were ignored, then they would come back with guns.
Social climber
So Cal
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:06pm PT
You keep posting one picture.
Who is he?
It turns out one rally where one guy showed up with a weapon, the guy was a Democrat and a plant.
Crowds with news media attract nuts like lightbulbs attract moths. Trying to characterize a movement from isolated and primarily staged photos is ludicrous.
Every "Tea Party" gathering ended peacefully with the area cleaner than before.
The flea party will leave filth, mayhem, looting, arson and anarchy in their wake.
Just wait for it.
Q- Ball
Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:27pm PT
What if I want to give millions away? Why can't I give it to grandchildren and great-grandchildren? As well as several million to charities I like. It is my money.
It is money earned and already taxed. If I feel like gifting money to my relatives upon my death why should government stop me?
I made the money so it makes sense that government should take half when I die. Sounds like a very sound plan.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:27pm PT
TGT, are you saying that the signs saying.. "We came unarmed, this time" were all written by a democrat?
Social climber
So Cal
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:34pm PT
I'm saying that your trying to paint the "tea Party" as some sort of anarchistic, racist mob is a figment of your own feeble imagination, (or projection).
The "tea Party" cleaned up the premises, went home and won elections.
The flea party will end up going on an anarchistic orgy of arson and looting and then go home to mom and pops to sleep off the hangover.
You aren't the 99%
The 90% haven't cottoned to mobs since Shay's Rebellion was the impetuous for a republican Constitution in 1786.
Trad climber
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:54pm PT
Rok. Check your facts before you bet or are so certain of it.
Q- Ball
Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:59pm PT
In short, you are asking for my money. Why?
Social climber
So Cal
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:01pm PT
Because Rox is the poster child for the zero liability voter.
Q- Ball
Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:05pm PT
Thanks, it is nice that some folks understands that money is made, not taken, in America.
Trad climber
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:06pm PT
When did the thinking become tax-centric?
I thought the government was entitled to what it needed to get by on to do the basic job it had to do, protect your liberties.
When did it spawn rokjox-type guys who come from the view of looking at individual incomes and getting mad that someone who has more gets to keep it?
I think what he is actually mad about is that he paid $100 for the basketball game, which contributed to the baller's millions for the year and he wants the money back. Or he paid his mortgage this year, which was mostly interest, and the banker got rich, and so he wants his money back.
If that isn't the problem, is it the no-bid contracts that guys get through well-placed lobbyists and pals which make them billions off of Rok's tax money and he doesn't want to be the only sucker who has 1/2 of his disposable income blown up in a useless war or failed Fannie Mae?
What, Rokjox, is really bothering you? Because I know it isn't the dumbest thing on my list.
Q- Ball
Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:15pm PT
I am tax centric on my views. Of course you aren't because you probably pay none (just a guess). Let me know if I'm wrong.
I'm an American born and raised, and have no regrets!
Q- Ball
Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:20pm PT
Example- tonight, Obama, Dems and Repubs just took over, who wuld you give the keys too?
Trad climber
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:22pm PT
I think that if I don't want to spend my post-tax dollars on myself, I should be able to spend them on whomever I want, or let them spend those dollars however they want.
Why should someone else take that decision from me? The decision of what I want to happen to my wealth? An interaction between myself and another non-corporate entity on planet earth. I paid my dues on it, that would be permissible in the land of the free.
Look at it this way. I could see fattrad criticizing how they aren't free in Iran and how the government intervenes in interpersonal interactions and saying how America is better because they are the land of the free etc.
But it's not true. And you think that is somehow justified?
If you think that the government should step in at that point, where do you think the line should be drawn?
Or are you thinking about it from the government's perspective, take as much as possible? Or from a socialist's perspective, take from them, give to us?
What justification is there? If it is a loophole problem, address that without infringing on personal liberties.
What is YOU beef again?
Rok, the 6 rentals. Mabye the dad did other things to the son as well. But where do you draw the line of interfering with your fellow American's personal liberties? Isn't that none of your business?
oh, I didn't say no income taxes. The reality of it is that Even without a death tax you get taxed on the gifted money these past couple years.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:30pm PT
Tooth, Do you see any problem with the disparity between the wealthiest and the middle class, or the poor?
Q- Ball
Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:37pm PT
I'm confused. How much do you pay the government a year? I obviously don't pay anything compared to you in taxes or charity because I believe in paying the people. Then uncle sam slams me for several 100,000 legal. Aint't I an as#@&%e! Make sure to give the government their fair share!
Trad climber
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:37pm PT
I see a problem with the system that allows that to happen.
Do you see how it will continue to happen unless the system is changed? Taxing people is already part of the system.
I see how global warming could be a problem. But my solution isn't making ice cubes and piling them up in the arctic. It is removing the cause of the warming.
Taking money from rich people is like shipping ice cubes up north.
If they got rich from lobbyist getting no-bid contracts from their buddy in the WH and then not following through with production, do you think that may be a problem? It is taking money from the poor without providing a service (bombing Iraqi's) for them.
Taking the money from the rich and giving it back to the government isn't going to fix a thing. It will corrupt the government and cause more things to happen which caused the problem in the first place.
How do you not see that?
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:42pm PT
Tooth, right now there are studies that say that 500 families own 50 percent of the worlds wealth. As you point out, they probably got at least some of that wealth by controlling the political system which created the economic situation. So how do you solve that problem once you have created a landed gentry? If you don't tax estates.
Q- Ball
Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Oct 16, 2011 - 11:43pm PT
why will taking money from Americans make you happy? I've never asked for any. I am very happy!!!!
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