What is "Mind?"


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Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Oct 31, 2015 - 04:20pm PT

(1) A "UV frequency corresponding to blue" or an EM frequency corresponding to blue? Accuracy matters. Right?

I meant to say EM in that line. Thanks for the correct.

Oct 31, 2015 - 05:14pm PT
Actually this discussion of "blue" may be useful. Why don't you guys finally come up with a specification for

High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Oct 31, 2015 - 05:35pm PT
Actually this discussion of "blue" may be useful.

Hey this discussion of "blue" is indeed useful...

(e.g., insofar as you care about peer or poster or public understanding of science)

as it clearly points to the fact that while some get blue from an optics or physics standpoint (in re to em color spectrum and wavelength), they don't get it from a neuro/psych standpoint (in re to perception of blue as a mental construct).

BASE, a case in point.

(Sorry, jstan, since I know you're a fan of his writing; but when you see such glaring misinfo you have to call it, great writing or not.)

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Oct 31, 2015 - 06:29pm PT
Why don't you guys finally come up with a specification for "puce"?

Oh man.

For preparation I paid for and read Mark Crimmins' paper Having Ideas and Having the Concept, in Mind and Language, volume 4 issue 4 published online in May 2007.

If I understand correctly we would need to start with an object with the property "puce" and I can't think of one.

No matter. Even a blind person can have beliefs about a color.

But I may suffer from a failure of linguistic propagation as I don't remember either my mother or my father ever using the word "puce."

From Mark's paper (though not exactly)

When a child learns the use of the word ‘puce’ in the usual way, the facts about the teaching situations determine not only that the child forms an idea of puce, but also that the idea is involved in the requisite normal beliefs about puce, and that the idea is connected to the normal ways of recognizing puce. This phenomenon, of the linguistic propagation of normal ideas, makes it a good bet that any speaker of our language has a normal idea of any property that is expressed by a common word or phrase. This is a simple point, but one that is of great importance for understanding the intricate relations among ideas, concepts and words.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Oct 31, 2015 - 07:39pm PT
Puce may be a dangerous idea for the rational mind to work on.

And putting on his stiff collar and rebellious tie he spoke to them, chiding them, and to his dangling watchchain. His hands plunged and rummaged in his trunk while he called for a clean handkerchief. God, we'll simply have to dress the character. I want puce gloves and green boots. Contradiction. Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself.

James Joyce
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Oct 31, 2015 - 07:58pm PT
what is this?

High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Oct 31, 2015 - 08:16pm PT
A painting?

A photo image of the Sun and horizon from Mars rendered in... blue?


Hahaha, I couldn't wait. I googled it.

A mars sunset!!
Taken from Curiosity.

What do I win, lol!
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Oct 31, 2015 - 08:21pm PT
nothing yet...

why is the Martian sunset blue?
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Oct 31, 2015 - 08:26pm PT
I'll go with Mark Lemmon's answer, it seems reasonable...

"The hue can be directly attributed to the aforementioned dust storms. "When the blue light scatters off the dust, it stays closer to the direction of the sun than light of other colors does," said Curiosity member Mark Lemmon in a statement. "The rest of the sky is yellow to orange, as yellow and red light scatter all over the sky instead of being absorbed or staying close to the sun."


I hope you got a chance to see The Martian and I hope you liked it.
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Oct 31, 2015 - 08:34pm PT
why is the sky blue?

this is not a zen koan... unless you want it to be...

Counterfactual definiteness

High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Oct 31, 2015 - 08:36pm PT
Explain or elaborate please.


In the movie, the "dust" storm was arguably a bit too dramatic.

Seeing the sunset above, I wonder if anyone's gotten around to determining the next earth transit (cf: venus transit) date?

Ha, I guess so...

"No one has ever seen a transit of Earth from Mars, but the next transit will take place on November 10, 2084. The last such transit took place on May 11, 1984." -wiki

Best of all...

"The simultaneous occurrence of a transit of Venus and a transit of Earth is extremely rare, and will next occur in the year 571,471."

That's math for ya!!!

Oct 31, 2015 - 08:42pm PT
Blue is the color of God.

The modern scientist need data and math.

But the heart needs neither and can understand far more and greater than data, math and science ......

Oct 31, 2015 - 08:43pm PT
Looks puce to me.

Sorry, jstan

There you go again.
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Oct 31, 2015 - 09:55pm PT

Puce is the French word for flea. The color is said to be the color of the bloodstains remaining
on linen or bedsheets, even after being laundered, from a flea's droppings or after a flea has been crushed.



Oct 31, 2015 - 10:05pm PT
It's OK Ed. I am trolling.
paul roehl

Boulder climber
Nov 1, 2015 - 12:13am PT
The human experience of Blue is not a wave length but a manifestation of that wave length as an experience. Likewise the word Cat isn't in anyway related to the animal human consensus in the english language designates as the feline animal accepted as cat. As human beings we remain apart from what our sensory apparatus indicates as reality and so we attempt to find that reality through the diaphanous curtain of reason and through measurement and a realized consensus regarding that measurement and this we agree is reality. Perhaps it's just too easy for human beings to be certain.

The Utility Muffin Research Kitchen
Nov 1, 2015 - 05:13am PT
Or maybe just too practical.

Nov 1, 2015 - 05:44am PT
I think we all need to stand up and applaud Paul and cintune. They have just had a successful communication.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Nov 1, 2015 - 06:15am PT
Hear! Hear!
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Nov 1, 2015 - 11:26am PT
Episode #3 of The Brain now uploaded at PBS.


Another supercalifragilistic thought-provoking clip...

[Click to View YouTube Video]


You wonder if the Y chromosome is... blue.
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