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Jon Beck
Trad climber
Apr 13, 2018 - 07:22pm PT
I was disappointed that Trump called this necessary for national security. That is BS, he is playing to his base again. Why can't he call it the moral thing to do.
Mountain climber
Apr 13, 2018 - 07:30pm PT
I guess this means Putin will finally be releasing that hotel hooker video you all have been claiming he has??
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 13, 2018 - 07:32pm PT
Why can't he call it the moral thing to do.
Because Trump's voter base and the GOP are immoral.
Unless they have a tangible vested interest in something, they aren't interested. In fact, if they don't personally benefit, they automatically oppose it. Their Ayn Rand brainwashing prevents them from understanding empathy and assistance for others.
Here's how Floppy Don caught the attention of his stupified campaign crowd when talking about the Middle East:
I am going to go in there, and I am going to take the oil.
At no time did Mr. Floppin' Hydraulics say that he would use his Art Of The Deal to bring peaceful coexistence to the region.
Putin's puto is in the doghouse. Trump is damaged goods. His lawyer is all over the TV, looking forlorn and despondent. The investigation is right at the White House front steps. Floppy Don has failed to properly contain the Mueller investigation, FSB-style, and Putin is cutting him loose, to tilt in the wind. Putin's final act isn't going to be getting sucked into the toila-swirl vortex that's taking Trump down.
Putin is having his spokesmen ridicule Trump's "Twitter Diplomacy", and the Russian ambassador is calling Trump "Hitler Number Two".
Trump and Putin's transactional bromance is over. Floppy Don has failed to keep his end of the bargain. Hell hath no fury like a dictator scorned.
Putin might hack into HBO, to broadcast Messy Moscow MILFs during prime time.
America is not taking Putin's aggression lying down.
Heinz has announced that from now on, Russian salad dressing will be sold in a bottle labeled Mayochup.
Try some on your Freedom Fries the next time you're in 2003.
Mountain climber
Apr 13, 2018 - 07:42pm PT
Because Trump's voter base and the GOP are immoral.
No doubt Obama(D) and his SOS(D) left a lasting impression on the people of Syria.
That said, this attack seems like a bad idea based on limited intel. Hopefully it doesn't turn out as badly as Clinton's Belgrade subway debacle.
JC Marin
Trad climber
Apr 13, 2018 - 08:19pm PT
Ice climber
Apr 13, 2018 - 08:37pm PT
A limited (one day?)
missile attack on Russian chemwar (DOD lingo) facilities?
These heathens must be put in their place and hopefully the peepee (trump lingo) tape will come out in the acid wash
"This renders it beyond any possible doubt that the source of the nerve agent, named as a member of the Novichok family by the United Kingdom, is Russia.”
Trad climber
Ontario, Canada
Apr 13, 2018 - 08:42pm PT
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 13, 2018 - 09:18pm PT
I just noticed the date on the Tweet.
At first, I thought you had created a sarcastic message about Trump's lack of self-awareness and impulse control.
But, Trump is auto-sarcastic. He doesn't need any help in that department.
Social climber
Lida Junction
Apr 13, 2018 - 09:28pm PT
So you geniuses think Macron, May, and Merkel are out to lunch for signing onto this? Merkel didn't sign onto it.
Apr 13, 2018 - 09:54pm PT
So you geniuses think Macron, May, and Merkel are out to lunch for signing onto this?
wouldn't say it takes a genius to be aware that just because the leadership of the u.s., u.k. and france agree on something doesn't necessarily mean that it is either based on truthful information or grounded in the best long term strategy for increased security in the "west"... rather it just takes someone who has paid attention to the long term results and truthfulness, to points in the last twenty years, when western "agreement" did occur... and was subsequently shown through time to be at minimum inept and in at least a few cases horrifyingly "evil".
Y’all think Billy Clinton was remiss for socking it to the Serbs?
can't speak for "y'all"... but along the same lines: to think simplistically that billy was driven only by humanitarian intents and that regional strategic interests or even domestic distraction motivations didn't/couldn't play at least a partial role, is to miss the trajectory of the post world war two u.s. leadership's track record for being interested in humanitarian policing.
because yeah, i'm sure it's all just a coincidence that when there are significant atrocities happening in "out of the way" places [ex: rwanda], or in "strong" nations [a more historical ex: the chinese treatment of the tibetans] that nothing happens, but when it's in a historically strategic location within eurasia and involves "weak" nations, that action is/was taken. /s
Y’all got Neville Chamberlain posters in yer sh!tters, too?
had to look up who that was... so no. but thanks for the impetus for a short history lesson.
Ya think the Holocaust was faked?
hahaha... now we're getting to the highest quality of analysis... so in this line of analogous thinking who is the new hitler: assad? putin? trump? macron maybe?
those in the citizenry led down the garden path to war are able to go willingly [much of the time] because they assume the world is simple and so either their guy or the other guy is telling the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help their god(s).
but here's the stress test: when leadership isn't willing to send their own sons and daughters to the front, but is rather sending the hillbillies, the immigrants, and other folks looking for purpose/education/a basic living... then one should at minimum keep an open mind as to what the true and likely multiples of actual motivations there are behind the leadership's drive for war... regardless of the simplistic narratives that the "free press" obediently rams down everyone's throats.
and so far, from that perspective i have zero expectation that any close relative of trumperino, or may, or even the "hitler-like" [ha!] macron, will be dropped into syria anytime soon.
no, not even trump's favorite elephant hunters.
but i get it: tomahawk missiles certainly are sexually arousing to many.
[and one correction to the description under JC Marin's dumpster fire photo... it should have read something along the lines of "the u.s. foreign policy under both the democrat and republican leaderships for at least the last twenty years"]
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Apr 13, 2018 - 10:14pm PT
If there are not some Russian & American "over-reactions" to this political exercise, which would unfortunately start WWIII,
Life will go on & Assad will still rule Syria, Putin will be his backer.
Hey! Trump announced last week that we were pulling our troops out of Syria, without bothering to tell his Pentagon folks about it.
And of course tonight, while Trump announced an ongoing campaign against Syria, the General at the head of our armed forces said it was a "one-time" response.
How can we not win?
Ice climber
Apr 13, 2018 - 10:32pm PT
Gassing people is against the rules
Hence the "gas_mask"
I don't have any answers, but I wonder why one method is more abhorrent than others
Gassing people is against the rules
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 13, 2018 - 11:33pm PT
President Trump’s advisers have concluded that a wide-ranging corruption investigation into his personal lawyer poses a greater and more imminent threat to the president than even the special counsel’s investigation
Over the course of a decade, these two guys accumulated a trove of evidence of their criminal activity together. Then, they thought it would be a good idea if one of them became the most scrutinized person on the planet. In the course of achieving that goal, they engaged in numerous other high crimes and misdemeanors, and are now facing two separate Federal investigations.
"This is a legal genius"
Avenatti, ridiculing Cohen
(Trump) continued to struggle to hire a new criminal lawyer, and some of his own aides were reluctant to advise him about a response for fear of being dragged into a criminal investigation themselves.
If Trump's "Ray Donovan" master fixer can't get the job done, what hope does anybody else have?
Mr. Cohen and Mr. Trump, through their lawyers, argued in federal court on Friday that many of the seized records were protected by attorney-client privilege. Mr. Cohen argued that he or an independent lawyer should be allowed to review the documents first (before anyone at the DOJ could see them).
That sounds like a convenient defense strategy in an alternative universe:
Yawner, we believe that the defendant has every right to privately examine all the evidence against him, and to be able to conceal whatever he wants from the prosecutor.
"This is a legal genius"
Avenatti, ridiculing Cohen
On Friday, Mr. Trump’s spirits were frayed in the morning as his lawyer battled in the Manhattan courtroom. But he grew cheerier as the day went on,
There's nothing like a good missile strike to redirect your seething rage away from the injustice of a world where the law prevails.
Trump is now facing almost unbelievable legal peril. His enemies could not have ever maneuvered him into a situation like the one he has gotten himself into. Before, he was only on the hook for whatever he'd done during the election. Now, he's looking at this untenable situation:
1) Trump believed Cohen, as his lawyer, would be able to keep all their communication secret, under attorney-client privilege. Trump may have entrusted all his dirty secrets to Cohen, because he thought he was legally untouchable.
2) Trump may have discussed very incriminating subjects with Cohen, with the perception that they would always remain secret. It is possible that all criminal activity Trump engaged in was discussed with Cohen, as opposed to being spread out among his other lawyers.
3) Trump relied on Cohen to be his "Ray Donovan" fixer, a dirty trickster often operating outside of the law. A great number of crimes could have been committed during the decade that Cohen served Trump this way. Additionally, Trump may have turned over prior incriminating records to Cohen, believing him to be a safe repository for them. Cohen's own statement is that there are "Thousands, if not millions" of pages.
4) If Trump and Cohen discussed committing crimes together, those discussions would not be protected by attorney-client privilege, and would be available to prosecutors. Any records of criminal activity by Cohen would similarly be available to prosecutors.
5) On Friday, the US Attorney's Office declared in court that they believe that Cohen only had one client, Trump, and that he didn't engage in much legal work, at all, for that client. They argued that the vast majority of the records are not protected by attorney-client privilege.
6) A judge may agree with the US Attorneys, and rule that the majority of Cohen's records are not protected, and that prosecutors may access and exploit them.
7) All of Trump's dirty deeds, for decades, may be fair game for Federal and State prosecutors to pursue, at will.
8) Trump could suddenly find himself legally exposed for everything he's ever done, because his supposedly untouchable attorney was not acting like an attorney at all.
So far, it hasn't been reported if any of Trump's family members were similarly served by Cohen, but he has stated that his role was to protect Trump and his family.
Mueller has evidence that Cohen traveled to Prague in late summer, 2016, in accordance with what the Steele "Pee Tape" Dossier reported. Cohen consistently and aggressively denied that he'd ever been in Prague. The FBI raided his home, hotel and office because he had demonstrated a propensity for deception, and couldn't be trusted to not destroy evidence if subpoenaed.
The Steele Dossier reported that Cohen met in Prague with Russians connected to the Kremlin to discuss Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Trad climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 04:54am PT
So you geniuses think Macron, May, and Merkel are out to lunch for signing onto this?
Did I post that?
No, I didn't.
But if anyone thinks "this" is going to stop what is happening in Syria, they will be surprised(cough, cough, Donal Trump, cough, cough).
Cold War 2.0 just got some gasoline thrown on the physical battlefield. Anyone who still says we're not in WWIII is out to lunch, IMO.
I don't know much about the workings of world powers, but it seems they tend to like to use what they consider "disposable countries" as their skirmish fields.
Maybe the Asaad chemical attack was a false flag, to get US to act, to.... Or maybe Asaad is just that kind of a pig. In either case, Russia has outright said they back Asaad. That's not disinformation; that's speaking plainly for the stupid Americans who don't understand the subtle ironies and sarcasm of Checkist speak.
Mountain climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 05:52am PT
[Jim Brennan | zBrown]:
Gassing people is against the rules It's nice to be young and naïve and blindly trust government propaganda.
I apologise for my age, but I do not believe that hundreds of people were "gassed by Assad" last month.
When hundred of people were killed in Kiev, Ukraine in February 2014 their names and addresses were published within a few days.
As a result nobody questioned whether these people were really killed.
At the same time I have not seen a list of people that were recently killed in Syria. As a result I believe that this killing is a #fakenews.
Mountain climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 06:26am PT
That said, this attack seems like a bad idea ... What do you mean by bad idea?
Saudis and Israelis would strongly disagree with you.
Not all Americans are pleased with attack on Syria, but this is not important.
What’s important is that both Saudi and Israeli governments are pleased.
Assad represents Alawite/Shia minority. Saudis (Sunni) provide money to Syrian Sunni to fuel this sectarian war. About 10% of Syrian population are Christians and they strongly support Assad because (as compared to other Middle Eastern countries) Assad built a secular and inclusive country and because they are afraid that (similar to what happened in Iraq) Sunni would supress other minorities after taking power.
It’s not the first time Americans attack Christians abroad on Sunni behalf. Similarly, Bill Clinton bombed Serbia into submission and created independent Kosovo.
Is this a coincidence that Saudis transferred millions of dollars to Clintons’ "charities"?
P.S. Many people die in Yemen because of Saudi’s blockade and many people are killed by Saudi’s bombs. However this is apparently OK with US government. At least I have not heard anything about US government plans to bomb Saudi Arabia.
Ice climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 07:02am PT
Gassing people ...
is a quote from Jim Brennan, I quoted Jim in my post, but don't bother to read any of the rest
So it was all Trumped up, eH?
not seen a list of people that were recently killed in Syria. As a result I believe that this killing is a #fakenews.
When hundred of people were killed in Kiev, Ukraine in February 2014 their names and addresses were published within a few days.
As a result nobody questioned whether these people were really killed.
So you apparently believe anything that was printed by the right organization, eh?
Mountain climber
Apr 14, 2018 - 07:26am PT
I quoted Jim in my post ... zBrown, when quoting other people it makes sense to add quotation signs or to use "Insert quote formatting tags" Supertopo function. Without such quotation signs I assumed that these were your own thoughts.
So you apparently believe anything that was printed by the right organization, eh?
zBrown, I apologize for my poor communication skills.
I shared this list of people who were killed in Kiev, as an example of factual reporting that was accepted by people on both sides in MSM and social media.
On the other side reports of "people gassed by Assad" do not have the same level of details/truthiness and do not seem credible to me.
It's not about who published these news, but about the level of details that allows independent verification.
The Wastelands
Apr 14, 2018 - 07:32am PT
deaths from the battle for Fallujah were not reported with any detail for over two weeks
therefore I simply must assume there was no battle
The Wastelands
Apr 14, 2018 - 07:35am PT
sorry can't resist one more thing
the moronic right wing obsession with any and all things Bill or Hillary Clinton rages on
you don't know your ass from second base about foundations or the Saudis or fundraising
what you do know is how to google image search the internet for a Hillary picture
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