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Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 15, 2018 - 03:18pm PT
Brett Kavanaugh's clerk, Zina Bash, has been accused of flashing a "White-Power" hand sign on TV during Kavanaugh's Senate confirmation proceedings.

Here's Zina, as seen on TV:

Zina appears to be signalling "OK", in a manner familiar to most people. Scuba divers, for example, have codified that "OK" hand sign into their official communication protocols.

A Coast Guard rescuer in North Carolina was seen on TV, also showing the "OK" hand sign. He has also been accused of flashing a "White Power" hand sign.

It is very easy to differentiate the "OK" hand sign from a different hand sign that means "White Power".


Fingers are pointed up, and the represented letter "O" indicates "OK".

White Power

Fingers are pointed down, and the represented letter "P" indicates "White Power".


A hand sign that may be confused as meaning "OK" is the hand sign for "Zero". The numeral "0" is easily confused for the letter "O".

Another potential source of confusion with hand signs is that the "OK" hand sign can be mistaken for the letter "b", meaning words beginning with that letter, such as "Be Best", or "Black Power".


Ice climber
Sep 15, 2018 - 03:27pm PT
~Erase her ass from the damn curriculum, would ya.

A quote that all the pB's will love.

The State Board of Education in Texas voted on Friday to eliminate several historical figures, including Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller, from the state’s social studies curriculum.


Sep 15, 2018 - 03:38pm PT
Damn, and all this time I thought when someone made the ‘p’ sign it was for Pirus and ’b’ for Bloods...



The Wastelands
Sep 15, 2018 - 03:43pm PT
Ohio’s Richest Republican Backer Leslie Wexner Quits Party After Visit From President Obama

Leslie H. Wexner, the fashion retail tycoon whose net worth is estimated by Forbes to be $5.9 billion, recently told a small audience in Columbus that he has decided to quit the party he has called home for decades after Obama’s visit.

“I just decided I’m no longer a Republican,” Wexner, the CEO of L Brands said at the event, according to the Columbus Dispatch. “I’m an independent,” he continued. “I won’t support this nonsense in the Republican Party. I’ve been a Republican since college, joined the Young Republican Club at Ohio State.”

“I was struck by the genuineness of the man; his candor, humility and empathy for others,” Wexner said of Obama, according to the Dispatch. In addition to hearing the former president speak, Wexner’s shift in political attitude also seems attributed to President Trump. The CEO recalled a moment last year when he told employees that he felt “dirty” and “ashamed” when Trump equivocated about white nationalist violence at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last year.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 15, 2018 - 03:47pm PT
The poisonous Red Tide that has ravaged Florida, and the rest of the nation, is dissipating. Things will be returning to normal in the new year.

EC's helpful diagram, above, of Nazi hate symbols is lacking one of the most important for people to be aware of. It is diabolically well-hidden from normal people, but clear as a bell to those who understand it.

A piano, or a picture of a piano, or a sound emanating from a piano, is a secret neo-Nazi hate signal.

A piano has 88 keys. "88" means "8-8", which means "H-H", which means "Heil Hitler".

Similarly, a six-string guitar, if used to play a three-chord song, represents "666", which is the Number of the Beast.

And, Jimmy Page's double-neck Gibson EDS1275 has twelve and six strings, for a total of 18, which is the same as 6+6+6, or "666". The sole purpose of Jimmy Page's EDS1275 was to summon the devil.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Sep 15, 2018 - 04:43pm PT
We are up to 2006 wages,must be propaganda.

Ice climber
Sep 15, 2018 - 05:20pm PT
Trump doesn't deserve to just resign or go to jail

He just needs to finally visit Viet Nam, if his feet will get him there


The Wastelands
Sep 15, 2018 - 05:32pm PT
The sole purpose of Jimmy Page's EDS1275 was to summon the devil.

and also to create and play the most popular rock and roll song of all time, Stairway to Heaven

The Wastelands
Sep 15, 2018 - 05:35pm PT
I am disabled, walk like Quasimodo with two canes

come on over here "President Trump" and mock me

Trad climber
Sep 15, 2018 - 07:09pm PT
Grey Lady shows her stripes, again.

Nikki Haley’s View of New York Is Priceless. Her Curtains? $52,701.

F*#king d#@&%ebags!

Trad climber
Sep 15, 2018 - 07:12pm PT

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,

Sep 15, 2018 - 04:43pm PT
We are up to 2006 wages,must be propaganda.

That seems to be your forte.

Social climber
my abode
Sep 15, 2018 - 07:35pm PT

Social climber
my abode
Sep 15, 2018 - 07:51pm PT

Social climber
my abode
Sep 15, 2018 - 07:55pm PT
you can have him as well...

Afraid not. He's all yours. Rape victims, molestation victims and diddling the interns....


The Wastelands
Sep 15, 2018 - 08:06pm PT

But two can play that game

in this instance it is President Trump who gives the "correct" White Power salute


The Wastelands
Sep 15, 2018 - 08:10pm PT
SO Presidential

Weak ass deflection bringing up 20 year old Bill Clinton stuff, he is not President now

This particular as#@&%e accused by 18 different women of sexual assault IS the President

and you voted for him, you of such high moral standards, False Equivalence too complicated?


Social climber
my abode
Sep 15, 2018 - 09:11pm PT

Ice climber
Sep 16, 2018 - 07:17am PT
Lets see if this one gets as much play among the players as the Iowa killing of Molly Tibbetts.

HOUSTON (AP) — Texas authorities charged a U.S. Border Patrol supervisor with murder following what they described as the serial killing of four female sex workers and a possible attempt on the life of a fifth woman who escaped at a gas station and found help.

Juan David Ortiz, 35, an intel supervisor for the Border Patrol, was charged with four counts of murder and aggravated assault and unlawful restraint, Webb County District Attorney Isidro Alaniz said in a tweet.

Ortiz was arrested after the fifth woman managed to flee. State troopers found Ortiz hiding in a truck in a hotel parking lot in Laredo at around 2 a.m. Saturday. The border city about 145 miles (235 kilometers) southwest of San Antonio.

"We do consider this to be a serial killer," Alaniz said.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 16, 2018 - 07:24am PT
Trump created ICES!

When will WEAK Jeff Sessions and CORRUPT FBI/DOJ finally DROP Russia and LEAVE Laredo and investigate REAL criminal Hillary and collision with DEMOCRAT SERVER????????

The sole purpose of Jimmy Page's EDS1275 was to summon the devil.

and also to create and play the most popular rock and roll song of all time, Stairway to Heaven

What part of "summoning the devil" don't you understand? Jimmy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart said that Jimmy Page was working for the devil.

They said that if you played Stairway to Heaven backwards, you could hear the devil talk.

Rational, intelligent people (who are not hypocritical religious charlatan con men) said this:


The Granite State.
Sep 16, 2018 - 08:41am PT
Good god, Jody, was that a self deprecating joke?
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