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Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
In that story I linked, the rancher talks about young people being assigned to oversee things, people with no ranching experience, and how difficult it can be to deal with them.
I've dealt with a lot of such youngsters, and it seems to me the actual operative thing is that they don't have ranching experience, so they go by the rules, instead of the "go along to get along" attitude of older guys who have lived in the community.
Ranchers often DONT take care of the land in a sustainable way.
Up on the Golden Trout Wilderness, where I sometimes do volunteer work, Monache Meadow, the largest meadow in the Sierra, has basically been destroyed by the cattle. What was once verdant fields of hip-tall native grasses, has been replaced by sagebrush, mainly by cattle damage. It's enough to make you cry.
What is particularly irksome, is that this is the home of the Golden Trout, whose habitat is gradually being destroyed by the cattle, grazing the streambanks and eroding and silting out the breeding gravel. Cattle can be raised anywhere, but this place is our heritage.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
The Armed Oregon Ranchers Who Want Free Land Are Already Getting A 93 Percent Discount
From 538
Mountain climber
the ANTI-fresno
" Every square millimeter of land in the Americas not presently owned by native tribes was taken by the Federal government or white, or Mormon, and a very few black, settlers. With only very small exceptions it was not purchased from the original inhabitants. We are all "freeloading" off the aboriginal peoples."
Who was the original inhabitant? The "firsts nations" immigrated here too.
Then they stole land from each other for millennia. Then they lost to someone else...
That's how the cookie crumbles.
Trad climber
Portland Oregon
That's how the cookie crumbles.
So.... Bundy should sweep up his crumbs and go home, eh?
Trad climber
DMT - Just wanted to let you know that when I read your posts, I often hear them being said in either the voice of the good sheriff, Andy Taylor or else Jed Clampett. I mean that in a good way. Both those characters were great.
Social climber
An Oil Field
That doesn't look like much of an LEO presence. One sat truck with a sticker on it. Looked like Homeland Security, but I couldn't tell.
The feds have time on their sides. The armed militia members only have bullets to eat. They will get hungry, head into town, and hopefully get picked up one by one.
However, I doubt if even that is happening.
I bet Putin and spetsnaz would have cleared this up days ago.
That doesn't look like much of an LEO presence.
Drones don't need boots on the ground. Have ever seen what a hellfire missile can do?
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Now its escalating
Even the Bundyites don't want them.
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Thanks, Lollie.
Nice to know how the world feels about things. . .
Trad climber
That cat picture is freaky.
I have read that sometimes babies were started at twins, but early along one of the fetus' "absorbs" the other. I would guess that is what this is a case of.
DMT - I loved both of them too. Read somewhere recently that originally Jed was going to be portrayed as a stereotypical dumb hillbilly, and Buddy Epson refuse to take the part unless they made him be a man who was actually damned savvy(which Jed was). But I guess Max Baer didn't have such scruples.
edit: Just looked at his wkipedia page and he was originally to play the Tin Man on "The Wizard of Oz," but developed aluminum toxicity from the makeup and had to drop out.
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Social climber
I'm Lolli.
I've been reading quite a few articles now, on the background of these people. I must admit I don't understand. They've been doing a lot of criminal acts and no authority seems to do anything about it.
There's got to be something which isn't told, a fact which explains why the feds simply doesn't demand payment, reclaim federal land, throw them into jail. They even attacked law enforcement people and kicked a police dog. It really doesn't make any sense. Is it corruption?
They've been doing a lot of criminal acts and no authority seems to do anything about it.
They learned from their own country.
The US has been doing a lot of criminal acts all over the planet and no authority seems to do anything about it.
This thread is full of nothing but hypocrites .....
Trad climber
Uhhh, Werner. You've been posting in the thread yourself, ya know.
Sport climber
Shetville , North of Los Angeles
The Feds are waiting for Hillary to be coronated then they will peacefully take the guns away from the militia members...In the mean time the militia is surviving off Jack in the box drive thru...
Social climber
I'm Lolli.
Honestly, it does sound as these people rather belonged in some mental compound.
Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jan 9, 2016 - 05:47pm PT
Uhhh, Werner. You've been posting in the thread yourself, ya know.
Go easy on him. He's probably one of the transient residents during his migrations.
He doesn't like it if you point out he was smoking during a fire ban.
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