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Trad climber
JackAssVille, Wyoming
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:13am PT
This movement or protest reminds me of the freaks that fallowed the Grateful Dead around. AHHH what are you doing Man! AHHH, I’m on tour DUDE!! Selling my home made Bongs, screwing Girls with hairy legs and arm pits and wishing it was 1967.
Get a Clue! People and companies making money is not the problem.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:17am PT
I'm probably going to regret posting this.
I disagree about the money. It has corrupted our politicians, and it could be using the peoples frustration for its own ends. It is power elite against power elite, each trying to outdo the other simply for the sake of trying to be the big dog.
Callie, I think what Blue is referring to is that he thinks groups like moveon are funded by people like Soros, and these groups then help create the frustration. In some ways I think he has a legitimate beef. Just as the frustration of some over government abuse has been guided and created by groups like fox news, which has led to deregulation of things that shouldn't have been deregulated, instead of truly trying to understand how government has gotten out of balance.
There is government abuse. There is waste. Unions are out of balance, and at the same time, the gap between the wealthy and the rich has grown. Corporations have become too powerful and our politicians are beholden to special interest. They don't have the peoples best interest at heart.
There are just too many sheep and they are being led by evil f*#ks who just don't give a damn about them. This is happening on both sides of the equation. So I do think that the money is a concern.
It is a concern on both sides of the equation.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:32am PT
Occupy Wall Street, downtown Vancouver (Georgia & Hornby, outside the art gallery), 09:00, Saturday October 15th, 2011.
Lots of cops standing around drinking coffee. The participants, per LEB's orders, were at Starbucks sending tweets to each other.
Apparently about 4,000 people attended "Occupy Vancouver", and later they erected about 20 tents on the lawn. (The art gallery is the recognized public gathering/protest/free speech site in Vancouver - the hockey riot was mostly elsewhere.) They were planning to stay for awhile and not take baths, because they know that bluering will be annoyed. It sounds like they all had a good time, and no one got hurt injured, though no doubt some Saturday afternoon shoppers were entertained or annoyed.
Trad climber
JackAssVille, Wyoming
Oct 16, 2011 - 04:04am PT
What’s the Camp4 thing?
Camp 4 is where the sun comes up first in the valley, has the only real boulders and is stumbling distance from the bar. Nothing more! It’s not a political statement or some kind of click (what the f*#k) Man has sh#t got off track.
Archie Richardson
Trad climber
Grand Junction, CO
Oct 16, 2011 - 07:45am PT
The productive people can carry just so many non-productive persons within any given society.
Quite true, but can we say that trading commodities derivatives is productive? All it produces is higher prices for commodities (such as food)and million dollar bonuses for the traders.
I suppose the bonuses support some segments of the global economy (Ferrari, Gulfstream jets, Yacht manufacturers, etc).
And there are still 6 and 7 figure floor traders on the NYSE that do work easily done by computers. Are they productive?
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Oct 16, 2011 - 10:54am PT
Money can matter for sure.
But here is what we know. Soros gives money to Tides. Tides gives money via grants to a SH#T LOAD of places every year. The list, in smallish font is 42 pages long and has a lot of variation though each recipient is supposed to be engaged in 'positive social change' (vague). Tides gave money to Adbusters (has every year for ten years of so) in the 10k-ish range annually.
Did Soros fund OWS? Well, if one wants to say that some of Soros' money went to Tides, to Adbusters, to OWS, then they can believe that. It also means that Soros--> Tides --> B-cycle Boulder. And Soros--> Tides --> AARP. And Soros--> Tides --> Board of Regents University of Nebraska. And Soros--> Tides --> Battered Women Support Services. And Soros--> Tides --> Wounded Warriors Project (100k). Etc.
Each are equally plausible if any are(and that is only a few of the 42 pages of grantees in one year alone).
But in the end, I said that Soros' connection did matter to me because it had nothing to do with the question I asked over and over.
I'm sad that now, according to this thread, the University of Nebraska and Wounded Warriors have been revealed as the commie organizations they are. :)
Trad climber
Bay Area
Oct 16, 2011 - 12:40pm PT
And now for something completely different.
Question of the day: Which politician comes immediately to mind when you get to minute 5?
The final "scene" is prescient.
From the age of the cars, I'm guessing this was made about 1970
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:04pm PT
For example, he wants to build an electrical fence the length of the border that kills folks who touch it? :/ Sort of expensive, unrealistic, and crazy talk. The whole touch-and-die...not my style. We are smarter than that. We can stop the open border if we really wanted to. Not convinced we really want to as we benefit from the presence of undocumented here. Politicians just like saying stuff like that so people vote for them. It's been that way a long time, and will continue to bet that way for a long time I think.
I've never heard Cain say that. But I do know I like him a lot more than the guy we have in the White House.
Let me ask you Callie, who's your candidate in the next election? Who do you like?
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:06pm PT
Here you go:
Trad climber
Bay Area
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:11pm PT
I've never heard Cain say that He's actually said it quite a lot.
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:15pm PT
Bluering - Cain's discussed his border death fence before and recently repeated it (yesterday or the day before...I'm non-stop working (and goofing off on the taco for breaks) so the days are running together). Here is the first hit on a google of "cain electrical border fence" (477,000 hits) if you want to read a wee bit about it: http://www.care2.com/causes/morning-mix-cain-electric-fences-and-the-impossible-dream.html.
As far as who I like right now. Meh. I think who I think is better and who is electable are two very different things - that is the reality of politics in the US.
On the R side, I think Romney is the best of those offered. But electable? Don't know. They aren't coming up with compelling candidates in general IMO. On the D side, no real choice so can't discuss them.
As is sadly the case, it's easier to point out the people I see as actual certifiable nutjobs. Perry - nutjob with a record to demonstrate his nut-job-ness. He's also been pushing some uber cuckoo ideas too (e.g., changes to higher ed in TX). Cain - nutjob in his ideas (maybe he'd be fine, but I have yet to see a policy presented that has any body to it. So far they've been sound bytes to get the needed attention from voters. Bachman - googly eyed nutjob and scary to boot. Probably don't even need to discuss her. Paul - poor guy. The electoral system will never see him elected though he has presented some ideas that are interesting (and others that are not). Meh.
I remember in a past election thinking the D's wanted to give away the election based on the terrible candidates they were putting forward. I think that applies this year for the R's unfortunately.
edit: Happy to help with the few tech skills I have. Here's how I did it. Go to the image, right click. Click on "save image location." Come back to the taco, right click in the message box. Paste. Then on the left side of that code that you just pasted, type (without the period at the end) [img].
Then on the right side type (without the period at the end) [/img].
Voila, any image should then show.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:18pm PT
The more I think about it, the more I like the fence. Wall would be better.
So now Soros is some benevolent saint??? Are you guys f*#king kidding me??? Herman Cain is a bloodthirsty immigrant killer and Soros is a charitable man.
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:24pm PT
There is actually already quite a bit of a fence on the border. It is 15' high (if I recall right) and it's helped the border patrol quite a bit. BTW, the border patrol has real guns and real bullets already. There is also a lot of technology being used to deal with people crossing. While they don't get everyone, they are really capturing many trying to cross.
And they are hiring! It's decent pay, but it's hard physical work involving physical interactions quite a bit of them time (depending on location stationed). I think several things get in the way of hiring as many people as they need. First, one must be 21. Cannot be older than 39. US Citizen. Driver's license needed. Must pass physical fitness tests. Must pass educational classes regarding constitutional rights, use of force and other CJ things. Must pass other relevant courses (e.g, firearms). Need at least a H.S. education. Good driving record. No use of drugs for a long time and some drug use (even just for fun) rules you out forever. No history of alcohol abuse. NO COMMIES. No DV arrest of any kind. No felons. A desire to live in some less-than-desirable areas. And then after working hard as a Border Patrol agent to be abused by the public and to hear everyone call you a loser bureaucrat lazy bum on the gubmit tit weasel.
edit: those are my words. Here is the official site: http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/careers/customs_careers/border_careers/application_process/basic_requirements_for_bp.xml. Sign up people!
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:27pm PT
The more I think about it, the more I like the fence. Wall would be better.
That is because you have bought the notion that illegal immigration is destroying america. It isn't. Illegal immigrants pay more taxes then they collect, even when you include hospital visits.
They are making it difficult for hospitals, no doubt, but that is because we haven't figured a way out to transfer what they pay into social security, but don't collect, and apply it towards hospitals bills.
We need some sort of guest worker program that would cover them, from which they could pay taxes towards health insurance.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:30pm PT
Cain is far from the brightest bulb in the pack. When asked this morning on one of the Sunday talks shows if his foreign policy would be neoconservative, Cain appeared to have never heard of the word. Seriously.
Makes Bachmann look like a Roads Scolar.
The two worst presidents in my lifetime have been very bright: Nixon; and dim as a cow pie: guess who.
Intelligence should be a fundamental prerequisite for the "leader of the free world". With his/her hand on the button of thousands of nuclear warheads and gets to appoint Supreme Court dunces like Clarence Thomas.
Among other trivial tasks such as Reagan negotiating directly with Gorbachev at Reyjkavik for a nuclear missile reduction treaty.
It's a very complex world out there. Mental Midgets need not apply,
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:41pm PT
Sign up people!
I did consider it, Callie. Really. That was when I was 40.
Maybe some of the younger unemployed from OWS should inquire, huh?
And those that say Cain isn't the brightest bulb, how about Newt. Clearly the smartest and most savvy up there. Is he good?
Bottom line is that you people are looking for another fancy-talking lawyer to run the f*#king country. I say, NO!
Trad climber
Bay Area
Oct 16, 2011 - 01:48pm PT
Regarding "corporations are people", referring to the 2010 Supreme Court ruling that removed all restrictions on the amount of $$ corporations can pay politicians.
On its central point, Justice Kennedy’s majority opinion was joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Alito, Thomas and Antonin Scalia. Justice Stevens’s dissent was joined by Justices Stephen G. Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. Kennedy: appointed by Reagan
Scalia: Reagan
Roberts: Shrub
Alito: Shrub
Thomas: (one of the dimmest bulbs ever on The Court) Bush Sr.
Stevens: Ford (now retired)
Breyer: Clinton
Ginsburg: Clinton
Sotomayor: Obama
Funny how this vote went on "party lines" even though the Supreme Court was meant to be above politics.
Stevens' replacement: Kagan (Obama)
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