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Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 14, 2018 - 09:47am PT
Productivity of American workers is at an all-time high. It has been steadily rising since the at least the 1970s. Technology is a main factor, with American workers being more productive because of better tools.

Productivity minus wages equals profits.

Corporate profits are at an all-time high.

Workers' wages have been flat, or even declining, since the late 1970s.

Workers' benefits, like health insurance, pension plans and job security have also been in decline.

The Reagan Revolution began the process of impoverishing the middle class, and shifting wealth up to the upper classes. A major part of the plan was for the small minority of Republicans to obtain control of the government. America has been ruled by a minority class since the 1980s. Twice, since then, Democrats have won the popular vote for president, and had a Republican president take over, instead.

The MAGA bullshit began with Reagan and his economic voodoo man Arthur Laffer, who came up with the economic fiction that lowering taxes for the rich would result in more tax collected, and not huge budget deficits. The economic fiction of Trickle Down Theory was also invoked by Reagan, with a false promise that rich people are benevolent caretakers of wealth, and they generously share it with others.

Trump, the ultimate money addict, is making the Reagan Revolution situation even worse, with his tax cut for the rich, cutting of education, healthcare, infrastructure investment and other social programs, and his MAGA trade policy of hidden taxes on consumer goods.

Stacking the courts with conservative judges endangers any progressive legislation, because it can be ruled unconstitutional. A pervasive conservative judiciary is the ultimate power over the government. That is why the Republican Senate refused to seat Merrick Garland, and is now fighting like crazy to get Brett Kavanaugh seated to the Supreme Court.

One of the things that Trump has done, quietly, is seat many conservative Federal judges that should have been picked by Obama, but weren't because they, like his Supreme Court pick Merrick Garland, were blocked from confirmation by the Republican Senate.

GOP Representatives and Senators are not doing anything to counter Trump because he is doing what they want him to do. GOP "oversight" in Congress has comprised obstructing investigations into the 2016 Russian election interference. Republican Senators traveled to Moscow after the 2016 election to express gratitude for the Russian assistance in putting Trump in the White House.

The Republicans need to be voted out of Congress, if this trend of a national coup by the ultra-rich is to be stopped. The alternative is that America will become like Russia: a totalitarian dictatorship with a few rich oligarchs under control of the dictator, with poverty and oppression for the majority of the people.

Trump has stated, publicly, that believes he should be president for life.


Both parties make irrational political statements based on selective perception and cherry-picked facts. That said, the absolute worst are the GOP conservatives, who are echoed by a state propaganda machine called Fox News.

The Wastelands
Sep 14, 2018 - 09:51am PT
Can we get serious?

When the stock market went up 233% while President Obama was in office ....

they said he should get absolutely no credit because Presidents only sign bills into law

they said Presidents do nothing at all to increase the profits and stock prices of companies

they said Presidents make foreign policy and direct the various components of government to operate responsibly

SO, please, everyone knows any economic talk is therefore non Presidential

and nowadays is a deflection to divert embarrassing attention away from Trumps many failures

Sep 14, 2018 - 11:13am PT
Well, those who have complained the mueller probe has been a waste of money can now zip their traps. The mueller probe so far has cost about 20 mill: Manafort, as part of this plea deal, will turn over about 46 mill.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 12:27pm PT
To be fair, we should thank Trump for turning down the intensity of Florence right before landfall.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 14, 2018 - 12:40pm PT
Trump's concentration camps at the border have five times as many immigrant minors as they did last year.

Trump secretly diverted about $200 million to ICES, getting $50 million of it from FEMA and the Coast Guard right before hurricane season ("We're absolutely, totally prepared" (for Hurricane Florence)).

ICES runs Trump's concentration camps.

News reporters are not the enemy of the people. They uncover and report what is really going on (as opposed to what Trump falsely says is going on).

ICES is the enemy of the people, because it is amoral Trump's enforcement squad.

ICES = Immigration and Customs Enforcement Schutzstaffel

Trump is illegally revoking the citizenship of targeted Americans, so that they can be attacked by ICES.

Junior Mint's girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, is the hispanic daughter of a first-generation immigrant. She used to work for Fox News, echoing Trump's lies and nonsense. Now, she's on the road campaigning for Trump, in support of his policies of kidnapping immigrant children at the border, and then deporting their parents.

Hopefully, Guilfoyle will be a good prison wife when Junior Mint is convicted of lying to Congress. She can learn from the other wives how to cavity-smuggle drugs and cellphones into a Federal penitentiary.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 01:58pm PT
Trump secretly paid Florece 130k to not screw us

News at 11

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 14, 2018 - 02:00pm PT
Here's a little view, a vary limited and narrow view through the eyes of a Trump worshiper.

Hopefully Jon will be there to depict the last scenes in the Trumpbunker for my pleasure


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 14, 2018 - 02:10pm PT
Frudy Rudy Giuliani said this today:

Once again an investigation has concluded with a plea having nothing to do with President Trump or the Trump campaign. The reason: The president did nothing wrong and Paul Manafort will tell the truth.


Sorry, Frudy.

Not even close.

What we were looking for was the truth.

 the Mueller investigation has not concluded
 Manafort's plea deal has everything to do with Trump and the Trump campaign
 Trump has been implicated in numerous crimes
 Manafort will tell the truth, backed up by physical evidence

Well, you got one out of four, 25%, which looks a lot like Trump's approval rating next week.

Better luck next time, Frudy.

Don't hurry back.


Ice climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 03:30pm PT

Manafort also agreed to forfeit millions of dollars in assets to the federal government.

The combined value of the real estate he'll forfeit exceeds $22 million, according to prosecutors' descriptions and public records of property sales and tax assessments.

Trad climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 04:01pm PT
Faafo is a Trump Nut Cupper.

Prove me wrong.


Sep 14, 2018 - 04:23pm PT
I always enjoy math on hypothetical numbers. It lends an air of objectivity to our subjective thinking.

If I imagine that what I imagine is true, and create an imaginary arbitrary division of the number of facts that exist, and then select a few arbitrary subjectively chosen facts, and then imagine that I’m right about the truth value of those facts, then you only told the truth 25% of the time. See! You’re a f*#king 75% liar!

Math is just cool that way. It allows me to quantify how much I believe I’m right.

I guess we must be consciously trying to deceive people with our imaginary mathematical representations, or we don’t even notice that we’re doing it. We should have a word for people doing that - maybe we could call that covfefe? Judging from the last election, that kind of thinking is all the rage.

Alrighty then master thinkers! Yes, nicely said, and interesting and informative stuff.

Ice climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 04:33pm PT
Rampant specualtion - it's fun though!

Donald Trump Will Likely Resign Within Two Weeks Now That Paul Manafort Flipped, Democratic Strategist [Scott Dworkin, a Democratic strategist and MSNBC contributor] Says

Scott Dworkin is not the only one to predict that Donald Trump may resign rather than face the prospect of prosecution in the Russia probe. As CNN noted, Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter for Trump’s best-selling book Art of the Deal, had previously said he believes that Trump’s nature is to resign and paint himself as a victim if the investigation appears to be closing in on him.

The Wastelands
Sep 14, 2018 - 05:32pm PT
I'd much rather see him in prison.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Sep 14, 2018 - 06:00pm PT
Treason is still a capitol offense, if he resigns, he will be indictable,
as thsuxit@the top, he can hide, pull a wag the dog,
or call an indecent, like Rusky meddling in elections, as a reason to
declare martial law,
suspend all civil rights arm a Trump militia to hunt down all his detractors in the FBI DOJ . . .
. . . .& Clergy. . .
who may finally grow a pair,

because they are currently all pedophiles by association.

So need the good pr.

Ice climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 07:14pm PT
Not a betting man, but I'm betting fitty cent that Mannie has sunk the Trump family ship [of fools] already

Jon Beck

Trad climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 07:34pm PT
No leaks of evidence of collusion, still, what is wrong with that Mueller guy?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 14, 2018 - 07:58pm PT
I'd much rather see him in prison.

Aside from any campaign fraud, conspiracy and obstruction of justice related to his presidency, Trump has some or all of these to answer for:

 Trump Foundation: State and Federal tax fraud; illegal campaign contributions; embezzlement; wire fraud; mail fraud; conspiracy

 Trump Organization: State and Federal tax fraud; illegal campaign contributions; money laundering; conspiracy

Those are just the ones that are publicly known, at this time.

Trump and Russian gangsters go WAY back, to about 1984. Most of it involved assisting organized crime money enter the United States, through all-cash purchases of Trump real estate at inflated prices. More recently, dirty Russian money has financed Trump projects in New York, Panama, Vancouver, and other places. Trump was spending big on golf courses, at a time when no such financing was available conventionally. Both of Trump's sons have stated that Russia is the primary source of their financing.

Trump has evaded scrutiny of his finances for so long, he thinks he's invincible. But, his final ego move, into the White House, will be his undoing. Mueller's mandate includes investigating any other crimes that Russian election interference leads to.

Russian election interference leads directly to dirty Russian money in America, and dirty Russian money in America leads directly to Donald Trump.


Trump is more tied up with Benghazi than Hillary Clinton ever was. Trump had secret financial dealings with the leader of Benghazi, and made "a fortune" off the relationship they had.

Benghazi is in Libya. Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi did real estate business with Donald Trump.

The real story isn't Hillary. It's Trump and Gaddafi colluding to violate local zoning laws, and allow a temporary bedouin tent village to be built in upscale suburban New York City.

Trump insisted, at the time, that he had "absolutely, positively no knowledge" of the Bedford Benghazigate scandal. Trump pretended that the deal "must have been slipped under the door, or whatever" when he was not looking. Trump claimed to not know who Gaddafi was, or where Libya was, or even what a tent was. He blamed a subordinate for "doing something stupid with some Middle Easterners I've never heard of" - and then he theatrically fired her in front of the press reporters. It was his first public display of pointing his finger gun and saying "Rhonna, you're fired!"

Later, Trump boasted of how he had "screwed" Gaddafi in the bizarre real estate swindle, with Gaddafi grossly overpaying - in gold bars - to rent the land, and then Trump refusing to let him use it.

Trump never returned Gaddafi's gold (it is rumored Trump melted it down, and smeared on the walls of his Trump Tower apartment). Libya's ambassador appealed to the U.S. State Department for help, but was ignored because Gaddafi was very unpopular in America at the time. Gaddafi had been connected to the terrorist Carlos the Jackal, and also to Pan Am Flight 103 that was bombed and crashed at Lockerbie, Scotland.


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 14, 2018 - 08:14pm PT
Can we focus on Benghazi...?
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Sep 14, 2018 - 08:22pm PT
Tom, you are missing the elephant in the room. The Russian Mafia. Trump has 35 years of contact with them. That is why he is hiding his tax return. Both Manafort and Cohen have the goods on crooked Donny.

Social climber
my abode
Sep 14, 2018 - 08:38pm PT
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