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Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:35pm PT
At the very least he needs a good licking.
Social climber
Flatland, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:36pm PT
Crimpie - You were perfect. A suspected predator was attempting to gain entry to your home in the middle of the night. Your call to 911 was the right move.
Glad to know that you're alright and safe.
People are crazy.
Penn's Woods
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:43pm PT
Damn. Maybe a few hours in a holding cell would've done him some good though. "pizza delivery man"? WTF? If he'd at least said his name, even if he was wasted and unwelcome, you would've known what was going on and been able to deal. Kind of thing that makes me worry for my hottie daughter in a few years from now. F*#king idiots out there. No one deserves that kind of harrassment. He invaded your persoanl space, dudette, even if he didn't pee on your rug. This will not stand.
Standing Strong
Trad climber
under the sun moon and stars
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:50pm PT
once a guy i dated showed up on the doorstep out of the blue a year later. i was totally freaked out by it even tho it wasn't late and at least he knocked on the door. it would be terrible to have to go thru what you did - i would have been terrified. that sucks bigtime.
i'd go for the pepper foam! that is a pretty smart idea. cuz otherwise unless you're downwind when you spray the otherkind, it might affect you, too.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:21pm PT
Wow, just got on and saw this. Bummer Crimp! Sorry to hear you had to endure such a thing. Could happen anywhere, but hey, you're good looking, blonde, and living in urban STL - you should probably have some spray handy on your person, in your car, and by your bed. The foam sounds good for person and car, and the grizz stuff for home use.
Good thing you're so damn tough.
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:30pm PT
"Bring the DA a 12'er and let him dream some stuff up. "
:) :) :)
Karl Baba
Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:41pm PT
Best case scenario:
Guy is a bit deluded with love or drugs, and things you'll be happy with him paying you a surprise visit! Thus the "Pizza Delivery"
Worst case scenario:
Let's not go there
Sound like things turned out reasonably well. If you shot him or something, it has a way of tying you legally or karmically to him and who needs that. It might even be worth it for the "Pizza stalker" story, which will never die now.
It would be nice to find out if he's got a presistent fixation on you so you know he's likely/unlikely to reoffend. How to find that out without increasing the fixation? Does his wife find out about this.
Glad you're OK. I've had drunk folks try to enter former residences a few times in the past. Mostly thought they were somewhere else.
Fatty's got a GF now? No wonder he's mellowing in a way. Go Fatty
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:55pm PT
" I have used the following product with spectacular results... "
Awhile back Fox 5.3 seemed to be the highest regarded pepper spray online. That doesn't mean it's better than other choices, but it means it is good. My impression is a cone spray pattern is best for self defense, and Fox is available that way. Fortunately I've never actually used it.
The worst defensive option seems to be those handheld "stun guns". I've heard and read more stories where they mildly tickle or slightly annoy than stories where they have the desired effect--unless you count the testimonials on the sites that sell them.
Penn's Woods
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:03pm PT
Hold on, maybe he was a land shark. "Pizza delivery....candy-gram, maa'm" Still not cool... but more lame.
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:06pm PT
"i'd go for the pepper foam! that is a pretty smart idea. cuz otherwise unless you're downwind when you spray the otherkind, it might affect you, too. "
I remember reading about the tradeoffs. In addition to the wind thing you mentioned, I think the cone spray pattern had longer range than foam, and more likely than stream to get into the eyes and breathing areas.
Standing Strong
Trad climber
lucky under lucky sky
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:08pm PT
wait, what? the foam? or the regular spray is more likely than your fox thingie to get into the eyes?
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:16pm PT
I only got info from web search. Since that was awhile ago, I tried again.
This was interesting:
Many of them in the discussion use stream, and I think cops prefer it (I think to help avoid bystanders), but I don't think it's ideal for the rest of us.
Standing Strong
Trad climber
lucky under lucky sky
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:18pm PT
thank you :)
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California now Ireland
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:31pm PT
Geez, Crimpie, sorry to hear that happened to you. I agree with the others that you should file a proper police report and see what you can do about ensuring that this creep won't bother you again, and hopefully no other women.
And the foam pepper spray and bear spray seem like good ideas.
Best Wishes
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 04:39pm PT
I do like the foam pepper spray idea. I'd worried about the other stuff and shooting myself in the face.
Have you seen that episode of "My Name is Earl" where the guy shoots himself in the face with pepper spray? Friggin' hilarious!
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:41pm PT
Good for you, Ms Crimpie, following through with a visit to your local Cop Shoppe. A trip through The Criminal Justice System will do Dude a world of good. Maybe he can rehabilitate himself and start considering the feelings of others besides himself. Or not, then he can just stay in The System.
Dude was not just out of line, but like Fattrad said, a criminal if he had tried that stunt in California.
My doors are always open, and all my friends know if they need a place to crash or whatever they're welcome here. Whether I'm home or not. Even at 3:00am on a School Night. But they also know they need to be calling my name as soon as they think they're within earshot.
I like RayDog's advice. An English Bull Terrier was good enough for General Patton.
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:47pm PT
Tahoe climber
Trad climber
a dark-green forester out west
Apr 28, 2007 - 05:04pm PT
Hi Crimpie,
Sorry to hear this happened to you. That stuff can be scary, and it sounds like you did the right thing: kept your head and acted.
Good qualities to have - for climbing or real life.
Here's hoping that he apololgizes once he sobers up and realizes what he's done.
Trad climber
Talladega, Al
Apr 28, 2007 - 05:44pm PT
I agree with Jiggy that you did everything right - 'specially that thing about don't open the door. Also second RusW on the file a police report issue. At some point you may have to blast him and you want as much of a paper trail as possible to show your efforts to work from within the system. Also you might want to get motion sensor switches on your yard lights so when somebody is going round the house the outside lights come on. It helps you to get a fix on the target and also scares them away sometimes. They're available at WalMart for under 10 bucks and not too hard to install if you mess with 'electricity at all - if not then I'm sure you won't have trouble getting a volunteer. Final advice - acquire a short 12ga shotgun - double barrell is fine or pump possibly then practice bringing it into play. It's the best defensive weapon period. You won't have to be particularly accurate when the boogey-man is standing in your house but when you drag it out you need to be blasting 'cause it can be taken from you.
At least you didn't kill somebody that you sorta knew and I'm sure he realizes that he has been unmasked as an ar$$hole. Also - don't alter your life due to the actions of this or any other ass - go wherever you want and if he doesn't want trouble then he should get out of your face. If he wants to make nice tell him to fvck-off - then give him the Werner kick.
Once again - nice job - buy yourself a beer
NoName City and It Don't Look Pretty
Apr 28, 2007 - 06:50pm PT
Hardman--Pepper Spray-n-Form to the rescue! I love it! That's without a doubt the best self-defense advice on this thread.
Since Crimpster's already admitted she'd probably shoot herself by accident if she had a gun, and a dog is not an option, the pepper spray is perfect. I used to carry a small one when I'd hike in Alaska--never had to use it on a griz, but the feeling of protection and confidence it gives you is priceless.
You might want to get some Crimpie...after you've filed a report on this guy.
Edit: HK--Where'd Foam-Face go???
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