Bring On The Taco Vibes For Jello!!


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Social climber
Feb 19, 2016 - 07:59pm PT
hey there say... wow, just saw an update from connie...

about jello/jeff... at the ol' facebook...

Jeff Lowe is finally slightly improved in the ICU step down unit. Yesterday was tough, today he is finally in the bed (not in the wheelchair sitting up) , coughing less and sleeping! Yay!! Hoping to head home on Sunday!! Prayers and fingers crossed here! Thanks for all the love everyone!

so very glad that you started this thread!!!!!

keep it up, folks... wow!...

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 20, 2016 - 09:10am PT
That's awesome news that Jeff may be able to go home soon!!

Zuni says "C'mon Jeff, let's go for a ride!"


Boulder, CO
Feb 20, 2016 - 09:17am PT
Thanks for that post, Marlow. That just made my morning.

Bump for Jello!

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Feb 20, 2016 - 12:41pm PT
Saturday bump for Jeff and Connie!

Get better, Jeff!

Mountain climber
Lafayette, CO
Feb 29, 2016 - 04:12pm PT
I brought Jeff home from the hospital on Sunday, Feb 21. He is recovering slowly at home. This last bout of pneumoia was complicated by sepsis and really took a toll on Jeff. I am in the process of hiring more caregivers for Jeff. He really needs 24/7 care and a pretty quiet scene these days.

Thanks for all your love and support. You all mean the world to Jeff. Nothing soothes his soul like tales and kudos from his tribe.


Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Feb 29, 2016 - 04:15pm PT

There's no place like home.

Trad climber
Save your a_s, reach for the brass...
Feb 29, 2016 - 04:29pm PT
We are sending over some healing energy via the airwaves :-) Here's to JLowe & Connie...

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 29, 2016 - 04:49pm PT
Mr. Brennan, that's a great little story!! How the world turns. Not too many places you'd be given grief about chalk anymore...

Trad climber
Bishop, CA
Feb 29, 2016 - 05:50pm PT
Metanoia was one of the few movies I decided to watch in the last several years. Enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for the inspiration and hope for the best.

Trad climber
Feb 29, 2016 - 07:25pm PT
My first post on the taco was responded to by Jeff and Roy. Good folks and best wishes.

Go jello go!

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Feb 29, 2016 - 07:31pm PT
Best wishes to Jeff & Connie from all of us.

Harley, the medicine cat, has been asked to send some cat-healing Jeff's way too!


Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Feb 29, 2016 - 08:09pm PT
Yes - healing vibes your way. The crud going around has been awful (and long-lasting). I hope he's feeling better with each day.

Gold Canyon, AZ
Feb 29, 2016 - 08:21pm PT
Really glad to hear you're out of the hospital, Jeff. Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.


A long way from where I started
Feb 29, 2016 - 08:46pm PT
It's easy to post good wishes for a "hero climber". But in addition to being a great climber, Jeff -- to me at least -- is also a good man. I doubt he remembers, but there was a day in Italy a couple of decades ago when Jeff, with absolutely nothing to gain for himself, offered a kind word to me when I really needed a kind word.

Go well Jeff.

Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Feb 29, 2016 - 08:57pm PT

Nice post Ghost^.

And of course all the best for Jeff.

Social climber
Feb 29, 2016 - 11:37pm PT
hey there say, ... just adding some more good vibes, along with you all for jello!

happy good eve, jeff!!!

prayers and best wishes! glad you are home!!!

Trad climber
Golden, CO
Mar 1, 2016 - 05:13pm PT
Damn! That's a great picture, BrassNuts. Good subject material, of course...Good-looking man!
John Mac

Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Mar 2, 2016 - 06:26am PT
Bump for Jeff.

Any update on how he is doing?

Mar 2, 2016 - 06:36am PT
I like the Donini pic...Snakeater eyes.

hoping for the best for Mr Lowe as well

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2016 - 08:11am PT
Taco Brothers and sisters.

Our friend Jeff was readmitted to the ICU in the middle of the night last night.

Please send heavy vibrations, well wishes and prayers.

Whatever positive thing you can do for Jeff and Connie, do it.
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