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Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 26, 2006 - 07:29pm PT
john b says:
"Our freedom has been legislated away because people won't take responsibility for themselves and when an accident happens, they sue. So another "no this" sign goes up and our liberties shrink a little more."
thanks for making my point. you dog folks are gonna ruin the possiblity of any dogs in the park, if you continue to break the rules. you refuse to take responsibility and follow the rules, so they tighten.
are you still gonna take your dog out to astrodome this weekend?
locker: why is it so cold today. news says its 87 in la la land.
but i'm freezin out here.
rokjox: the summer climbing here is great!
Boulder climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Oct 26, 2006 - 08:34pm PT
coz wrote:
"I've had my dogs in Josh for about 8 years, I took them guiding with me everyday. They do not scare Bighorns, or disrupt anything. I say f- big brother and bring your dog, or get a sticker, that says, I'm a moron and I believe everything Mr Ranger tells me, and paste it on your head.
It's not a problem as the Ranger never leave their cars. My friend use to take my dog Hondo, (may he rest in peace), with her as she did the native plant study with the rangers in tow. They all loved the little bugger.
It's a joke Reg, think about the horses, do you really think a Big horn can tell the difference between a dog and a coyote.
And who is the big tough guy who wants to beat up dogs, bring it on you sad sap."
I personally know that rangers leave their cars often and get out on the trails(they might not look like rangers with street clothes on), also sheep can tell the difference between horses and dogs. the scent that a dog leaves behind is more like the scent of a predator. Your right its a joke getting a 50 dollar ticket... The times have changed since you were hangin out in josh all the time coz, its not the 80's anymore. Just remember if it wasn't for the man and all his regulations you would not have a joshua tree national park instead all you would have is "Hidden Valley 50 + community and 18 hole golf course"
Boulder climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Oct 26, 2006 - 08:40pm PT
Chaz wrote
"What about the cumulative effect of every Coyote--pooping, digging, and posing a threat--How does that add up?"
come on you seem like a smart guy, don't degrade yourself with dumb remarks like this.
Ill break this down for you
your german shepard = not native
coyote = native (make sense?)
In a national park the goal is to keep the natural cycle of things in order, not have impact from outside sources.
(yes i realize yosemite has a full service deli and massive hotel, i dont agree with that either)
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Oct 26, 2006 - 08:56pm PT
"Ill break this down for you
your german shepard = not native
coyote = native (make sense?)"
It's a well known fact that Sheep can't tell the difference between the Wolf and the SheepDog.
Make Sense?
Trad climber
New York, NY
Oct 26, 2006 - 10:40pm PT
"I say f- big brother and bring your dog, or get a sticker, that says, I'm a moron and I believe everything Mr Ranger tells me, and paste it on your head"
I got a story. My dog Teddy goes unleashed at the Mohonk Preserve for the most part. Only by the steel bridge(next to a road) or in the parking lot(lots of cars) or at the Uberfall if I am not simply passing through(too crowded with bikes, kids, toruists and other dogs who are on leash for Teddy to have special priveledge). He goes past the rangers every time, and we often stop and talk with them. Never once (except last year before Teddy had earned his stripes) have I been told to rope him up.
But that's not the story...
The story is that, this summer, when I had that hippie guy visiting, he and I went to the Gunks with Teddy and his dog Shithead(Shih TAY ed - oy veh....). Shithead never was on leash either, and well behaved at all times.
One of the daze, he was hanging with the dog at Split Rock and some sticker patrol busybody told him he had to leash his dog. Hippie looked at him and didn't respond....
I said, "Leash your dog, man. Or I'm telling the ranger." he says.
"Go right ahead. He's over there, last time I saw him" says hippie Max, as he points yonder.
Stick guy stomps off toward the ranger, never to be seen again.
If only he'd known that Max had come that moring with an entire extra egg/cheese sandwich form the deli and had given it to the ranger..... he might have understood that his was a lost cause.
Later, when Max ran into the ranger, he asked about the leash patroller. He was told something to the effect of "I make the decisions as to who needs to leash their dogs, based on behavior." And he patted Shithead, who had been sitting by Max, unleashed of course, on the head.
Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 26, 2006 - 11:08pm PT
You are barking up the wrong atheist tree. I wish death to all crag dogs, bar none.
Roxlox, why were you upset your dog did not chase the deer? Did it make you understand your manlet status?
Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 26, 2006 - 11:12pm PT
Then what is it? karma? voodoooo?
Life is a mish mash of chance. what comes around, does not go around. Beleiving so, however, makes us feel better sometimes.
BTW i've probably done more good in my life than most, but i still wish death to crag dogs.
Oct 27, 2006 - 01:22am PT
billie eating bark beetles for the good of the community
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Oct 27, 2006 - 01:46am PT
"These two have killed uncounted hundreds of dall sheep and woodchucks"
Your two Vicious Curs have it good, S & S.
My guys don't get to kill anything more exciting than rats and skunks.
Trad climber
Garden Grove, CA
Apr 28, 2016 - 05:11pm PT
While I love dogs and cats, I've got to go with doghater on this one. I've got friends who have to bring their dogs to the crag too, but it's not OUR backyard, it's the bighorn, coyotes, and other indigenous animals' not YOUR dogs.
Try to have a little respect for what few animals are left out there.
Apr 28, 2016 - 05:30pm PT
You had to dig up a 10 year old thread to impart to us that Gem of wisdom?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Apr 28, 2016 - 05:44pm PT
Condorman wakes from a five year sleep and has to talk dogs and chalk. Stick to the chalk talk cuz this thread is the proverbial dead horse.
Flip Flop
Earth Planet, Universe
Apr 28, 2016 - 08:11pm PT
How do you even find 10 year old threads?
Trad climber
Red Rock
Apr 28, 2016 - 08:18pm PT
The answer to th OP was obviously ....
Woodson braj!
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