Dirty Secrets


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The Call Of K2 Lou

Sep 1, 2012 - 01:58am PT
Although I have absolutely no fear of them, I will go out of my way to kill any spider larger than a quarter.

I've shoplifted twice in my life, both times in my teens.

It's certainly not one of my favourites, but I think "Careless Whisper" by Wham! is a pretty good song.

I'm only ashamed to admit that last one.
Tan Slacks

Joshua Tree
Sep 1, 2012 - 11:41am PT
25 years or so ago I was running the Nomad's in Idyllwild, during the summer, week days were often slow and boring. A few of the regulars would hang out on the porch and we would talk trash all day long.

My wife (girlfriend) at the time was a huge environmentalist and once made me apologize to a tree after I pulled some pine needles off a branch as we were preparing to climb something on Tahquitz. Many of my friends at the time told me to lose her because she was so outspoken. (another story... needless to say, glad I did not listen to them!)

So.... One day while she was at work ... a Naturalist at the State Park, a few of us larger knuckle heads came up with the plan to front point our way up the pine tree at the end of the deck in front of Nomad's

I was the first to go, ice axes in hand, I did my best imitation of soloing vertical ice. laughing and cheering from the crowd pushed me much further than I was comfortable and it took me some time to down climb the living tree. As I retraced my steps the tree was already bleeding huge amounts of sap. I cancelled any more tree climbing and hid in the store.

Later when I went outside toward the parking area, I saw the damage. I was so obvious and painful looking. The one side of the tree was covered in sap. I swore everyone to secrecy and as my wife would often ask, "what happened to that tree" I would just play dumb (not hard) and change the subject.

For years and years returning to Idyllwild (we moved to JT twenty years ago) I would check on that tree and for years the sap remained like a scab to my idiocy. I was back last week and I really think the scars are finally gone, but the guilt isn't.
Todd Gordon

Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Sep 1, 2012 - 12:18pm PT
I love Justin Bieber....
goatboy smellz

Sep 1, 2012 - 02:01pm PT
Not presumptuous at all Jim, just calling out a chickenshit dog killer. If Silver has something to say he can step and and defend himself, although cowards usually run and ignore the issue.

Sep 4, 2012 - 05:13am PT
the hero worship, lame bickering, popularity contests and personal attacks on this site often stop me from posting on topics. Nonetheless, i'm motivated to be a better person because of it.

this site might motivate a few of you here. enjoy


Trad climber
Placerville, California
Sep 7, 2012 - 08:13pm PT
i got 8.
8 gallons of gas and a free car wash.

i hand chop wood to better know the universe...
as i stack up against a fallensoldier,
i am made accutely aware of this tree's
400 year old secrets:

as her girth expands,
her grain is extraordinary tight,
she's hidden knots, like g-spots,
i haveta hit 4 or 5 times to pop
her womb, eventually though,
im inside,

and later in the winter,
on those extra cold nights,
i pick a piece from tree's base,
and my dreams disprove of my role in movies.

donini is my hero.

im a snake charmer, all prose in my
frantic effort to convince ya'll that im well.
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