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167 stinking feet above seal level : (
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:27am PT
akclimber said, "More amd more I am getting the impression that a good many climbers are just filthy, freeloading bums who thinks the world owes them and they don't want to pay for anything."

and “What's the problem with that? Dumbf*#k! You just sit there and take welfare checks from the government while your fat girlfriend eats ice cream, drinks beer, and watches soaps as the diapers from six screaming kids pile up on the kitchen floor.”

and “only women that live out there are welfare check-cashing tweakers.”

I think it's ironic that the favorite forms of attack for this little trust fund b;tch ( ) are ad hominens in which he repeatedly paints anyone who criticizes a sellout (i.e. people that are unwilling to sell out) as filthy welfare cheats and freeloaders.

When someone has to work their ass off because they don't have uncle's money to freeload from, and they make a personal decision to not pimp the climbing they love, I think they have a right to criticize those that are putting her out on the street.

(edit) As to this other sh#t w/ Chris I feel uncomfortable putting him on trial like this.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:30am PT
Mrs. Petch...LOL! Great screen name.

Very well put!!

Get a fuçking life and go climbing, people!!

(so sad I couldn't make it to the wedding)

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:33am PT
So is this or is it not a bullshit troll thread.

I do not think it is very funny at all if you guys now it is a troll and keep on posting as if it true.

So who is the girl on the rock, is it the 16 yr old that Chris is having the affair with or what?


right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:20am PT
Juan, I wasn't so sure about you before, man, but now-I love you Juan. You're just too goddamn funny.

Oct 21, 2005 - 05:13am PT
On a site where the political discussions have raked the current administration over the coals for the lack of checks and balances, it’s ironic that when it comes to personal vendettas, people like s-nolens have appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner.

I don’t know Chris or the woman in question, so I can’t judge the situation.

I do know 23 year old women with kids that are far more mature than some 45 year old guys I know.

Although I personally feel 18 is a good age to establish as the border between being a minor and being an adult, it certainly does not apply to all people in every situation. 85% of the population might fall within the norm of the bell curve, but there are people on the fringe on each end that do not fit the stereotype.

I’ve taught skiing for years and come across 4 year olds more coordinated than the average 8 year old. I’ve also come across some pretty uncoordinated 12 year olds as well. Using age to determine where one is in terms of life stages is fine and dandy, but it certainly does not cover everyone all the time. Some 9 year olds should be in the sixth grade while others should be in the second grade, but 99% end up in the fourth grade.

So, 16 years old is one indicator among many to determine the maturity of someone, we can’t just make a blanket statement. I’m 30, and my wife swears that my frontal lobe is not as well developed as one of her 14 year old cousins, go figure.

And spare us the morality crap. For example, serving alcohol to people under 21 is not immoral in its absolute: in most European countries one has the right to drink at 16 or 18, and those societies are doing just fine. Ditto for age difference or even how young the person is. Look at the individual situation first, then the cultural context. Even in this particular situation, everything is legal.

In any case, for all we know, they could be each other’s soul mates, or not, but this load of laundry and your (nolens and sloogie) gripes and personal vendettas should not be aired here.

P.S. It's too bad that your self-esteem is so low that one, you feel the need to give us your dimensions as some justification of how beautiful you may be (and too bad that you feel the need to do so) and two that you slander(edit: LIBEL)/insult someone over the Internet like this.

Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:47am PT

Oct 21, 2005 - 07:55am PT
Now, now, LEB, don't be so pedantic. When dragging someone through the mud, as SN and SLoogie have done in this thread, one can informally use "slander" without making reference to technical legal terms.

And honestly, I feel awkward using "libel" as a verb.

My sincerest apologies for inappropriately using the term. I will adjust my post accordingly.

Oct 21, 2005 - 08:19am PT

I do not remember the post where "tweaker" was used, so without context I can not help you out.

As far as a married couple, can't help you with that either. If I had to venture a WAG (wild ass guess), from recent posts I gather that sugarloogie and smokinnolens are/were married.

Good luck in your quest!!

Sin City
Oct 21, 2005 - 08:57am PT
"5'9" 145 lb. woman with a 38DD"
Well if she is using those to make herself feel better...

Sounds like a cow to me! Oh yeah what a catch, 40 years old, cubby, has to try and push her ideas of life onto others without consideration for the people she is talking about, oh yeah and stinks like a hippie!

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 10:00am PT
Good Morning if you want to call it that. This kept me up most of the night. 16 is just to young for girls to have sex.

Maybe some girls are more mature and more like 18 yr olds so its okay.

Maybe some type of written test?

But if a 28 yr old, there is some type of mental health issue going on.

I can understand say a 22 yr old having a 16 yr old coworker, I have no problems with that.

But 28.

That is not right.

Trad climber
Thousand Oaks, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 11:51am PT
Great. Now we've got dueling trolls...

Please stop feeding them.

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:09pm PT
I find it kind of intersting that since it's concerning Chris Mac, this has become a HUGE deal... Interesting that when the same slanders, or possible slanders, (guess if it's written it'd be libel) are thrown around about others in the forum, there's really not any huge debate over it. Seems that it's just business as usual, accepted as truth, in general and a reason for everyone to talk sh#t. There hasn't seemed to be any real concern, until it's involved someone with a bit of a name for himself. Just an observation.

Sport climber
Venice, Ca
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:17pm PT
Lolita . . . also 16. Who can say if Nabokov was a genius or a fool.


Trad climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:18pm PT
Yes Sewellymon, we live in the plains. And your right, it is one of the last jewels in Ca. Also, thanks to Clinton, most of the valley between Hwy 58 and Hwy 166 in now National Monument. But please don't turn many people on to this place. Between all the tweekers and welfare moms, we don't have much room for rock climbing pedophiles. Actually, it wouldn't be an issue here very long, These folks have a very similar moral fiber to those wonderful people that live in Cantwell Alaska, they would literally run them out of town.
taco bill

Trad climber
boulder, co
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:20pm PT
I've seen them out at Soco
They're pounding sixteen penny nails
The truckers on the interstate
Have been known to ride the rails
The sweat is beating on the brow
Can't keep these fellas down
'Cause those damned blue-collared tweekers
Are runnin' this here town

I knew a man who hung drywall
He hung it mighty quick
A trip or two to the blue room
WOuld help him do the trick
His foreman would pat him on the back
Whenever he would come around
'Cause these dammed blue-collar tweekers
Are beloved in this here town

Now the union boys are there
To protect us from all the corporate type
While curious George's drug patrol
Is out here hunting snipe
Now they try to tell me different
But you know I ain't no clown
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Are the backbone of this town

Now the flame that burns twice as bright
Burns only half as long
My eyes are growing weary
As I finalize this song
So sit back and have a cup o' joe
And watch the wheels go round
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Have always run this town

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:28pm PT
sugarloogie-- In the current administration, national monument status, national park status, whatever... It doesn't matter. NOTHING can protect your land if they decide there's some benefit to them. Ask the folks in Alaska, Queen Creek, etc... Queen Creek, for instance, was also supposedly specially protected by a former president (FDR?). And, of course, Alaska is (was) a national wildlife preserve. I know there is also a national park the area that Katrina hit in which Bush has allowed drilling to go forth. Can't remember the name of it.

Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:45pm PT

Nolens that is where I live! Sickest town on the Coast you agree?
Im leaving for zion today but I'll be lookin around when i drive home from school.


Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:50pm PT
Cayucos rocks! Used to be there every 4th (of course), Thanksgiving, then throughout the year... Don't get there as often the last couple of years, but still make it out every now and then. Yeah, it's all overcast here right now. Could really use some chowder from Sea Shanty, followed by a Shanty Pie. So what happened with Lou & Shennley's?

right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:01pm PT
Except for the unfortunate slandering (which really is in poor taste) this thread has everything!
Lois (god bless her inquisitive mind)
Hardman Knnott puttin' the smack down -right on HK, I totally agree about the Internet Bitches™.
Juan suggesting a written test for age of legal consent lol.
AK being his typically surly self.
And then, someone posts a link where SN says on a previous thread to "get a girl before she starts growing hair"(a damn sight shy of 16) as an answer to an inane forum question of whether or not to date a hairy woman.
This thread is BadAss™. And, Badd Ass™.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:07pm PT
Don't forget Kick ASSSSSSSS™™™™...
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