Joshua Tree Climbers' Carnival Dec 31-Jan 3


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Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Jan 2, 2010 - 11:48am PT
Don't forget Pat's outstanding light show!

More fog!

Cheers, and, good to see you guys!

-Brian in SLC

Jan 3, 2010 - 04:35pm PT
That was a great start to what I hope will be an annual event.

Yishai Horowitz really pulled it together.
Along with all the other bands the Techno Hillbillies rocked !

Randy Levitt's slideshow was awesome as was Todd's and Jim's.

TG - "this is a shot of me ice-climbing, I was really cold, it's hard and I suck at it"

Great job guys and gals!


Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 3, 2010 - 05:23pm PT
Thanks for supporting it! Word on the street is that the rangers liked the production so much, they're thinking about working out a way to have it *in* the park next year.

Trad climber
New York, NY
Jan 3, 2010 - 05:27pm PT
Now that ought to be interesting.....
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 3, 2010 - 05:38pm PT
Combine it with a bit of garbage pick-up or other community service, and you've got a sure winner. The "Joshua Tree FaceLift".
Tan Slacks

Joshua Tree
Jan 3, 2010 - 08:02pm PT
I want to thank Yishai and all the others who gave a ton for a really fun event. A special nod to the soundboard guy and to Pat for "bringing it" always. Lights, Whiskey and fog.... heaven.

Bringing the New Year with the crowd on hand and the tunes we were rock'n was wonderful.

Todd Gordon

Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Jan 4, 2010 - 02:10am PT
Jordan Romero;....14 years old, and climbed 5 of the 7 continent summits......Cool kid, great story, and we wish him luck on Antartica and Everest up next. He's sticking it out and throwing it down.....even scored the cool Five Ten hoodie.......

Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Jan 4, 2010 - 11:05am PT
Combine it with a bit of garbage pick-up or other community service, and you've got a sure winner. The "Joshua Tree FaceLift".

From the website:

Did you know that climbers are one of the most impacting user groups in Joshua Tree? Let’s help minimize our impact and volunteer a few hours of a day to keeping Joshua Tree beautiful. Plus you get a free day pass into the park and coffee. And to top it off you get entered into our special crag clean up raffle for a new rope from Edelrid.


Volunteers need to meet at Hidden Valley Campground at 8am on January 2 and 3. There they can sign the volunteer forms, pick up trash bags, gloves, tongs, and drink some coffee. Please reduce waste and bring a mug.

Crag clean up is done in cooperation with Joshua Tree National Park.

On Saturday night they announced that some 60 people had participated in the clean up.

So...there ya go.

Fun times. Thanks!

-Brian in SLC
Todd Gordon

Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Jan 5, 2010 - 09:41am PT
Dyno comp (I probably would have won, but I don't like to show off....especially in front of the young sensitive alpha I didn't enter...)


Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Jan 5, 2010 - 01:08pm PT
Rolled into Ryan....Wed am, scored three campsites... went climbing on the Freeway Wall.... didn't see a soul there at all!

Went to Queen Mt. .... 2 people were hiking out... climbed all day... alone. (except for me and my 8 friends)

Spent a day climbing around HV campground.... all the climbs that can be top roped ...... were. But I was able to go get on some classics , chalk up, north overhang, bong ... with no problem.

I do find the constant top roping of hard classics, buy under prepared n00bs, is a pain in the ass, How is one supposed to do "Hot Rocks"? Some idiot had rapped down and placed the "PRO" in and effort to "Get a Red Point"...then they spent the day, getting pulled up it...on TR!

I just don't get these modern "Hard Men/Women" ....they should do some 5.10 before trying 11. :>)

All one needs to do is walk a bit and the place is wide open.

Getting the camping spots was like winning the lotto.....

Happy new year to all.

looking sketchy there...

Social climber
Latitute 33
Jan 5, 2010 - 02:27pm PT
We were there (at Josh, but not the Carnival) and had a great New Year, excellent weather and climbing. With two 9 year olds in tow, we didn't get far off the beaten path, but still didn't run into any crowds on anything we did. On Saturday we ran into some old friends which was nice.


Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 5, 2010 - 02:45pm PT
We drove in New Year's Day, the entrance looked like Yosemite, the backup was that long. All the pullouts wee full of cars, people everywhere.

We walked out to Gilligan's Island, saw some hikers, but that's all. Went out to the south Wonderland the next day, saw nobody.

Sunday we hiked Joshua Mt. and again, never saw a soul.

Bend, OR.
Jan 5, 2010 - 03:07pm PT
We climbed at my (not so) personal secret spot on Thursday 12/31.....and had the entire crag to ourselves. And it's less than a 1/2 mile walk in to it.

shhhhhhhhhhhh, Gdavis

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Jan 5, 2010 - 03:08pm PT
Climb with me in Josh, and there is never a crowd....

Social climber
Jan 5, 2010 - 03:11pm PT
its a big park.

its a big park.

edit - Richards secret spot is the indian head. Get out there everybody! Mob it!

Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Jan 5, 2010 - 03:34pm PT
Richard...... has the "goof proof roof" been freed, yet?

Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Jan 5, 2010 - 03:35pm PT
Agreed, Saturday was INSANE!! A line of about 20 cars waiting to get in the entrance. Every pullout had cars everywhere. Lost Horse had people double parking. We went to Boy Scout trailhead and did some stuff back there and didn't see other climbers but there were tons of hikers there.

Sunday was a different story. Lots of open routes. I guess everyone went home.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 5, 2010 - 04:06pm PT
Glad it went well. Was climbing ranger Bernadette involved in the cleanup, or the carnival generally?

As for crowds - well, that's why they invented legs, and brains.

Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 5, 2010 - 04:22pm PT
Richard...... has the "goof proof roof" been freed, yet?

Somebody did it a couple of months ago according to the register. John Considine? or something. Didn't say they did it free or not. Saw a couple of slings at and above the roof. Also two slings on the wall left of the roof. Looks like lots going on there lately.

Jan 5, 2010 - 07:59pm PT
Joshua Tree evolves and continues to stretch the imagination and broaden horizons.
When tourists are filming your valiant ascent of some slabby 5.8 they are really having a good time.
When gymrats camp in the cold and think they are the first to run around bare-assed in HVCG blaring thier music and drinking stout, they are having a great time.
When a coyote walks up to a mini-van full of kids and begs for food, the kids love it.
When some kid scrambles to the top of some high boulders in his cowboy boots and feels like a king, he may never forget that feeling.
The rock climbing there is only a part of what makes Joshua Tree a special place, lest we forget.
It's a great place to just be.
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