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Boulder climber
I'm James Brown, Bi-atch!
if you take the sex out of a gay marriage,
say, between two old guys who are 75,
what do you have left?
two guys who talk,
or with the ladies, you have two girls who talk and cook,
is that still gay?
so what happens to the "gay" marriage after the people are old and abstanient? (sp)
what do they have to parade around about?
does anybody know what i'm sayin?
it's like getting a sex change operation because you really want to be the person on top, or bottom,
what happens after the hormones leave at 60?
now you have one screwed up mixed up person,
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Surely they shouldn't have the rights of a 75 yr old stra8t couple.
After all, Celebate Hetero marriages are traditional!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Damn apogee, that dude looks a lot like healyje!
I'm not that buff or good looking and I don't have the requisite social skills to be a gay republican.
"blurring... should an openly Christian judge rule on a proposition that affects the rights of Christians?"
Why doesn't that guy ever answer questions?
Goddam pussy bluering!
(Thought that maybe a little language identification would do the trick...?)
Aug 10, 2010 - 11:20pm PT
This is a great interview- take a couple of minutes and watch it:
Ted Olson being interviewed by Faux News re: recent Prop 8 decision
Given Olson's involvement in other high profile cases (i.e. Bush v. Gore), I find myself a little conflicted about being appreciative of him. However, he's on the right side of the issue this time, and I sure would want him on my side in the courtroom....!
Social climber
Aug 10, 2010 - 11:35pm PT
Maybe the ones that should decide whether or not to allow the marriage to occur should be the ones getting married?
Trad climber
Aug 10, 2010 - 11:46pm PT
Maybe the ones that should decide whether or not to allow the marriage to occur should be the ones getting married?
No! It should be the disenfranchised people who are "persecuted by law" that decide what others should do. You fool! It should be the minority, the sexual perverse, that dictate law in this country. Transgenders and homosexuals should have full family rights!!!!
Do you fools see where you're headed??? Equality? Really?
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:00am PT
"It should be the minority, the sexual perverse, that dictate law in this country."
Did you really just write that, bluering? Your homophobia is out in full force tonight, buddy!
By any chance, did you watch that interview?
Social climber
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:05am PT
Anybody else read the judge's decision? The dude ain't no dummy.
Trad climber
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:08am PT
Anybody else read the judge's decision? The dude ain't no dummy.
Yeah, I read it. And he does make good points....but....
Mountain climber
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:09am PT
ou fool! It should be the minority, the sexual perverse, that dictate law in this country.
Uh, I think that statement has already been proven the case more than the exception multiple times over the course of modern politics...
What an a$$.
Social climber
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:09am PT
But what?
Trad climber
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:21am PT
I'm not sure how to explain this to sexual deviants and sexual anarchists.
But man was meant to consecrate his love for a woman and MATE in holy matrimony. Once consecrated, they would live happily ever after producing children WITHOUT TURKEY BASTERS AND SELF INSEMINATION.
You can call yourself sexually liberated but you know damn well that Nature has intended PEOPLE to reproduce NATURALLY. Sure, you can think you're the same by manipulating Nature, but you know it ain't right.
Stop pretending. Be gay and rejoice in that if you must. But leave us alone!!!! Quit trying to pretend you are the same! You aint!
Flame on!!!!
I should get some Flame mail on this post....channeling Juan??? No. I mean it!
A long way from where I started
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:24am PT
Do you fools see where you're headed??? Equality? Really?
Sure. Give them homos the right to get married, and you know where that'll lead? Damn right. Next thing you know them liberals will be saying we oughta give niggers the right to vote. Or marry whites. Ruin the goddam country, that will.
Bluering/Steve, I try to stay out of most of the political and religious debates here, but your last post was really disgusting.
The voice you speak with is the same voice which once said blacks and Asians and Indians were sub-humans who deserved nothing. Your relegation of homosexuals to sub-humanity is very little different from the racism that would once have made my marriage illegal.
What next? Round up all the jews?
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:25am PT
Isn't it kinda dark and stinky up there, bluering?
Trad climber
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:31am PT
The voice you speak with is the same voice which once said blacks and Asians and Indians were sub-humans who deserved nothing. Your relegation of homosexuals to sub-humanity is very little different from the racism that would once have made my marriage illegal.
What next? Round up all the jews?
This is where you fools (no offense) are wrong. Why do you compare race to sexual activity? Isn't that an insult to racial minorities???? WTF?
This is a cultural perversion. Not a cultural racial inequity.
And you fail to see where this perversion leads. Racial marriage leads to decent families who chose to have children. No problem.
But what happens when 2 guys have a kid and raise him amongst a 'normal' family. ANd it is a normal family. A guy f*#ked a chick and injected sperm in her and made a child!!!!
Don't tell me gay is NORMAL~~~~
bluering, you are so hateful of gays it makes me think that you are one.
That seems to be the best that the Blue-bashers have right now.....
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:37am PT
Guys, guys, guys....bluering is drunk tonight. He's been on pretty good behavior over the last few weeks, but tonight he's on a bender. His normally nearly-non-existent social filters are 3 sheets to the wind.
What're you drinkin', anyway, blue?
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:43am PT
But man was meant to consecrate his love for a woman and MATE in holy matrimony. Once consecrated, they would live happily ever after producing children WITHOUT TURKEY BASTERS AND SELF INSEMINATION. Don't a man and a woman usually self-inseminate, to produce children? Anyway, it seems right, but otherwise irrelevant, that turkey basters should be mentioned. Turkeys of some kind, at least.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:46am PT
Long hair, doper, homophobic, christian conservative republicans. The tent they set up in just can't be too far from the log cabins and I suspect gay republicans out number them by a big margin.
Trad climber
Aug 11, 2010 - 12:50am PT
Nobody tried to decide who you get to marry (poor girl). Gays are not trying to pretend they are the same and they have no reason to.
Alright, that's personal...the wife just said, "whatever..." though. So no big deal.
But aren't gays trying to be the same? By virtue of this law? Aren't they trying to to say marriage can be homosexual???
Isn't that the crux?
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