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Mountain climber
Apr 10, 2018 - 02:06pm PT
Makes sense that Republicans would be ignorant of the facts. Republicans tend to be less educated and less successful than Democrats.
Better fact-check that. Your definition of "education" notwithstanding, the 2016 election was the first time in decades more baccalaureate-holders voted Democrat. True, more post-graduate degree holders vote D--and have for a while. Who cares.
Not sure what exactly you're trying to say with your revealing statement. "We Democrats are, in fact, the one-percenters?" "Those not in possession of higher degrees are not worthy votes?" "We know best?"
Elitism in a nutshell.
Beck, I think we're really getting somewhere now! Please continue.
Apr 10, 2018 - 02:15pm PT
Hurray for us, we right and righteous crusaders for truth, Justice, and the American way! Boo to the other half of our democracy, my deplorable evil supporters and their wrongheaded way of being a human!
We are literally on the right side of history. That’s exactly what I’m saying. You, while distracted by our T-crossing and I-dotting obsessions, are just hearing it wrong.
Wishing you well, either way.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 10, 2018 - 02:19pm PT
This will result in the new Patsy AG replacing Rosenstein
Unlike installing Bolton as National Security Advisor, a replacement Attorney General would have to be confirmed by the Senate. At least a few Republican Senators have indicated they will not tolerate a Saturday Night Massacre-type grab for absolute power by the President. At 49-52 (that dunce Pence gets a vote if there is a tie) there would be sufficient opposition to keep Luce Ferro (or whomever Trump picks) from becoming a new Attorney General.
The Wastelands
Apr 10, 2018 - 02:44pm PT
*Despite occasional left forays into reality denial, conservatives are far more likely to accept misinformation and outright lies.
*Deliberate campaigns of misinformation and conservative preferences for information that fits in with their pre-existing ideology provide only a partial explanation. Faulty reasoning and judgment, rooted in the interactions between modes of reasoning and judgment shared by all with the specific personality patterns found disproportionately among conservatives may also play a central role.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Apr 10, 2018 - 02:48pm PT
Most Republicans are very misinformed and therefore ignorant of the facts about most issues.
lower educated people are the most vulnerable to misinformation from authoritarians, and this misinformation leads them to be threatened and fearful and then vote Republican
but even highly educated right wingers can be led astray with misinformation and believe it no matter what the facts may be, these people are called fascists, they choose to be misinformed.
so it makes sense that Trump loves the poorly educated, they are most ignorant and therefore the easiest people to dupe with his lies and con job.
Trad climber
Apr 10, 2018 - 02:52pm PT
Right wingers are the conspiracy nutters of the world...
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Apr 10, 2018 - 03:20pm PT
So the question is: who gets to decide who is a Muslim: you or Muslims?
Sort of reminds me of the Mormons converting Jews to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after they were dead and buried and without their, or their living relatives, permission. I guess I can unilaterally declare anyone as a member of my little church and tough luck for them if they don't like it. Ah, the power of my God is awesome!!!
Apr 10, 2018 - 04:23pm PT
Ah, the power of my God is awesome!!!
God didn't have jack sh!t to do with it.
Some fools did.
Why do you people always make up a bunch a bullsh!t masquarading as truths.
That's why this thread is sooo full of sh!t and proves once again you people are insane ......
Trad climber
Apr 10, 2018 - 04:24pm PT
lotta duck poop here..
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Apr 10, 2018 - 04:57pm PT
Why do you people always make up a bunch a bullsh!t masquarading as truths.
Pot, meet kettle.
Trad climber
Apr 10, 2018 - 05:09pm PT
Please....remember what happens to political threads that turn ugly with name-calling. Try to stay focused on the topic and not start bashing others.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 10, 2018 - 05:37pm PT
Despite occasional left forays into reality denial, conservatives are far more likely to accept misinformation and outright lies.
Generalizations can't predict the behavior of any one person in a group, but there certainly are situations, like the one above, where statistically those in a particular group are likely to behave in a certain way.
One of the most consistent characteristics of Republicans is their continual theft of musical compositions as the theme music for their campaigns. Being unpopular themselves, they attempt a popularity-by-proxy gambit by ripping off popular songs from people who absolutely hate their stinking guts.
Naturally, the musicians then have to send cease and desist letters to stop the unauthorized use of their property.
At one point in Trump's campaign, he claimed that a general music license, like that for a bar or dance club, applied to the arena where he had brought his MAGA act. Trump's super-brain told him he was allowed to appropriate, free of charge, any music that would jolt his Gawking Dead audience to life.
There have been instances of Democrats using music without permission, but the Repub-to-Dem ratio was about 20:1 the last time I checked.
When Trump is good, he can be the best. And when he's bad, he's the absolute WORST.
Trump's weather vane, compass, GPS and conscience are all broken. He keeps pointing himself in the wrong direction.
state of being
Apr 10, 2018 - 06:21pm PT
Nope, that was mentioned by China a while ago as part of their plans.
the Fet
Apr 10, 2018 - 06:49pm PT
The psychology of partisans is so interesting. Some people feel they have to pick a side. Then they will believe whatever they need (and whatever they read) to reinforce that they made the right decision.
When Trump said "grab them by the pussy", and 1/3 of Americans were able to justify that is acceptable for a candidate for POTUS, is when I realized there's nothing you can say that will get through to these kind of people. Even as I write this I can imagine the mental gymnastics they will go through as they read it so they can keep believing what they need to believe.
Anyway I'm glad Muellers on the case and he will go where the evidence leads. I hope he finds evidence of impeachable offenses and Trump is thrown out. It will be a lot of pain for the country in the short term. But in the long term it would be good to show that someone that dishonest and disgraceful will get what they deserve and people will think twice about voting for a similar jackass in the future.
Oh yeah I realized Trump tweets and statements make perfect sense if you assume they mean the complete opposite of what he says. E.g. "Partisan witch hunt" actually means "Republicans appointed by me have compelling evidence to investigate me". Try it! It totally works. :-)
JC Marin
Trad climber
Apr 10, 2018 - 06:49pm PT
Orange is the new Orange and the new jumpsuit will suit Trump to a tee...
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Apr 10, 2018 - 06:56pm PT
Next on Mueller's list to interview is Jack Sh#t,..
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 10, 2018 - 07:15pm PT
Believing himself invincible, Trump does what ever the hell wants to do. Like the spoiled child he is, he doesn't like anybody telling him what to do, or even worse, telling him that he can't do something.
It doesn't always work out for him, though.
He grabbed the pussy, and the pussy fought back.
Stormy Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti is a master of making the media rounds. He has been hinting that at least eight other women have come to him with a Trumpian Tale of Pure Sordidness. For now, though, he is still vetting their stories, and is not quite ready to turn them loose upon the already-doomed Donald Trump.
Snowy Blowy and Floozy McDoozy are names that came to me in an Edgar Cayce-like sofa trance.
Mountain climber
Hong Kong
Apr 10, 2018 - 09:28pm PT
X Con says of partisans that there are two camps:
"One is the desperate children of a social formation which is on the verge of being wiped out. I'd call them the poor."
So if you wipe out the poor you've wiped out poverty, right? And that would be a good thing?
Anyway, this is quite entertaining at lunchtime in my cubicle. Please continue.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Apr 10, 2018 - 09:40pm PT
The goal will be to get this to the Supreme Court where Trump has clear advantage.
That's what Nixon thought, and he lost 9-0
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Apr 10, 2018 - 09:47pm PT
Would it fly in a Sharia court?
Who cares what flies in a Sharia court. I don't. Do you?
Yes I do, not because I agree with it (I don't), but because I believe it's useful to understand the the thought process of something like a billion people on the planet, when at least some non-trivial number of them are motivated by their beliefs to do some rather extreme things.
Sometimes other people's beliefs have consequences, even when we disagree with them.
Would someone whose parents were Jews have been able to escape Nazi Germany by pointing out that he or she didn't believe in the Jewish religion and didn't accept that the traditional definition of Jewishness?
Whoa Whoa Whoa!
That's a ridiculous as saying that looking at a Vatican Court decision gives you insight into a billion people.
your last example contradicts your proposition---that jewish decisions about who are jewish are the important and relevant decisions---Not to the Nazis, as you point out.
Obama did not live where Sharia Law was the law of the land, and he was never a citizen of any state that did.
What is missing from your small intellectual effort is the ruling from any court, Sharia or otherwise, that legally declares Obama a muslim.
So, you have no evidence to support your assertion.
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