Arizona Climbing Appreciation thread


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Social climber
Feb 17, 2010 - 09:39am PT
As for "missing" I should have said "wished for" a bolt cause I didn't see any signs of a missing bolt either. Might be the wrong spot; Greg, is that the spot with the loose block I didn't use for pro? It may be further up the route and not on the photo shown.

Spider Walk is a long uncomplicated route where routefinding is the main concern. Still, it was protected at key moments, except for this one. Maybe I was just feeling soft, but I don't remember finding squat and feeling very exposed.

Social climber
Across Town From Easy Street
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 17, 2010 - 02:25pm PT
Found this on Mountain Project - photo credit Pernell:


Trad climber
Albuquerque, NM
Feb 25, 2010 - 08:42pm PT
"i wish we could xc ski at the north rim of the GC! it would SO COOL. unless we fell off :P
i should start researching that. bet we could rent some and go on an FS road up there.

From the Jacobs Lake turnoff (end of any plowed road or at least used to be) it's 40 miles to the rim. 20 to park boundary and then another 20 to the rim.

It has been skied in a day if you skate it in good condition, but then you're biving on the N Rim and either walking to the S Rim or skiing out.
If walking, take ice gear for the one formation you have to cross.

It's also been skied in over a week with -20F conditions and blizzards everyday, this was by a strong party (Baxter/Karlstrom and others) so it depends a lot on the conditions.

The North Rim Tour, it's absolutely classic but it's not an afternoon outing.

Social climber
Across Town From Easy Street
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 25, 2010 - 09:09pm PT
Was there less than two months ago, and everything seems the same. Even drove down the road and looked for closures.

Don't forget your boulder pad!

Tucson, AZ
Feb 25, 2010 - 09:42pm PT
if you look really really really close you can see me and The Doctor on top of End Pinnacle after we did End Game two weeks ago.

AZ climbing blows.... why... just look at that choss pile!

Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Feb 25, 2010 - 10:19pm PT
Locker - access at QC has not changed.

Bill made it out of the committee in the Senate, largely via being ridden and whipped through personally by John McCain. Not sure when it would go up for vote there.

Still stalled out in the House thanks to Raul Grijalva.

That's the nutshell view. Climb on!

Boulder climber
Gilbert, AZ
Feb 25, 2010 - 11:18pm PT
Hey Locker,

Look me up when you're over here. I'll be happy to give you a personalized tour of Oak Flat.


Social climber
Feb 27, 2010 - 01:01pm PT
Locker, I went to Lower Devil's Canyon to climb the newest additions at the east side of the canyon. The road in had been recently graded again, making the drive in possible with a high clearance vehicle. Rains since then may have cause erosion; haven't been since two storms (one today too). That has turned out to be a lot of good rock, including some pinnacles. Have fun.

Tucson, AZ
Feb 27, 2010 - 01:22pm PT
gcclimbing - we did have it all to ourselves. no chickens or people there the entire day.

Two weeks ago on a Saturday on a beautiful/perfect day and nobody else climbing on them. The Rockfellers close Monday. Hmmm... word must be out about that choss pile.

Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Feb 27, 2010 - 01:57pm PT
Closer shot of someone on the top of the End Pinnacle...


Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Feb 27, 2010 - 04:21pm PT
Here's one from the Arizona way back machine...
The Kachinas on their first outing to climb Weaver's Needle in the Supes in the late 1940's.

L to R: Dale Walser, Ben Pedrick, Ed George, Roy Gray. The photo was taken by Ray Garner.
Ed Goerge was one of the two climbers who did the first ascent of Pinnacle Peak near Phoenix as well.


Feb 27, 2010 - 04:26pm PT

Social climber
Feb 27, 2010 - 11:20pm PT
Locker: you won't find anything grid bolted in Lower Devil's Canyon. The Pond maybe.

Geir and Marcy among others have a lot of mixed routes, only one totally bolted, across the other side of LDC:


Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Mar 1, 2010 - 08:46am PT
The photo from Weaver's Needle above was taken on or about November 30, 1946. According to the Kachina records, this was the third time the Needle had been climbed. They climbed both summits.

Social climber
Mar 2, 2010 - 11:07am PT
We had a great day bouldering in Superior. There is a lot to do in this part of AZ. Mike, Angelina and I pulled on conglomerate quartzite John Sherman turned me onto:


Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Mar 2, 2010 - 12:50pm PT
Was it a topless bouldering day? :-)

Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Mar 2, 2010 - 12:54pm PT
Queen Creek-


Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Mar 2, 2010 - 12:56pm PT
Mushroom, can't remember if this from the original route or south face.

Klondyke Wall..


Trad climber
Mar 2, 2010 - 07:23pm PT
Gotta love the TACOHUT!!

Just heard from my neighbors... Knknk + C.

Fars I can tell... they saw this:


And drove to BC to AZ

Gotterdone today.

And got a story to bring home.

Gotta love SuperT!!

WEll Done!

4:23 PT.



Big Wall climber
State of Insanity
Mar 17, 2010 - 12:58am PT
Let us not forget one of Arizona's most classic Traditions,

Camelback's Praying Monk ... on Christmas Day!
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