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Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 12, 2018 - 02:31am PT

DOOD looks like he's CRAZY!

Oh, What a funky trade scheme!

Putin likes it, likes it, likes it, likes it.


DOOD looks like he's crazy!


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 12, 2018 - 06:54am PT
Tom....Didn't Jaque Rashe work with Itchy Balls...?

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Sep 12, 2018 - 06:57am PT
Bob Woodward in a TV interview discussing Trump......

“I think the key in examining Trump is actually what will he do when people present him with facts?” he said. “For instance, it sounds a little esoteric, but the World Trade Organization, which the United States is a member of — very important, allows us to file complaints of unfair trade practices — and there’s a meeting in the Oval Office and the president says, ‘Well, the World Trade Organization is the worst organization ever. We lose all of our cases.'”

Trump’s advisers presented him with data that showed the U.S., in fact, won 85.7 percent of the cases it brought before the organization, and he simply rejected their data.

“He says, ‘No, that’s not true,’ and the people are saying, ‘Look, call the U.S. trade representative, your guy, and he will confirm this,'” Woodward said.

Woodward said the president simply refused.

“‘I don’t want to hear it,'” Trump said, according to Woodward. “‘I don’t want to call him, I don’t want to deal with it.'”

The president flat-our rejects information that challenges his biases and beliefs, the reporter said.

“At some point, he gets literally where the aides ask him, ‘Where did you get these ideas?'” Woodward said. “And he will say, ‘Well, I’ve had them for 30 years, they’re right and if you disagree, you’re wrong.'”

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 12, 2018 - 08:02am PT
Just imagine, two years ago this was a nation led by a minority technocrat. We were taking a small half step back from American exceptionalism to relieve our stressed military and financial condition. We took a small half step towards social democracy with a partial government health plan for the impoverished to help solve an unsustainable healthcare crisis- people were dying because they had no healthcare or were afraid to go to the doctor.

Now, here we are with the a small faction of white Protestant males attempting to lead us towards a Russian style authoritarian plutocracy with a complete despot in control- amazing!

Small Trumpet- the deficit grew by near 30% from this time last year thanks to increased government spending and tax cuts for the wealthy.

Ice climber
Sep 12, 2018 - 08:56am PT
Tom....Didn't Jaque Rashe work with Itchy Balls...?

Either him or Crotch Rocket (gender unknown)

could be the one

but you're never sure, until you sniff the seat (standard CHP practice, just like touching the tail-light)


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 12, 2018 - 11:14am PT

Ya ever seen a gal "posting" on her English riding saddle?

. . . . but, her first love was riding horses . . . . .
 you get the idea

“‘I don’t want to hear it,'” Trump said,

The very definition of insanity is someone who believes lies are the truth, and won't tolerate hearing otherwise. If the lies are challenged, an insane person may resort to physical violence to "prove" they are correct. A crazy person believes that shouting a false statement makes it correct. A crazy person in power will eliminate contradictory persons to ensure their distorted concept of reality becomes the "truth".

The Psycho Tsunami has pulled back from the beach, and is about to come roaring back towards shore.

They get what they want, but they never want it again.
 Courtney Love

The Wastelands
Sep 12, 2018 - 02:02pm PT
Brady Mallory: "So, for family farmers here who are worried about losing their generations-long farms -- at the end of the season --, (and) early retirement, any words of comfort for them now?"

President Donald Trump: "Well, they would've lost them anyway because they were being hurt so badly by the trade barriers. We will tell you they are going to be in a very good position soon."

That's the latest version of "don't blame me for that"—something Trump said last month at a rally where he was grousing about all the soybean talk of late. Surely, South Dakota farmers are soothed by Trump's concern, which came just hours after Trump announced that he might slap tariffs on another $267 billion worth of Chinese goods (on top of a previously promised $200 billion), significantly escalating an already fraught trade dispute with China.

But don't worry, Trump says, they'll be in "a very good position soon" ... after they lose their farms.

Social climber
Sep 12, 2018 - 04:00pm PT


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 13, 2018 - 11:55am PT
President Donald Trump: "Well, they would've lost them anyway because they were being hurt so badly by the trade barriers. We will tell you they are going to be in a very good position soon."

Trump used that same "logic" when people lost their deposits in a failed Trump condo project in Florida. He said the buyers were "lucky" because the drop in real estate prices meant their condos would have been worth less than expected, had they actually been built. Trump claimed that losing a $50,000 cash deposit was a better deal than having a retirement condo to live in.

Trump refused to take any responsibility for the buyers' losses, or return any of the money he'd been paid, up-front, from their deposits. Trump claimed he only licensed his name, but at promotional seminars, he told the gullible buyers that it was "my latest project".

Trad climber
Clovis, CA
Sep 13, 2018 - 04:59pm PT
"Very, very wet". Gee, I glad I got educated that a hurricane is wet. I mean, who knew that?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 13, 2018 - 05:09pm PT
Dana Loesch, a Trump apologist and NRA blowhard, went on NRA TV to protest against ethnic characters that appear on the animated children's television show, Thomas & Friends.

Loesch's racist diatribe was accompanied by an NRA-approved image depicting KKK-hooded characters destroying Thomas The Tank Engine's railroad tracks and fleeing on stolen locomotives.

Loesch's diatribe basically went something like this:

I don't see why they need to include an African character, or paint a tribal design on a train. I mean, it's not like Thomas the Tank Engine and his other (i.e. acceptable) friends are white - they have gray faces. All the faces should look the same - gray. A diversity of characterizations sends the wrong message to children: that it's OK to tolerate and accept people who are different from yourself.

Sep 13, 2018 - 05:11pm PT
^^^Gee, I wonder why white nationalists now feel emboldened?^^^

The Wastelands
Sep 13, 2018 - 06:46pm PT
But to the important question...

If not right now what more does his SuperTopo forum supporters have to see to admit they were wrong and now regret their vote?


Sep 13, 2018 - 07:00pm PT
Ruh-roh, trumpkins, Manafort and Mueller’s team are close to a deal.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 13, 2018 - 07:13pm PT
Manafort is going to flip....? " He's a really good guy "....Whatever happened to loyalty...? Now he's going to get his pussy grabbed by the Trumpkins...

some eastside hovel
Sep 13, 2018 - 07:30pm PT
What in the hell else does Trump need to do to prove he is unfit? It's insane and scary. Who are these devout followers? Frickin' cult. Whatever the supreme leader says must be true.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 13, 2018 - 07:38pm PT
Trump is an IQ-deflating Svengali who has skillfully targeted a specific legion of susceptible victims.

He is like a speedy bank robber, going from bank, to bank, to bank, taking what he wants with impunity. The cops are back at the station, "letting the engine warm up", before they finally put the car in gear, and start chasing him down.


Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 13, 2018 - 08:30pm PT
Who are these devout followers?
They're hoping for an invite to the Fuhrerbunker.
Wikipedia- The Führerbunker was an air raid shelter located near the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, Germany. It was part of a subterranean bunker complex constructed in two phases in 1936 and 1944. It was the last of the Führer Headquarters (Führerhauptquartiere) used by Adolf Hitler during World War II.

Hitler moved into the Führerbunker on 16 January 1945, joined by his senior staff, including Martin Bormann. Eva Braun and Joseph Goebbels joined them in April, while Magda Goebbels and their six children took residence in the upper Vorbunker.[17] Two or three dozen support, medical, and administrative staff were also sheltered there. These included Hitler's secretaries (including Traudl Junge), a nurse named Erna Flegel, and telephone switchboard operator Sergeant Rochus Misch. Initially, Hitler continued to utilize the undamaged wing of the Reich Chancellery, where he held afternoon military conferences in his large study.[18] Afterwards, he would have tea with his secretaries before going back down into the bunker complex for the night. After several weeks of this routine, Hitler seldom left the bunker except for short strolls in the chancellery garden with his dog Blondi.[18] The bunker was crowded, the atmosphere was oppressive, and air raids occurred daily.[19] Hitler mostly stayed on the lower level, where it was quieter and he could sleep.[20] Conferences took place for much of the night,[19] often until 05:00.[21]

On 16 April, the Red Army started the Battle of Berlin, and they started to encircle the city by 19 April.[22] Hitler made his last trip to the surface on 20 April, his 56th birthday, going to the ruined garden of the Reich Chancellery where he awarded the Iron Cross to boy soldiers of the Hitler Youth.[23] That afternoon, Berlin was bombarded by Soviet artillery for the first time.[24]

Hitler was in denial about the dire situation and placed his hopes on the units commanded by Waffen-SS General Felix Steiner, the Armeeabteilung Steiner ("Army Detachment Steiner"). On 21 April, Hitler ordered Steiner to attack the northern flank of the encircling Soviet salient and ordered the German Ninth Army, south-east of Berlin, to attack northward in a pincer attack.[25][26] That evening, Red Army tanks reached the outskirts of Berlin.[27] Hitler was told at his afternoon situation conference on 22 April that Steiner's forces had not moved, and he fell into a tearful rage when he realised that the attack was not going to be carried out. He openly declared for the first time the war was lost—and he blamed his generals. Hitler announced that he would stay in Berlin until the end and then shoot himself.
It's ironic- Muller and his team are methodically surrounding the President, and like Hitler,Trump and his cronies are hell bent on a Shakespearean ending. I'm guessing Trump and his Congressional Praetorian guard will threaten to take us all down if they don't work a deal for anything short of a pardon or Asylum.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 13, 2018 - 08:46pm PT

Who's playing whom?

Manafort could be playing a Cohen Card, and signaling to Trump that he'd better pardon him, or else. Cohen wasn't bluffing, and flipped when Trump abandoned him. Trump now has to decide what to do with the "very brave" Manafort.

Manafort's 45-year career as a sophisticated Washington DC and international political operative, and his close ties to Kremlin agents, oligarchs and puppets, makes Manafort the Wild Joker in Trump's rickety house of cards.

Depending on what Manafort knows, Mueller might let him slither off into the Witness Protection Program.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 13, 2018 - 09:09pm PT
Trump don't have the cajones to pardon Manafort....Let him try...
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