Politapocalypse (U.S. Politics Megathread)


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rick sumner

Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Dec 12, 2015 - 08:42am PT
Old Snake Pliskin? Dealt with the baddest of the bad terrorists in the ecape from New York and LA movies.

Good idea though. Might be an effective deterrent if a rash of those on the terrorist watch list spontaneously self exploded alone from defective suicide belts.

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 12, 2015 - 10:08am PT
The honeymoon is over. Paul Ryan is now a secret Muslim terrorist because he's growing a beard.


Boulder climber
Dec 12, 2015 - 10:48am PT
Conflict is "America's favorite pastime".

The Press is the pervayor of this economic enterprise and their dark bedfellows (big oil, the military industrial complex, pharmaceuticals, insurance lobby, unions and a host of others) are the directors. You, sitting in front of the idiot box and how you react is their design and polarization is money.

There's always the obligatory regional thug, disease, predator, dark skinned race or rich white guy at the levers to loathe and fear. That's the easy stuff, they're just bypassing your intellect and going straight for your base emotions.

I'm still amazed at their handiwork- orchestrating public support for the Iraq war. Do you remember mushroom clouds, code orange, duct tape and plastic? The press sat at the table with Bush, making that war happen and then dined on his corpse in the terrible aftermath.

The real art of the game, is watching the press manipulate the electorate. There's nothing more boring than a runaway election. They're success is directly predicated on how much they instigate your hate towards the other candidate or party.

We all watched as they alternately demonizing Obama, then Romney, then Obama, then Romney- constantly keeping the pole numbers close. In the end they chose Obama because the feel-good story could not be denied.

The same tactics where used in the Bush- Gore election. My all time favorite mind-fuk was watching them declare Bush as the winner of a debate when he was behind in the polls. The Press was tired of Gore's boring agenda and arrogance and knew the idiot/cowboy would create some real news.

Invariably, the candidates themselves fall prey to the game, succumb to the pressure and fall into their roles as partisan robots. This is the time when deals with the devil are made.

This election will see the Press tear down Hillary until she and her opponent are locked in a political death struggle- all to keep your undivided attention and their sponsors giddy. After a long hard fight, my guess is, that the first woman president will be the story they'll choose for you.

This is not an indictment of the press, the politicians, the "man", slackers or any coterie in between; they're actions are self serving and predictable...


Trad climber
Dec 12, 2015 - 10:52am PT
Its all Hollywood, and anyone that thinks otherwise, they need to take a sip of wake the f*#k up and see who has taken over our country juice.

Dec 12, 2015 - 10:55am PT
By all means tell us who, studly
The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Dec 12, 2015 - 03:41pm PT

Trad climber
electric lady land
Dec 12, 2015 - 03:49pm PT

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Dec 12, 2015 - 04:22pm PT
Contractor lays out a pretty solid description of the situation. He does neglect to describe how both candidates are in the end acceptable and controlled by the same interests.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Dec 12, 2015 - 04:28pm PT
The press doesn't give a damn about platforms and programs. All they are interested in is reporting poll results, no matter who made the poll.

They have stripped the newsrooms of reporters, all that's left is typists who do the easy stories. No in depth reporting of facts.

Boulder climber
Dec 12, 2015 - 05:29pm PT

CPO's intransigence and insults may run the USN, but here are ST, it just results in several cases of severe butt hurt by thin skinned libs. I'm sure that's the point.


Your right, their diametrically opposed rhetoric during the campaign results in more of the same, once in office. I suppose they're nuanced enough in their positions to make voting worthy.

Trad climber
Santa Cruz Mountains and Monterey Bay
Dec 12, 2015 - 05:36pm PT
The Western peoples are so dimwitted that they have not yet understood that the “war on terror” is, in fact, a war to create terror that can be exported to Muslim areas of Russia and China in order to destabilize the two countries that serve as a check on Washington’s unilateral, hegemonic power.

The problem for the neocon unilateralists is that Russia and China are powerful military powers, both nuclear and conventional—although misinformed by their “experts” educated abroad in the neoliberal tradtion, people who are de facto agents of Washington without even knowing it.

Unless Russia and China are content to be Washington’s vassal states, for the neoconservatives, who control Washington and, thereby, the West…to press these two powerful countries so hard can only lead to war.

As Washington is not a match for Russia and China in conventional warfare, the war will be nuclear, and the result will be the end of life on earth.

Whether ironic or paradoxical, the US is pushing a policy that means the end of life. Yet, the majority of Western governments support it, and the insouciant Western peoples have no clue.

But Putin has caught on. Russia is not going to submit.

Soon China will undersand that US dependency on China’s workforce and imports is not a protection from Washington’s aggression.

When China looks beyond its MIT and Harvard miseducated neoliberal economists to the writing on the wall, Washington is going to be in deep trouble.

What will Washington do? Confronted with two powerful nuclear forces, will the crazed neocons back off? Or will their confidence in their ideology bring us the final war?

This is a real question. The US government pays Internet trolls to ridicule such quesions and their authors. To see the people who sell out humanity for money, all you have to do is to read the comments on the numerous alternative news websites

Dec 12, 2015 - 05:46pm PT
rick sumner

Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Dec 12, 2015 - 05:48pm PT
^^^^ Raqqa or Meggido. From which prophecy do you scribe?

Trad climber
Fresno CA
Dec 12, 2015 - 05:59pm PT
The press doesn't give a damn about platforms and programs. All they are interested in is reporting poll results, no matter who made the poll.

They have stripped the newsrooms of reporters, all that's left is typists who do the easy stories. No in depth reporting of facts.

Hold the calls - we have a winner! The press not only doesn't care about platforms and programs, it no longer seems to employ many who even understand the issues involved. Press reporting on economic issues reminds me of the quality of reporting I used to read about climbing -- clueless.

Trying to obtain reliable news requires more effort than the American people are willing to undertake, so we end up with the media we deserve.


Social climber
So Cal
Dec 12, 2015 - 06:15pm PT
This is a real question. The US government pays Internet trolls to ridicule such quesions and their authors. To see the people who sell out humanity for money, all you have to do is to read the comments on the numerous alternative news websites

My check must have got lost in the mail.

Trad climber
Santa Cruz Mountains and Monterey Bay
Dec 12, 2015 - 06:17pm PT
doesn't much matter what prophesy appeals to you…it only takes one mistake and 30 minutes to wipe out our civilization...

The Good Places
Dec 12, 2015 - 06:23pm PT
speaking of kurt russell, bone tomahawk is shaping up to be allrriiiight.
rick sumner

Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Dec 12, 2015 - 06:40pm PT
No wonder Washington doesn't give a rats ass about the national debt or unfunded social program liabilities. The plan is to go down in a nuclear blaze. Brilliant, to accomplish what 4.5 billion years of mega catastrophes couldn't, and in only a half hour to boot.

Trad climber
Santa Cruz Mountains and Monterey Bay
Dec 12, 2015 - 06:48pm PT
hmmm…overlooking how 12,900 years ago, comet debris wiped out the entire western hemisphere, ending the human Clovis culture, as well as wiping out all the woolly mammoth, giant sloth, saber-toothed tigers, camels, horses, etc. and leaving a thin black layer of debris covering much of the globe at that point in time...

The Good Places
Dec 12, 2015 - 07:03pm PT
are you folks aware of the fact that it is currently illegal to take your own life, even in the face of medically diagnosed, egregiously terrible inevitable disintegration of self?

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