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well, it looks like it's time to tune back into this, the 17th season of the apprentice...
cause shIt is getting real out there for a few folks:
1. cohen: not everyday the president of the u.s. of a.'s attorney has his home, his car and his hotel "served" with no knock raids... and it's not everyday that this is reportedly due to the president of the u.s. of a.'s personal attorney being investigated for bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations...
2. the american people: when el presidente rehires a war hawk like john r. bolton as the national security advisor, it's time to collectively pull up the big boy pants 'cause history tells us there will be war coming down the pipeline once the propaganda machines have had a chance to lube the collective american consciousness... and if you think "deposing" of trump is going to solve that, go watch this vid from today and notice who is sitting directly to the right and who is sitting directly to the left of mr. trumperino.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
3. the syrian people: it doesn't matter that reuter's is reporting that initial assessments by the u.s. government have not determined what chemical agent was used nor what the source was, because now the israelis are throwing bombs too... 'cause really who would want to miss out on fUcking the syrian people at this point?
1+2+3= while nothing is inevitable, it looks like we've got a structure vs chaos fight between the elites within the u.s. at the same time that proxy wars are heating up overseas...
ie. i'd say the biggest loser is going to once again be the syrian people, with the next biggest loser being the american people as the doubling down on previously and repeatedly failed foreign and economic policies continues unabated, while the distraction to all of this continues to play out in all of its kabuki theatre styled largesse [and so the headlining domestic news will ultimately result in little to no change to the track that the u.s. is on, even if el drumpf himself ends up back in trump tower rather than the white house, and all of his associates/attorneys/advisors end up in prison]...
because yes... STORMMMMYYY!!!1!!!!! and the RUSSSIANS!!!!11!!!1!!!! and HILLLARRRYY!!!!111!!1!!! just like BENGHAZZZZIIIII!!!1!!!!! before them...
are [respective to the color of our partisan hats] the prizes we should all be pouring our attention and focus towards. [/s]
Mountain climber
The Constitutional Crisis is almost upon us, but we must not flee in terror from the vile words spoken by the son of the Devil. The nation must stand strong, and prove the wisdom of the Founding Fathers by properly ridding ourselves of the Presidential pestilence.
Petulant liberals and DC bureaucrats and their ongoing post-election temper tantrums are what is causing this crisis. Hell, even Ken Starr didn't violate attorney-client privilege with a bogus raid. Enough of this. No collusion. There never was. Time to get on with the business of the country. Fire Rosenstein and, by extension, Mueller. Immediately. And impeach the judge who authorized this violation of sacred law.
If any of you tools ever find yourselves under legal suspicion, would you be ok with the prosecutor using law enforcement to start turning over file cabinets and desk drawers at your attorney's office--or home? What's next?
FWIW, I couldn't give two-shits about Trump. And I understand why he is disliked by many. But we had a legitimate election--and we'll have another one in 2020. Get on with your lives.
Mountain climber
Spare me. You know well and good there is no Federal interest in the Stormy Daniels affair--or who paid her. This is yet another Mueller fishing expedition, grasping at straws to justify his Russia-collusion dearth by any means necessary. Shut it down.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
“I am your president”
Makin’ ‘Merica great “again”
Boulder climber
Somebody- Lituya is a bot. He/she was assigned for Taco subversion by Russian intelligence.
He/she also subverts backpacking, mountain biking, river rafting and Parkour forums, however hers/his favorite venue is the bird watching forums. Hypersensitive liberals clothed in Safari atire and River shoes abound.
The Parkour forums are nice to recruit sweatsuit wearing Eastern euros, sympathetic to the cause.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 9, 2018 - 08:29pm PT
Comrade Lityukov has the right to his opinion.
I think it's wrong and delusional. Or, propaganda to bolster the criminal defendants' absurd claims of innocence.
But, he's entitled to his opinion.
At any rate, a fact is a fact is a fact. And opinions are not facts.
Cohen's own action - the $130,000 payment - caused his own bank to file a Suspicious Activity Report with the Treasury Department.
A prosecutor got the warrant to raid Cohen's office, car, cellphone, etc. based on evidence presented to a New York Federal Judge. The prosecutor was not Robert Mueller, but someone else. The case is being brought in New York District Court, and is unrelated (for now) to what Mueller is investigating.
Potential bank fraud would be a suspicious activity that a bank would be required, by law, to report. They did, and now Cohen is being investigated.
Trump's response to the raid of his attorney's office was hilarious, yet vaguely threatening when he mentioned the "most powerful military in the world".
At one point, Trump defensively clasped himself tightly with both arms, and began shifting from side to side, as in "He's a shifty character".
Trump's tailor should make him a ShamWow! suit, so that he doesn't make a big mess when he melts down. It would be like a body-diaper for the Liar in Chief.
One step closer to Trump, sweet Jesus
One step closer to Trump
Warrants downtown for his attorney's papers
One step closer to Trump
Spare me. You know well and good there is no Federal interest in the Stormy Daniels affair-
First of all, it was Trump himself that moved to have the case heard in a Federal court.
Second, the payment was intended to benefit Trump right before the election. It was made in violation of Federal election laws.
Third, Robert Mueller hasn't shown all the cards he's holding. And, he won't until the time is right to play them, one by one. The $130,000 payment is exactly the type of thing he would be investigating, particularly whether it came from a foreign source.
NostraThomas predicts that the Stormy Daniels payment will be shown to have come from Russia, via a convoluted but provable route that included Michael Cohen. Cohen's bank was alerted to the suspicious activity because Cohen isn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas Tree. For one thing, he used a bank in New York City, where everybody hates Donald Trump, to conduct suspicious activity to benefit Donald Trump.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Vince Foster
But this, of course, this is a 'witchhunt'...
The GOP are such whiny bitches when the shoe's on the other foot. Maybe don't use investigations for political purposes in the future because that sh#t can go both ways.
state of being
And it's the cons investigating the cons. Libs are not in power in any branch of fed government.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 9, 2018 - 09:47pm PT
Trump's mind has snapped under the pressure.
Before, Trump relied on Fox and Friends on TV for his morning intelligence briefing. Now he is going outside that channel, and relying on a new source of information when making national policy decisions.
Social climber
Lida Junction
Petulant liberals and DC bureaucrats and their ongoing post-election temper tantrums are what is causing this crisis. Hell, even Ken Starr didn't violate attorney-client privilege with a bogus raid. Enough of this. No collusion. There never was. Time to get on with the business of the country. Fire Rosenstein and, by extension, Mueller. Immediately. And impeach the judge who authorized this violation of sacred law.
If any of you tools ever find yourselves under legal suspicion, would you be ok with the prosecutor using law enforcement to start turning over file cabinets and desk drawers at your attorney's office--or home? What's next?
FWIW, I couldn't give two-shits about Trump. And I understand why he is disliked by many. But we had a legitimate election--and we'll have another one in 2020. Get on with your lives.
there sure is a lot of obstruction of justice.
Mountain climber
Please, feel free to enjoy your little soap opera--with all the attendant "what-ifs" and "here's what I think is gonna happen next" conspiracy excitement. Most of the country doesn't really care, because they know nonsense, hypocrisy, and sour grapes when they see it.
In any event, if Trump is somehow impeached, well, I'm fine with Pence. Frankly, even better. No doubt you all will remain very angry people either way.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Lity - the sad truth is there will be no impeachment, chaos will continue to engulf the Whitehouse. But the Democrats will take over the house. Just remember, elections have consequences.
Mountain climber
I'm fine with gridlock. The new House can impeach, but without the Senate to remove from office, well, nada.
Speaking of the Senate, I'm still hoping Trump gets one more SC pick before it potentially turns too. Glad to see he'll get a couple of 9th CCA picks in the meantime. And I'm really glad that Democrats nuked the Senate filibuster for judicial nominees during Obama's tenure. Consequences.
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Apr 10, 2018 - 12:00am PT
A "new" New Deal in 2020 followed by a second Constitutional Convention?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Apr 10, 2018 - 03:01am PT
In any event, if Trump is somehow impeached, well, I'm fine with Pence. Frankly, even better. No doubt you all will remain very angry people either way.
Pence has already lied his ass off and so is already good and well screwed in all this and likely won't survive either - more likely speaker of the house.
Apr 10, 2018 - 03:04am PT
orwellming ??
Is that a typo, or is that weirdly prophetic, Freudian, something?
No way he'd come up with that on his own.
Boulder climber
Apr 10, 2018 - 05:34am PT
Michael Cohen's threat to a Daily Beast reporter regarding unfavorable reporting about Trump.
"I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we're in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don't have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know," Cohen said. "So I'm warning you, tread very f*#king lightly, because what I'm going to do to you is going to be f*#king disgusting. You understand me?"
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Apr 10, 2018 - 06:06am PT
The US Attorney who obtained the search warrant for Cohen's stuff was appointed by Trump and was a cohort of Guliani's. There must really be some stinky stuff for that warrant to be approved by a Republican judge........
Here's Chris Christie on the warrant.......
“We’re looking at the U.S. District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, who I know well,” Christie said, referring to Geoffrey Berman, the official who would have had to have signed off on the raid. “This is a good guy… he’s a Boy Scout. He’ll do the right thing.”
Looks like some people are checking their life preservers.
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