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the Fet

Oct 15, 2011 - 12:56pm PT
Lois you are so wrapped up in your own limited world view it's painful.

Just couldn't resist blaming the left/Dems huh?

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:04pm PT
Does it concern you that the share of all income for the top 1% and even more so the top 0.1% has risen so much over the last decade, while most people's inflation adjusted income has gone down? Does it concern you if this trend continues?

No. Most more wealthy people invest their money, so it's no surprise that their wealth grows exponentially, even in a down market. They are more savvy investors for the most part.

Does it concern you that more and more middle class families must have both parents working to live the American dream?

Not really. This is a bizarre premise. It also has a lot to do with where you choose to live.

Does it concern you that more and more people are falling into poverty?

No, not a lot. Define 'poverty' first.

I was raised to understand that whatever lifestyle I choose to live is going to require that I carefully asses how I'm going to achieve it. I'm not rich because I chose a regular, modest income. I don't want to be rich. I chose a career path that appeared to be in large demand, only required 40hrs/week, leaving me the opportunity to live an enjoyable, moderate, middle income life.

Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:28pm PT

my favorite:

you might be a fleabagger...If you think everybody should have a job, as long as nobody gets rich enough to hire anyone
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:33pm PT
So bookworm. Where are all those jobs that the tax cuts were suppose to create? The rich are richer then they have EVER been. So where are the jobs? Corporations have huge cash reserves, so where are the jobs? Obama didn't raise taxes, so where are the jobs? Why aren't the wealthy creating jobs?

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:42pm PT
So bookworm. Where are all those jobs that the tax cuts were suppose to create? The rich are richer then they have EVER been. So where are the jobs? Corporations have huge cash reserves, so where are the jobs? Obama didn't raise taxes, so where are the jobs? Why aren't the wealthy creating jobs?

The jobs are in China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, etc...

Ya know why? Because the tax-code and regs here are too burdonsome. If you want more jobs back here, the solution is pretty simple...

Make it as cheap to do business here (or at least close).

Desolation Row, Calif.
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:46pm PT
Poverty stricken? Like someone else or the 'system' struck them with poverty?

Hey, bluering, you're starting to catch on!
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:47pm PT
Funny that you wanted tax cuts because they would create jobs, but where are the jobs? Overseas.

Why is it that most first world countries have higher taxes then we do, and they have jobs?

You might have a point about regs. I dont' know how we stack up to other first world countries. Do you?

John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:50pm PT
Wow Jeff, he is wealthy and he added 'one" new job???? wooo hooo.. things are cooking now. Obama must be doing a great job.

I am poor and I just hired someone. Woo hooo..

Me and the wealthy. Getting America back to work.

Social climber
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:51pm PT

Growing up on a farm and bringing in labour to harvest is two different things.

All farms were different. Some complied while others didn’t and still do. Reason for the current raids.

Cesar Chavez did what no other person could have done in the valley he stopped the abuse, the slum conditions, low pay [faster you worked and filled the bins the more you made], and created a union. I bet when you grew up you and your family went on vacation/s or left the area for a couple of days when the Farm owners sprayed hundreds of different pesticides’ on the fields. They were eventually banned because of Chavez and his fellow workers demands but some still exist on our food today.
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 15, 2011 - 01:53pm PT
So does that mean we should become like the 3rd world countries?
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 15, 2011 - 02:05pm PT
It means because of global competition those with high school degrees or college degrees in poetry should never expect to own a home, new cars, great vacations.

You keep focusing on that like it is a big deal. Like lois and her welfare queens are breaking america.

How do you explain this? The numbers show that those with college degrees have unemployment in the mid 5 percent. That is all degrees, from underwater basket weaving to engineering. I think that is low because of how the numbers are figured, but the main point is that compared to blue collar workers, it is much lower. Blue collar workers don't have a college education in anything. So your theory is hogwash. How do you explain Jaybro not being able to get a teaching position? Eh? Was he a fool for becoming a teacher? Should he retrain to become an engineer, starting a new career at this stage in his life.

Your excuses aren't realistic and you focus on pathetic things. Degrees in poetry aren't why people are out of work. A wrecked economy is. So stop with the nonsense. Please.... You want people to respect your opinion. Well stop with this nonsense that degrees in poetry are why people are out of work. It just isn't true.

The Desert Oven
Oct 15, 2011 - 02:07pm PT
I am not sure if this has already been posted, but it is a very interesting presentation, complete with data. Some if this was very shocking to me, some of it wasn't. In my opinion, it demonstrates the growing disconnect between reality and "The American Dream."

John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 15, 2011 - 02:07pm PT
and donate either your money

Thank you Lois for agreeing to higher taxes.
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Oct 15, 2011 - 02:09pm PT
ncrockerclimber. It has been posted and has been explained away by the Loises of the world by saying that the wealthy work harder and smarter and thus should be wealthier. As though modern wealthy people are somehow smarter then those during the 50s and 60s.

oh.. and the lower middleclass is becoming poor because they are lazy. If they weren't so lazy and stupid, then they would have good jobs because the wealthy create all the jobs that they need.

Mountain climber
stateline, NV
Oct 15, 2011 - 02:18pm PT
I think it's the theft of our government that people are protesting here. I believe the great state of PA has some interesting history regarding what I believe is the root of the current crises and all this bickering. Google topics like "fractional reserve banking" and "the federal reserve" . I'm pretty sure it was PA(way back) that refused to borrow money anymore from the central bank and started printing their own money based on productivity. When the US has done that in the past, it has resulted in eras of prosperity.
PS There are moochers on both sides of the spectrum and moochers on both ends of the financial ladder

Mountain climber
stateline, NV
Oct 15, 2011 - 02:26pm PT
youmightbeafleabagger if you think you should pay somebody interest on money they loaned you but that they created out of thin air

Mountain climber
stateline, NV
Oct 15, 2011 - 02:29pm PT
youmightbeafleabagger if you empathize with hard working people but you support corporations that bought your government AND you have to look up the word "empathize"
Archie Richardson

Trad climber
Grand Junction, CO
Oct 15, 2011 - 03:12pm PT
It may be necessary to bail out financial institutions to prevent a collapse of the world financial system. But if you privatize profits and socialize losses in the financial system, Wall Street has been rewarded handsomely for massive incompetence if not outright conspiracy.
Archie Richardson

Trad climber
Grand Junction, CO
Oct 15, 2011 - 04:12pm PT
This administration missed the boat by spending its first year on health care instead of financial reform. While health care is a critically important issue, in the dark days of the financial crisis Obama had a mandate for complete reform of the financial system (including compensation practices). They could have moved the world. The honeymoon is now over, so to speak, and nothing substantive will be done. I believe the next crisis is looming, however. Another opportunity for change.

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Oct 15, 2011 - 07:46pm PT
It dosn't matter a bit how you vote anymore. The government is 90+ percent controlled by big money. They vet and choose which of the two people will get a chance to get into office LONG before we get to vote on THEIR candidates.

Today I joined the Occupy Reno demonstration. I had a sign that simply said

28th Amendment.

Was great hearing the few Skipt types jeering and the hundreds of cars honking in support and cheers.

Everyone I met was in agreement. It is time to make it illegal to bribe candidates via large donations.

I dont think we will fix a single important issue in this nation until we do
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