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John Moosie
Beautiful California
The first corpse photo is very clearly within Flight 77s debris.
Location means nothing. The body could have been someone inside the building.
And personally, I lean towards it having been hit by a plane. Though I don't understand how the engines did not do more damage to the building.
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Your are correct.. guess it dropped from the ceiling.. whatever
The right engine was taken out by a structure on the ground prior to impact with the pentagon.
The hole for the left engine is clearly visible where it should be in MANY photos. It is moderately visible in the photo I provided above.
I will end this waste of my time in this thread in the same way I started it.
Against stupidity the very gods
Themselves contend in vain.
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 3, 2011 - 07:57pm PT
climbski2 you're the most annoying idiot.
You see some pictures on the internet and then you know everything.
Lousy investigator, NO ... useless investigator and completely unscientific.
Fly a fuking airliner with the same flight pattern into a replica wall of the pentagon just like the guy who couldn't even fly a consumer plane.
What tool .......
Warbler, show me another building with the same architecture that burned for 7 hours with little fire fighting.
Your first time in history crap is hilarious.
Of course I can't Warbler. It is the first time in history a blazing skyscraper has slammed into another skyscraper, depositing burning material on multiple floors.
Can you think of any?
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Well I thought I was out of this..
Werner you are an exceptional rescuer and climber.
We are all Idiots at times.
My Idiocy comes from getting involved in this thread in the first place. And being rude enough to call a spade black.
I figured out what happened in real time the day it happened.
It's really not to hard to figure out.
Infact all this photo crap and willingness to pick at details ignores and obscures the big picture.
Here it is.
One day 2 jumbo jets were filmed from multiple angles hitting the trade towers. 2 other jets that day were confirmed missing. The Pentagon showed up with a Hole in the side of it (not exactly an everyday occurrence). A field in Pennsylvania has a smoking hole in it.
You figure it out.
Ok Werner you build me 20 pentagon sections I'll provide 20 Jets .. we will try to fly them into the same spots and afterward I'll get you some statistically significant data.
Sometimes science is simpler than that.
Self evident claims do not require exceptional evidence. ( a scientist would recognize the reference :) )
The only people requireing exceptional evidence are those making the claim of the cruise missile. They have not a shred of exceptional evidence. Nothing even close.
My respect for your long years of service is not a bit diminished by the great compliment you just gave me.
It is a compliment and an honor to be called an idiot for telling the truth.
However i Most certainly was an idiot for using the word idiot in describing the people who will not acknowledge the truth about the pentagon attack/tragedy.
I will endevour to be more polite in the future out of respect for the human condition.
Was a 96 foot hole not big enough for ya Warbler?
John Moosie
Beautiful California
On the same day.. three buildings collapsed. Two were hit by airliners. Both buildings were designed to withstand hits by airliners. No other building had collapsed after being hit by a plane, though some have been hit by planes. Admittedly smaller planes, but also much older buildings. That same day many firefighters were saying that they heard explosions in those buildings.
Did the government test for explosives?
After multiple studies, one lasting 3 years, they admit that they did not test for explosives.
I'm sorry that you find my questions troubling.
Mountain climber
So. California
Yeah, let's move on to JFK.
No way that dude Oswald made all those shots!
And you're too kind, climbski2. If Werner isn't an idiot he's doing a good job of impersonating one.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
GWB isn't the issue. He was just a front man for a bunch of criminals.
Still doesn't mean anything happened more then just a bunch of bumbling, just that GWB isn't the issue. Cheney is plenty smart enough to pull the whole thing off behind George's back.
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
lol Cheney is a prime source of Bush's incompetency.
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Yep there was a mastermind.. A truly brilliant individual. He strategized and put into motion a plan that cripled the greatest Nation on earth. in ways far transcending the damge to NY and the death of a few thousand .
He got us to give away our freedoms and waste 100Ks of human lives and over a Trillion $s ..A guy very familiar with the Bush cabal.. a man who knew what buttons to push..
He lured us into doing more damage to ourselves than he could ever do with a small organization
John Moosie
Beautiful California
judgment is different then smart. A whole lot of evil people are plenty smart, but are batshit crazy when it comes to judgment.
Intelligent, but deluded and corrupted by power, is my opinion of Cheney.
Trad climber
haven't read most of the above - but as to you that make jokes out of claims of conspiracy - listen to what JFK had to say about secret cabals and conspiracies (that is before he too was killed)
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Skipt: Dick Cheney is a great American and we are very lucky to have had him as Vice President.
Cheney was and is a traitor against the United States of America. That we have failed to try him and the others will come back to haunt us again.
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 4, 2011 - 01:54am PT
And the idea that the very tops of the buildings could have crushed them all of the way to their bases is utterly unscientific, given that no experiment has been able to replicate the alleged phenomonon of top-down total progressive collapse.
Ya all been owned.
Stupid to the hilt.
America the science worshipers and never doing the experiment.
Hypocrites to the max.
Blah blah blah.
Just dazzle em with equations and a parade of experts and the drooling masses lap it up ......
I did it for him. He still doesn't understand that negative acceleration means the mass is slowing down.
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
The people clinging to the exceptional claims of complicated government conspiracies now want those of us making self evident claims to produce exceptional evidence supporting OUR hypthesis?
regardless not only that but they then make false and ubsubstantiated statements..
Words like never, no-one, always, easily identify these statements.
no one has reproduced, no-one has done any experiments..
Statements like this are generally a red-flag to identify false statements or severely flawed reasoning.
SO here is a nice study done by some leaders in the field of structure and fire analysis. University of Edinburgh
large number of finite element models were constructed, beginning with small 2D models
[2,3] and more recently some very large 3D models [4] (some of over a million degrees of
freedom). Very interestingly the results obtained in the earlier 2D analyses have shown a
great deal of consistency with the results from the larger 3D analyses. This is very
encouraging as it suggests that it may be possible to understand tall building collapses using
relatively simple models (if the key aspects of the structure and fire can be included).
All WTC analyses were carried out using models structurally consistent with the structure of
the towers (using tubular columns and truss members for the floor system support).
raised the question that whether the collapse scenarios and mechanisms discovered so far are
somehow unique to the WTC tower frames. A recent paper [5] extended the previous work by
investigating more "generic" tall building frames made of standard universal beam and
column sections to determine whether the same collapse mechanisms are obtained. This
indeed turned out to be the case which again presents a great opportunity for developing
general rules, guidelines and design methods for ensuring the robustness and stability of tall
buildings in fire.
Mountain climber
So. California
This thread is mostly proving the influence of fear mongering .
Get involved in your government and you will fear it less.
If it walks like a duck, gang, it might just actually be a duck.
Your nefarious Big Brother exists mostly in your minds.
They ain't that smart, folks.
Now go climbing and shut up.
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