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Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 1, 2015 - 08:01am PT

thanx !

happy new year !

I have to give up the tablet now!!

He has a fresh face and there is wede on my table.

she got him a bull horn for Christmas

breaking a fundamental rule of parenting when old

no noise makers for presents!!

some of my best climbers were drummers!

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 1, 2015 - 08:17am PT
Refugee from the last thread to nowhere or was it the last train to clarksville or was it boothill or was it just another bad day at black rock?

Neu5Gc, a non-human sugar found in red meat, promotes inflammation and cancer progression in rodents

Are you listening mouse?

In a study published in the Dec. 29 online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the scientists found that feeding Neu5Gc to mice engineered to be deficient in the sugar (like humans) significantly promoted spontaneous cancers. The study did not involve exposure to carcinogens or artificially inducing cancers, further implicating Neu5Gc as a key link between red meat consumption and cancer.

Dangerous food porn.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 1, 2015 - 08:31am PT
I'll meat you half-way, amigo. I promise to eat no green meat in 2015, which means no taco wagons, I guess...bummer, huh?

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 1, 2015 - 08:36am PT
No mark for me

It was Gin For New Years !!

that and the Road 2 Ruin Double IPA s
they are very local mmK bitter good to wring out that
bear of a 2014.

I bumped some of the things where I liked what was said . . .

the tree lead ?

I have to give back the tablet. . .

Kidzzz, argh can't duct tape 'em any more!

L.O.L. = Livening on Lipitor
Then there is the blood/brain membrain cross concern!

I can remember when tartar was a meal but I am lost as to what and where I wrote when

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 1, 2015 - 08:40am PT
Here's your New YEARS Day shake map courtesy of USGS. (does that require an apostrophe? - Google says no). Save this ID number. It may be required for all non-Medicare insurance claims.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 1, 2015 - 08:51am PT
No sugarloafs either this year, as usual...just peloncillos. :0)

The road from weej's to the Central Valley. Sugarloaf, a romantic adventure.
Kyburz is about the size of Petrolia, but much busier.

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 1, 2015 - 08:55am PT
^^Looks more like a short day at grey rock. Also, I think that price was back when apple stock wasn't worth so much, maybe the time of Adam & Eve.

Belated birthday wishes to John Venn

Lest we all forget, the Chinese have a New Year also.

Isn't that Google a thoughtful company? Think about it.


Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 2, 2015 - 07:11am PT
File this either under weather or smartypantsStoneMasters.


Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 2, 2015 - 07:21am PT
Too bad for the Lower Merced Pass Lake (LMPL henceforth] boys, but this one is posted at the landing point rather than the takeoff. Everybody must get stoned.

This has yet to be confirmed by rigorous experimental design, but if you follow the cholesterol wars (and who doesn't), Michele's HDL (good) has always run high, but as far as we can tell, just by adding a daily dose of turmeric and ginger it shot up from 90 to an almost unheard of 137.

Therefore. I kicked off the New Year with a gastronomic bang. It does not taste as good as those street tacos down there on Revolución, so I think I'm going to have to mix it with salsa and cinnamon. Stay healthy my amigos.

BTW, it takes about 2 minutes to click all the Chinese New Year Buttons.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 3, 2015 - 02:28am PT
I'm mumbled by zBrown's vastronomical meteorologic talents and the numbers increase brought on by simple turmeric. I will stop using it in my brown rice and on my brown eggs...both of which I enjoy daily...NOT!
All I know I learned on N Street.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 3, 2015 - 03:19am PT
hey what are you feeling good today?
I say that I type as your report was short like me.
I am not sure will you return before I post??

hmmm I seem to have turned a page well if in that I have missed some of the N street parade? I will have to go back and see, everybody likes a parade,
did I say happy twenty fifteen! weird.Happy Twenty Fifteen! has any one taken the count, the dead and injured from twenty fourteen yet! it seems high thanks to the speed of the Internet. webs.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 3, 2015 - 05:04am PT
Badly missing, the go out and get up the ice before the gymboobs knock it all down.

Not my problem any more!

I am still up early, to keep to . . . off the peaks and passes by two!
(in the Mnts, that can be noon)

the forecast is for crap then a warming blast and then back into the winter freeze.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 3, 2015 - 07:55am PT
Life's a lot like the weather's temperature
It has it's ups & downs
Thank God for downies
And brownies
And gnomes

Dawn's early light.Dawn's surly light.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 3, 2015 - 09:49am PT
With garlic clove and fully (adv.) aware of the phase of the moon.

Wish me a dawn-brekkin' hooner, New Gjay.

Dish towel from the Doltish girls.

I love my own cooking
so that means I love myself, l'il elf.

"Tis the correct thing to do."--Wilfrodo Brimley
"Eat your trillium, son."--Ma Gnome's advice
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 3, 2015 - 11:10am PT
Keep the videos to a minimummum
u r the best i don't want to be, gee
[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 3, 2015 - 11:44am PT
Basket country.

Grow up weird.

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 3, 2015 - 06:00pm PT
What does "meh" mean?

While not as good as a sawed off 410 for self defense, 137 HDL is astronomically good. Healthy dude that I am, mine has never exceeded 88.

I'm going with 1/2 teaspoon each of turmeric and ginger and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Can't wait to see where it is in a month.

Hope I don't die before I get old. Who? Pancho de Leon.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 3, 2015 - 07:12pm PT
Brown eggsand chickenpan-fried, no barb-besuess.

There is no excuse
Too obtuses don't make a right

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 3, 2015 - 07:15pm PT
meh - YA_TAH_HEY

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jan 3, 2015 - 07:19pm PT
"meh" is one possible answer to the question posed way up there on the top of this page, namely, "hey what are you feeling good today?"


"double meh"
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