What is "Mind?"


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Trad climber
Santa Cruz Mountains and Monterey Bay
May 13, 2015 - 08:57pm PT
Ray Boeche: Enfoldment Technology - produces research on the use of various waves to influence physical health and behavior.

The human brain operates as a receptor for portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. EM energy, when modulated, can act as a stimulus at some point in the sensory systems. This provides a physiological basis for the degradation of behavior and for emotional and physical changes.

The degree to which brain stimulation can be limited to a discrete locus is a complex function of the wavelength of the energy, the scattering that occurs as the energy passes through tissue layers, and the nature of the antenna.

Air ions and electro-aerosols have been demonstrated to have physiological and behavior consequences. Effects have been demonstrated on emotions, reaction times, flicker fusion frequency, blood pressure, sedimentation rate, serum protein, and metabolism. Charged particles penetrating the alveolar wall are transferred to blood cells and act on the central nervous system by stimulating the pulmonary nerves.

The effect of photon waves, sound waves and other oscillatory disturbances of free space, for example neutrinos and gravitons are also under investigation.

Fourier transforms are produced because everything produces an interference pattern that is either an amplified signal or a scattered wave pattern containing information that was present in the brainwave oscillations; or, in the case of the inanimate, in the object itself.

Psychotronic Weapons - Brain Manipulation from A Distance

The atmospheric carrier wave spreads the interference pattern over the surface of the earth, and certain people or devices can perform Fourier transforms to pick off the interference patterns and reconstruct the originals. The Fourier components of entire scenes - buildings, landscapes, individuals and so on, are directly decodable by the receiver.

The human organism is a liquid-crystal-like assembly of biomolecules and is capable of coherent and monochromatic amplification of incoming electromagnetic waves in the kilohertz region by more than a million fold. Not only the incoming waves are amplified, but if the liquid-crystal rotation levels are modulated by bioelectrical-potential fluctuations induced by the brain, the outgoing field will carry this modulation information. A second person, or device, capable of perceiving and demodulating this kilohertz wave modulated information can then “read” the first person's mind.

Psychotronic weapons theoretically can manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal messages, by either sound or visual stimuli. See U. S. Army article entitled “The Mind Has No Firewall” © Spring 1998 by Timothy L. Thomas in Parameters, pp. 84 - 92.

Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas (USA Ret.) is an analyst at the Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He has written extensively on the Russian view of information operations and on current Russian military-political issues. During his military career, he served in the 82d Airborne Division and was the Department Head of Soviet Military-Political Affairs at the U.S. Army's Russian Institute in Garmisch, Germany.

Psychotronics Independent of Distance and Magnetic Shielding

Some lower frequency neutrinos can stimulate the de-excitation of biophysical rotationally excited molecules in the rain. Neutrinos can be responsible for the release of coded thought waves. Since neutrinos can travel unimpeded through the Earth or other barriers, this is consistent with the independence of psychotronic effects to distance and to magnetic shielding.

Regarding macroscopic influences, experimental evidence indicates that events influenced by human will power actually do occur. For example, when tumbling dice are influenced to come to rest in a desired position. By psychotronically influencing the atomic nuclei in the die, a person can generate gravitational forces of the magnitude equal to about 15% of the Earth's gravitation.

According to some quantum-mechanical theories, all matter is indeterminate and dispersed and actual reality must be described by a wave function with an infinite set of sine states extending over all of space and time. Physicist David Bohm believes that matter must be described by a multi-state wave function. The quantum wave is a wave of knowledge and information.

This information is not arranged in terms of position and time, as we have come to perceive it, but rather as frequency and amplitude information, and the human consciousness essentially performs Fourier transforms on this so as to order that information into the more familiar form. Consciousness might, by this mechanism, access any portion of space and time to acquire information. Further, since it is known that a particle with wave properties is not located in a strictly determined place, but can be all over the entire universe, or at different points simultaneously, a generalization from microcosm to macrocosm makes possible the appearance of a macro object anywhere in the universe.

Each object present as a standing wave in a specific location in space and time is all present at all points in space and time. (Example: The paper on which this is being written exists everywhere and at all times simultaneously. It was present last year in the Zeta Reticuli system, except that there was less of it there than there is here now.) Information regarding physical objects can be enfolded and carried in electromagnetic waves, by electron beams, neutrinos, gravitons, quantum-matter waves, and numerous other forms of movement.

Planck's equation states that frequency and energy are the same thing. Since we know from Einstein that energy and matter are convertible, it follows that frequency can be matter. So, from frequency interference patterns, we should be able to manifest the physical objects that produced these patterns. This is the principle on which psychotronic devices function. The function of the psychotronic device is to bring out, by appropriate focusing, the wave structure of a distant object, which is latently present in any particular point in space. Likewise, human psychological processes have wave characteristics, and the mental images and thoughts of all people are present in every point in space and time. Recording and manifesting images as standing waves that have been ejected outside the brain and externalized is another accomplishment of this psychotronic device.

The wave functions of quantum mechanics represent real matter waves that permeate all space and time. It requires only the will of a capable person or a suitably designed device to perform an operation on these waves that would permit the perception of any scene in space and time. It is through Fourier analysis of these waves that objects and events distant in space and/or time can be captured and visualized.

Researchers are now working on means to interface thought and behavior directly through a transducer attached to the head and read directly by a computer. The computer can monitor, modify and control behavior without the subject's awareness.

Research has established that the most effective psychotronic subjects are highly temperamental and emotionally open females in the 16 to 21 age group. Side effects, including inappropriate behavior, neurasthenia, psychasthenia and hallucinations and hysteria were noted.

There have been demonstrations of the psychotronic manipulation of consciousness, and correlations shown with systematic EEG recordings. Tests have included sending to the percipient the anxiety associated with suffocation and the sensation of a blow to the head.

After transmitting negative emotions to the human subject, the white blood cell count decreased by 1600. Such a psychotronically imposed shift in white cell count could be used to alter human health. Control and manipulation of physical health, as well as human consciousness, thoughts, emotions and will has been achieved.

During such "negative healing," field pulsations were noted that were synchronous with the subject's respiration rate, heartbeat and brain alpha rhythm pattern. Effects on human subjects have included pain, paralysis, burns and other tissue damage and acute coronary thrombosis. While electrical fields have been measured successfully between healers and subjects, knowing these field potentials has not yet led to the duplication of human-induced beneficial effects by means of mechanically-generated fields. Consequently, more success has been achieved in the area of negative healing than with the positive type.

To a significant degree, we are dealing with the supernatural and positive supernatural entities are superior to the negative. For example, Satan, an "evil angel," has far less power than God.

A psychotronic device is impossible to defend against and its effects, including changes in brain wave characteristics, disturbance of equilibrium and dizziness, can result in personality changes and/or physical discomfort that if employed broadly against troops would alter combat effectiveness. When employed selectively against military and political leaders would reduce the ability to command and govern. Such a device, capable of negatively affecting healthy tissue as well as disrupting fundamental brain rhythms, heart control and biological clock mechanisms, would pose a severe threat to enemy command, military, intelligence, embassy and other security functions.”

Information presented to Ray Boeche, but which he was not allowed to write notes about during the meeting. These are notes Ray wrote down later:

Shown 3 series of photos, 4 photos per series, purporting to show individuals being killed during psychotronic weapons experiments.

1. Male, white, 25-30 years, allegedly death by remotely-induced cardiac arrest.
2. Female, white, 20-25 years, allegedly death by remotely transmitting and creating head trauma equivalent to crushing of right anterior portion of the skull.
3. Male, white, 30-40 years, allegedly death by remotely controlled suffocation.

Setting was laboratory environment, alleged victims were wired for EKG, seated in reclining chair, somewhat similar to dentist's chair.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
May 13, 2015 - 09:08pm PT
Good. Planck spheres must be in there somewhere.

Social climber
May 14, 2015 - 09:54am PT
Research has established that the most effective psychotronic subjects are highly temperamental and emotionally open females in the 16 to 21 age group. Side effects, including inappropriate behavior, neurasthenia, psychasthenia and hallucinations and hysteria were noted.

...is there any other kind of female of that age group? ; )

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
May 19, 2015 - 03:22pm PT
Are Planck spheres psychotronic entities or aspects of theoretical physics? Or both?

I would think that any proposal that the mind extends beyond the confines of the brain would somehow be validated by successful remote viewing experiments. None seem to exist. If the mind is a kind of field then again remote viewing should be possible. If mind is emptiness then the game is over.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
May 21, 2015 - 04:55pm PT
Hey Caltech mindbrain fans...


Controlling a Robotic Arm with a Patient's Intentions!

[Click to View YouTube Video]




I love science!!

May 21, 2015 - 05:33pm PT
Without consciousness first there would be absolutely no mind or brain what so ever.

The source of consciousness is what makes and drives the mind and brain ......

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
May 22, 2015 - 04:19pm PT
Without consciousness first there would be absolutely no mind or brain what so ever

Statement due to poor fund of knowledge.

Social climber
Seattle, WA
May 22, 2015 - 08:37pm PT
DMT: Chicken and egg situation there, Werner

Not really.

Look, Jgill and DMT, if you can’t say where something comes from, then you can’t assume that it has a beginning. Just because everything you know has a beginning, means that everything has a beginning. There must be something that has no beginning. There is no one I know who has been bold enough to make that claim . . . especially without data.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
May 22, 2015 - 08:48pm PT
There must be something that has no beginning

That's possible. But to put consciousness in this category is to suppose some sort of eternal consciousness field that we tune in to from birth and part with at death. Meditative ectoplasm, dear fellow.

May 22, 2015 - 09:01pm PT
Consciousness is not tuned in or parted.

Consciousness is eternally you.

Are you dead stone right now?????

Social climber
Seattle, WA
May 23, 2015 - 12:08am PT
Jgill: But to put consciousness in this category is to suppose some sort of eternal consciousness field that we tune in to from birth and part with at death.

Out of an infinite set of alternatives, you choose this one?

I didn't say what anything is. I've just said that there must be something that has no beginning.

As to your simple interpretation, how could anyone possibly know?

You have quite an imagination about what and how other people think. I suggest you refrain from that behavior.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
May 23, 2015 - 07:13am PT
Our logic (mine?) tells us that there was no Begining. If there was, what was before the Begining.

It does seem that way. The notion of a singularity at which everything began and before which there was nothing is difficult to accept. One approach to the issue is to look for observable consequences. If there was a point long ago where time itself began, there might be no currently observable effect of what, if anything, came before, and we simply can't say anything about what the situation was before time began.

However, if you go down to the lower right corner of the page you will see in very fine print the word "first." If you click on it you will observe the first page of this thread as it was so so long ago. If you are clever you will also be able to check whether the SuperTopo existed before that time.

Simple physics.

High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
May 23, 2015 - 08:28am PT
"this is what I believe." -dingus

ahh ha, so you DO believe. YOU are a believer,
just like everybody else. Welcome to the party!!

May 23, 2015 - 08:30am PT
Interpretations? "you can never know anything, you know"

That's your interpretations and projections from get go .... as,

"No one knows ultimately" "In the future "We" (material science) will know and only us (material scientists) who are playing god will be the authority.

My statement always has been "There is ONE who knows everything and is the source of everything".

Modern material science is the imposter One and playing the One.

Thus you've entered the dangerous trench of scientism interpreting and passing your own poor fund of knowledge as authoritative over all .....

May 23, 2015 - 08:52am PT
You and I live within the box.

You're consciousness is fixed within that box.

My consciousness is not only limited to only within that limited box.

The Pope of material science inside the box is your religion and ultimate authority ......
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
May 23, 2015 - 09:04am PT
"Your consciousness is fixed within that box." -wb

Only if you don't have THE MACHINE.

Dr. Janice Lester's spiritual transfer machine ($51M; cf: time machine, $71M) can free his consciousness from the box.


Social climber
Seattle, WA
May 23, 2015 - 10:27am PT
DMT: "you can never know anything, you know"

I know that I am.

May 23, 2015 - 12:18pm PT
"Our spirits, are material" -- DMT

LOL are you sure .....

Spirit = the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

Soul = the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body,
and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body;

the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.

DMT, your ever so complete poor fund of knowledge is always revealing itself as pure mental speculations and pure guessing .......
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
May 23, 2015 - 12:29pm PT

WB's still turning to a pre-21st century dictionary!

Time to update, brother.


Carnate spirit is flesh-based, flesh-driven.
Organic spirit is flesh-based, flesh-driven.

In either case... no body no spirit.

"Echetic spirit" however lives on after the body dies.

Echesis is based on the idea... "What we do in life
echoes in eternity." (Maximus)

The "echetic spirit" of Carl Sagan lives!
It lives in us. It lives in our culture. In lives
in you and me. It lives in his books and works.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
May 23, 2015 - 02:53pm PT
My consciousness is not only limited to only within that limited box


. . . commonly held to be separable in existence from the body

It used to be "commonly held" that the earth is flat, or that the sun revolves around the earth.

You have quite an imagination about what and how other people think. I suggest you refrain from that behavior

Thank you for the complement about my imagination. It IS a source of pride! And, yes, it does take quite an imagination to speculate on what in the world you are saying and meaning! Thanks for the exercise.
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