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Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
When you assume, for the moment, the opposite is correct (i.e., everything in the news about Trump and Russians is fake) and you get only contradictions and absurd conclusions, then you know that the opposite is NOT correct(i.e. the Trump and Russian news stories are true). This is known as reductio ad absurdum, and was known to the ancient Greeks as a valid way to determine the truth (they used the technique in about 400 B.C. to prove that the square-root of 2 is an irrational number).
You can use this to prove the Climate Change Denialism is absurd.
Let's look at the absurdity:
The scientists are making up the data to keep their jobs....
Now the facts;
The scientists would keep their jobs no matter what the evidence happens to be, so that proves that WRONG.
Who has more a financial reward, a scientist that reports a Falsehood,
or the fossil fuel company that makes billions selling their product that causes climate change.
What about the rising temperatures and Carbon dioxide concentrations, no one doubts these, it's just what the future may turn out to be is the concern.
Scientists are concerned with the future of the planet, they study what's happening
Fossil fuel Companies are concerned with selling as much of their product before they run out or stopped or phased out by superior products that don't cause climate change
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Blue Wave Tsunami Warning
A whopping 100,000 16- and 17-year-olds have preregistered to vote in the Golden State since a law enacted in 2016 gave young people the opportunity to sign up to vote before they are eligible, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said last week.
The number is an increase from the roughly 90,000 who had preregistered to vote in California as of a month ago.
"The numbers keep going up," Padilla told CNN. "These kids know that to change the political environment and policy, they need to register to vote, and they need to vote."
Padilla's announcement was tied to the launch of HighSchool.sos.ca.gov, a new portal on the secretary of state's website connecting youth with civic engagement opportunities. Later this month, Padilla said, he will kick off California High School Voter Education Weeks, where he will hold rallies and speak to thousands of students about the importance of voter registration and preregistration.
"A couple of years ago, it took a lot of work to convince young people why it's important to register to vote and to vote," Padilla said. "It's not that hard of a case to make anymore."
Jon Beck
Trad climber
The raid on Cohens office and home was cleared through Rosenstein , and conducted by the US Attorney's office, a Trump appointee. Trump crapp'n his pants over this one.
Balcarce, Argentina
That reminds me: who said "when you go to prison for defrauding America and perjury, your room and board will be free!"?
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Bet there are forces out there that want to strip Trump & Co. of their tinker toys and cracker box palaces. Donald has made a lot of powerful enemies in the business community and within the GOP.
Things are going to get a lot hotter me thinks!
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 9, 2018 - 04:17pm PT
Wait, President Trump is going to get impeached? For what? This is insane!
It is insane. It's the worst political situation the Unites States has ever faced. It is doubly insane because Trump was alive and sentient during the Watergate debacle, yet Trump chooses to repeat Nixon's disastrous mistakes.
President Trump has committed numerous impeachable offenses, and he continues to do so on a regular basis. It is insane that Trump thinks he can get away with his crimes by lying to the public, firing prosecutors, obstructing investigations, invoking an imaginary absolute authority, pardoning himself, and believing that he is above the law.
It is TOTALLY insane that Trump is in the most legally perilous position of any U.S. President, but ignores the legal advice of government and personal attorneys. Trump is so insane, he believes his best course of action is to "wing it" alone, and improvise contradictory actions and statements as the cases against him proceed apace.
Trump's behavior is so insane, no competent attorney will represent him. Trump's previous attorneys have mostly quit, and the others can only engage in ineffectual legal buffoonery.
It't just like my Mama used to say, "Crazy is as crazy does".
Forrest Trump
It is insane that Trump's supporters are calling for the Special Prosecutor to prematurely reveal what he's discovered during an ongoing investigation.
It is insane that Trump's supporters are calling for an end to the investigations, to allow the underlying crimes to stand.
It is insane that elected officials entrusted to investigate crimes against the United States are, instead, obstructing those same investigations as co-conspirators after the fact.
Here are some criminal charges for which Trump might be impeached:
Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, who was investigating Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election. Trump later told a television reporter he did it because of the Russian investigation. Trump also attempted to coerce Comey into cancelling the FBI's investigation into ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, in a matter related to the Russian interference. Both actions were attempts to obstruct Federal investigations, which is a crime.
Trump has refused to recuse himself from the ongoing business of running the Trump Hotel in the former D.C. post office. Every time a foreign official pays to stay there, it violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution. As President, Trump may not receive any sort of payment or gift from any foreign king, official, agent, etc. Maryland brought a lawsuit over this, which is still before the courts. Trump's use of the hotel to justify the payments to his business, and his false statements that he is not involved in that business, do not allow him to violate the Constitution, and his oath to protect and defend it.
A $130,000 illegal campaign contribution was paid to a woman to keep her quiet about a sex affair she had with Trump. That was a felony violation of Federal campaign finance laws. Trump's role in the sordid affair may never be fully known, but his personal efforts to conceal the payment and deceive investigators may constitute obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to commit the same. Very soon, Trump will likely commit perjury under oath, which will be a separate, additional felony for which he can be charged.
It is illegal for foreign individuals and entities to contribute funds to American election campaigns. Anyone who assists in such contributions, or accepts them, or knowingly benefits from them, is guilty of the crime of conspiracy to defraud the United States. Impeaching Trump for that crime would make additional sense, because such payments would demonstrate he obtained the office through election fraud.
Money that is illicitly brought into the United States and used in sham transactions to introduce it into the legitimate economy is a Federal crime. It is colloquially known as "money laundering". A person who assists in crimes of that sort, such as a real estate seller who accepts illicit cash in exchange for property, is guilty of conspiracy. It is widely known that Trump has sold tens of millions of dollars of NYC real estate to anonymous LLC entities in all-cash transactions. The details of those transactions were intended to be complex and surreptitious, but are now being investigated by the Special Counsel, which has hired the best white-collar crime investigators in the country.
It is a crime to aid, abet and/or give comfort to enemies that have attacked the United States. Russia attacked and perverted the United States' electoral process, ostensibly to assist Trump. Trump later passed top secret information to Russian officials (in the Oval Office, no less) and has refused to enforce laws passed by Congress to sanction Russia for the election interference. Those actions aided, abetted and/or gave comfort to the Russian government. Treason is a crime punishable by death.
Impeachment does not mean automatic removal.
Impeachment is a procedure analogous to a criminal indictment. Evidence is presented to demonstrate the need for a subsequent procedure, which is usually a trial.
With respect to Trump, the House of Representatives can bring impeachment proceedings. A simple majority there will proceed the case to a trial in the Senate. The Chief Justice would be the judge there, and a 2/3 majority would remove the President from office.
Once the President is removed from office, he can be charged with his crimes in a regular court of law, like any other citizen.
There is some legal ambiguity as to whether a sitting president may be criminally charged while he is still in office. But, it has been previously shown that a sitting President can be sued in civil court for offenses he committed prior to taking office.
Stormy Daniels' attorney filed paperwork late Sunday night to compel Trump and his attorney, Michael Cohen, to testify, under oath, in a deposition related to the $130,000 payment and accompanying non-disclosure agreement.
Amazingly, Trump won't admit to the affair, blowing off the payment as being chump change for a billionaire, and put the matter to rest. Cohen would still be on the hook for the illegal campaign contribution, but at least Trump, himself, would have much less legal exposure.
Do you like peaches? Well, how do you like them impeaches?
dialogue for a remake of the Stormy Daniels film, Good Will Humping
Russia attacked and perverted the United States' electoral process
You're a total brainwashed nutcase Tom that believes everything you are spoon fed.
And Assad did Not gas his own people.
You are totally insane worst than Trump, dumber than Trump ......
Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
“It is whole new level of unfairness “. Lol.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 9, 2018 - 05:06pm PT
WVB, with all due and well-earned respect, reality is a democratic process.
My assertions align with those made by United States' intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and with what little the Special Prosecutor has revealed so far.
But, until the noose is actually tightened, and the feet drop through the hatch, everybody is entitled to their personal opinion about what will occur in the future.
As NostraThomas, I am only presenting my personal opinions and prognostications for the amusement and possible education of others.
Don't know. Mongo only pawn in game of life.
dialogue from Blazing Saddles
You are a brainwashed nutcase, dumber than Trump and worst than Trump .....
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 9, 2018 - 05:41pm PT
THocking, I like your image of the elephant and the donkey finger-cuffing the sheep.
I guess the Republicans and Democrats just fight over which end of the sheep they get to exploit.
WVB says I am "worse than Trump". That's true.
Trump never hung on a cam when the belayer wasn't looking.
Trump never built a summit campfire in an "existing fire pit" that didn't exist until he built a campfire at that spot.
Trump never Fedexed his haul bags from the ZMDZ to the ZMLZ in the middle of the night using a FISH rainfly as a parachute, while relying on Whipley's Formula to figure out how far to crack open the tops of the empty water bottles to cushion the impact at splash down.
Trump never snuck into the Ahwanhee Hotel's second floor lounge to scrounge their free coffee and to read their free newspapers.
Trump never went canning in the middle of the night with a long, thin stick.
Michael Cohen is the link to Russian moneyman Felix Sater, who has ostensibly been cooperating with investigators. The raid on Cohen's office was probably planned long ago, but now was the appropriate time for that particular card to be played.
Nowadays, when poll takers ask, "How do you like Trump?", the appropriate response is, "Well done".
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
The raid on Cohens office and home was cleared through Rosenstein , and conducted by the US Attorney's office, a Trump appointee.
I suspect Trump is pissing off the wrong people.......
You're a total brainwashed nutcase Tom that believes everything you are spoon fed.
And you believe what, exactly, Duck? I know you enjoy being a troll, but at some point you should explain exactly what you DO believe. All you post are negatives denouncing others as being
...... totally insane worst than Trump, dumber than Trump ......
There are a bunch of very intelligent people on the Taco, and they contribute thoughtful and frequently well documented opinions. You, on the other hand, just quack. You're a smart, experienced guy and post interesting and insightful comments on other threads; why not here?
More st00pid worthless sh!t from Tom.
You're insane ....
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 9, 2018 - 05:55pm PT
DMT, thanks for the good word.
But, WVB and his ilk don't bother me.
I eat trolls for breakfast.
They belong right there in the California breakfast bowl along with the fruits, nuts and flakes.
We should all desist from ad hominem (and ad Tominem) attacks. They are just a distraction from valid discourse.
Says the copy paste knows nothing guy Malemute ^^^^^
The Wastelands
another typical day for the President, spent constantly belittling, personally attacking others
so insecure about himself, very low self esteem, knowing he doesn't measure up to those he attacks
early dementia, severe narcism, but mostly just an ass of a man
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
tRump is the dog that chases the car and doesn’t know what to do when he catches it. No offense to dogs.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 9, 2018 - 06:27pm PT
Trump says that the FBI raid on his attorney's office and hotel room to seize evidence related to a bank fraud is a "disgraceful situation".
For once, Trump has told the truth.
I never thought Trump was capable of self-awareness and acknowledgement of the disgraceful situation he has placed the nation in.
Trump must have found redemption and salvation through Shesus. No doubt, there was a laying on of hands, and speaking in tongues that led to Trump's miraculous transformation of contrition. He's cured, Praise God!
I am skeptical that Trump's current awareness that his Presidency is a disgraceful situation and an attack on the United States in the truest sense of the word will last more than a few hours.
Trump will relapse as soon as he gets one tiny sip of Hannity.
The Constitutional Crisis is almost upon us, but we must not flee in terror from the vile words spoken by the son of the Devil. The nation must stand strong, and prove the wisdom of the Founding Fathers by properly ridding ourselves of the Presidential pestilence.
The nation's failed experiment in extemporaneous governance by a dilettante outlier is almost over.
We will soon be able to proudly wear blue hats that say, NEVER AGAIN!
Nobody thought Michael Jordan playing baseball was a good idea.
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