When TRUMP wins...


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Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:09pm PT
No one in their right mind would campaign on that promise, whether they intended to actually do it or not. You know that.

The constant attacks on a politician's honesty is laughable. They are all liars by necessity. We can't handle the truth. Trump is just really bad at it, because he has such a low opinion of his constituency, and other people in general.

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:22pm PT
I don't know, Gary, that's a tough one

perhaps you misinterpreted my point which was that IMHO Israel ie - Jews, take land they don't own by military force and that action IS just another in a long list of historical reasons why Jews were and continue to be so hated?

Being Jewish doesn't make a person a Zionist is my point.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:25pm PT
One notable exception was his call to enable families to "fully deduct" all child-care expenses from their taxes. Some such expenses are already deductible; experts say that the additional amounts will largely benefit middle- and upper middle-class families.

At first, this seems reasonable, to give parents a gov't handout to help them raise their kids.

But not always.

I'm reminded of a physician I knew, that just got back from his yearly week in Aspen. He was grousing about the cost, particularly when you figured in his Au Pair to take care of his kids, her lodging, airfare, meals, lift tickets, ski rentals, etc.

Well, under his friend Trump's proposal, ALL that will now be deductible.

Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:30pm PT
Trump's energy agenda, meanwhile, would open new sections of American coastal waters to offshore oil drilling

This is a clear money transfer to his billionaire buddies.

There is no need for this. Gas is cheap. To pump out our reserves, until we have none and are TRULY dependent upon foreign oil, is an insane strategy.

As we all know from the Deepwater Horizon, this sort of drilling carries with it significant risk of catastrophe for local businesses (ACTUAL small businesses!), and there is no need for it. It is simply to artificially pump up a favored industry.

I thought that Repubs felt that in business, there should be no gov't created "winners"????
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:32pm PT
The GOP nominee continued to leave large question marks about how he would pay for his plans and avoid ballooning the federal budget deficit. He included no new details on how he would limit the cost of his tax reform plan, which analysts have estimated would reduce federal revenues by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. His child-care expense plan would presumably raise that cost even further, as would an infrastructure spending plan that he has said could cost more than $500 billion.

here we go with the "BORROW AND SPEND" conservatives. NO smaller gov't, like they always say, but never do.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:33pm PT
This whole election cycle is all about the liars. A primary reason why Trump's constant, pathologic lying has gotten him as far as it has is because he happened to wind up going against Hillary, someone the GOP has been sniping after for decades, covering with the 'crooked' mantle. That pretty much makes the whole election narrative about who is the bigger liar.

If Bernie...or John Kerry...or anyone else that the GOP hadn't invested so much time in trying to sabotage them....was up against Trump, using the 'crooked liar' narrative wouldn't work out at all, and Trump would stand out as clearly as he is: a sociopathic, pathologic lying narcissist.
c wilmot

Aug 8, 2016 - 12:48pm PT
The "rebels" Kerry' supports and promotes endlessly recently got caught beheading a child. That guy will say anything and has no conscience of any kind

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:49pm PT
Whatever, c wilmot.

Perhaps you understand my point, anyway. Probably not, though.
c wilmot

Aug 8, 2016 - 12:54pm PT
Truth hurts. Our politicians are supporting Islamic terror with predictably disastrous results

Trad climber
Fresno CA
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:57pm PT
Both major parties nominated candidates with aversions to truth. Elect a climber president. Vote Johnson/Weld!


Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Aug 8, 2016 - 12:58pm PT
I would add unwittingly supporting it. They don't understand what is going on there.

OR, they are doing it on purpose to manipulate public opinion or

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 8, 2016 - 01:05pm PT
Et Tu?
Sad Jeb’s life just became a little darker.



On Saturday, the son of the “weak,” “low energy,” “desperate,” “failed,” and “pathetic” former governor Jeb Bush told Texas voters to get in line and support the man who humiliated his father on the national stage.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 8, 2016 - 01:21pm PT
Ivanka Trump champions working moms — except the ones who design her clothes

The eldest Trump daughter has built her brand around the cause of supporting working mothers, but the company that designs her clothing line does not offer workers a single day of paid maternity leave.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Aug 8, 2016 - 01:32pm PT

Aug 8, 2016 - 01:05pm PT
Et Tu?
Sad Jeb’s life just became a little darker.



On Saturday, the son of the “weak,” “low energy,” “desperate,” “failed,” and “pathetic” former governor Jeb Bush told Texas voters to get in line and support the man who humiliated his father on the national stage.

He can kiss his seat on the board of the Carlysle Group goodbye.

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Aug 8, 2016 - 01:35pm PT
Can you say "spineless"?

Sure, I knew you could...

Trad climber
Aug 8, 2016 - 01:48pm PT
Looks like they've had to unleash the dragon..... Evan McMullin throws in his hat as 3rd Party candidate who has a good amount of GOP support.

American politics at it's finest, though in this case, I am just happy if it works. Let the Trumpers wine and cry in their beer, and wax poetic of how they lost their chance to make America Great(code for White) Again.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 8, 2016 - 02:19pm PT
Man, is there anybody left here at ST who likes Trump?

Sure, there are several who might actually vote for him because their HillaryHate is so blinding, but it seems like most of them don't like the guy either.

There used to be at least a couple of TrumpCuppers, but they've been pretty quiet lately as his ship's gone swirling down the toilet, and all of the GOP'ers have jumped off like rats.


Social climber
Aug 8, 2016 - 02:44pm PT
Man, is there anybody left here at ST who likes Trump?

oh yes!

Cosmic, guyman, pyro, escopeeta, potatoheaad

Edward Thompson, cousin of Skippy, has strangely said he will vote Hillary in spite continually bashing her, likely same reason JohnE has - Trump too troublesome

oh wait, John lately has been advocating voting the Libertarian ticket!

because he is a climber, and John is back to daily bashing of Hillary's honesty
so it appears he has changed his mind, I don't blame him, how can anyone bring themselves to vote for such a dishonest person, would lie all the time as President

Trad climber
Aug 8, 2016 - 03:36pm PT

Social climber

Aug 8, 2016 - 02:44pm PT

Edward Thompson, cousin of Skippy, has strangely said he will vote Hillary in spite continually bashing her, likely same reason JohnE has - Trump too troublesome

Good old Norton... spewing lies. SSDD

The other day someone said you were a climber. I thought that was odd considering I've never seen you comment on climbing. Kind of figured you for a random troll, who just stumbled onto this site.

So, are/were you a climber?

If so, tell us a little bit about your climbing history.

Trad climber
Aug 8, 2016 - 03:43pm PT
Actually, I thought it was progress. He made an entire post without typing the word lie, or lying or liar. It's the little things.
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