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Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
html - hi tech monkey language
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Outlook.com - gotmy_mojo_workin#64;msn.com
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mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
{background-image:none !important;}
a question has "arisen."
why does this duck's tail look like a flying pig?
which leads to this question, as all good questions seem to lead somewhere further down the skyway, namely,
"why does this beautiful flying object merit an epithet demeaning to the tough mutha rats?"
i libel it base norwegian slander, bias, and pooh-poohing.
and it will get us noplace faster than a valkyrie flapping back to valhalla or strawberry station.
Social climber
Hey! Brian, Just stepping out of the Twilight Zone, just a tad little fog to clear but finally Boxer’s getting or waking people up.
Can you figure out what’s wrong with this picture?
Went in about three weeks ago, said look can we find a way so I, me can take one or two pills a day rather than the 180, 250 a month till they can figure out what’s going on with the right leg, Sure the nurse says “It will be shipped over night “UPS” [course it being a holiday [VD] and took ten days.
Anyway things are coming together finally two more tests, the last one by this time 28 days rolls around will tell if I have that PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP one as in parking a car.
“Payne, Payne, come back” no that’s not it that was that movie years ago. See what those medications will do to you.
When I see them next I will but a "X" where it says. F5ch them. It's a federal thing [idiots]. They want a fight, I am ready Fredy
As for this for pain, what pain?
DEA new policy to help the returning guys? It's first on your blood, urine test.
At lest I cen thinc beter know when I smocet a boul.
more news soon to follow, been a while.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Can I figure out what’s wrong with that picture?
But I can name this tune in four notes.
[Click to View YouTube Video]With some help from Lost Shanghai Boys.
Blood test in the sky.
Pass it and urine like Flynn.
Cool shots of clouds resting on Clowns Rest in the Big Raw Cotton Candy Mountains.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
What does Michael Richards lack that seems to ooze like a spring from the base of St. Chris Rock?
Credibility for starters.
"Then toys, right, BadAss Santa?"
"No, Barbie. Boys!"
Lenna had a huge Barbie-doll collection, birthdays and Christmases for years worth.
Kid called up tonight. Sweet gal, days of wine & roses, and blah...blah...
But Kramer! I so looked up to you.
Is he a nazi looking for a soup to go standing in line for in a Port 'o Subs?
Is he ALL noise?
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I get the same. I don't get it. It's time to pay off the BS Computer guy today. Well, his name's Kevin, he's not just some guy. Point is,
I'm browned off n gonna dalm cown and talk real slow and mellow.
I thought we got rid of this "ad-ware, sir."
Take it from there. See how it goes. Test the waters. Intimate that my nasal egesta is pointed in his general direction."I'm Snot, a robot."--Snot the robot
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Every picture tells a story or does it? John is gone, due to cancer.
Surfers just wanna have fun.
Social climber
At least you should about the pipe: as for the stuff in the bag just basil or thyme.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
I dumped it on Elcap pirate where I began a in memory to MyFrNDS in cosmic ws jk off ohwell hey 'twas fun muy ous
day ago I red a warning from the point achieved, I must have been high, it was a missive from you, (free of the Poe out and no pursed lips neither No need to tell me A gee)a very good man.
on YA sir for yo to
the post was a bump from that way back past
light, it was -- of deeper days when worthy thought was more often than not, the rule here
true dat?
We are all just fence posts here
as I said a fence post hearing is
here a fence post asks for a turtle hat
the screeching noise can not be good!
pass the hat
as when I start
the squeale comes back
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCan not open word so
sounds so fun and ex rated
but it is not from sites like
that ... that
killed the artists machine.
a overload of it's memory
I'm told pictures sounds
(sound) Chang Chang or dhon don do don-- Beethoven's 9th
can take up a lot of memory.....
a picture a day try seven to seventy
and away goes hard drive down the drain
rotor -rooter and away go troubles down the drain...
see that funny paper in the box for the floor of the cage?
it is bright and light and a shame to waste
so trade some time for an empty dell!?
Microsoft not my choice but the empty for almost free?
what does a hard drive and full set up cost?
soft ware package and anti-virus?
this is for a new post
head shot
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Worthy thought for the day:
"I'm sure he's gonna go for the left drivel fake. He's all mine."
Just don't double-drivel, James.
"Getting off the snide"
A worthy practice.
It makes sense to be mellow.
Smoke weed every day.
I've found, as has GOTD, that off-the-wall piratical practices permit pre-discussion per back-passage PM-ing,
puffing on a pipe of Purple,
and elimination of certain prejudices.
"I got the munchies so bad I ate that old cheese in the reefer.
I liked the flavor even more than before."
It's a rich source of content with some fiber, back-channeling is,
if only one can sift through enough chaffing and read between the lines and even the letters of a gnome-gram;
and it promotes irregularity, a key to successful Flamery.
I'd post the Marty Robbins video, Gnome, except for excessive boob dementia hereabouts.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
In every other song that I've heard lately
Some fellow gets shot
And his baby and his best friend both die with him
As likely as not
In half of the other songs
Some Cat's crying or ready to die
We've lost most of our happy people
And I'm wondering why
In every other thread that I’ve read lately
Some fellow gets shot
Or his baby who’s his best friend up and leaves him
As likely as not
In half of the other threads
Some one’s cryin’ Hey yer gunna die
We’ve lost some of our happy outlook
And I sure don’t know why
Let’s talk about climbing
Let’s talk about jamming
Let’s talk about the whippin’
And fallin’ and cleanin’
And the lovely, lovely movin’
Let’s forget about butt-hurtin’ and the lyin’
And the shooting and the dying
And the cops with a beefed-up tank
Let’s talk road-tripping
Let’s not get all mad
We lost old Marty's Robbins
Down in Lovers Leap a little while back
And now some n00b's shoes are left or one of them
Everyone's wearing Da Brim
But Werner's wit has gone downhill
And I feel like i might could die
If I don't keep a-tryin' to fix my hernia
Moose will be the only one you can buy
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
qyouth the raven ....
and then
turn ?? Wha'izz at flay that you say what?.
a safe harbor
but nor a catfish huh?(fish taco? bust a thought) no boobies to ad it is the 'mercan joke (eurodawg)Puritanism run umucka...
word was that other than tit city or authentic words that were my clue to judge
and I
and dread that silence
Bump... Rising above the spammer.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Spam, wonderful Spam, rises above the savory slice of bacon or the pile of yummy pulled pork just as Lower Watkins Pinnacle rises above Mt. Watkins itself. In the same way as a single M&M candy matches up with a full Hershey Bar. It tries. And you try to dress it up as drivel, but it's doomed to failure, because in the end, everyone IS a critic, and some don't like bacon, but nobody really likes Spam, and everyone likes pulled pork.
Pulled pork is no longer trending, however. It's chipotle or nothing for today's market.
Leading to:
Chipotle Chimney
Chipocolocotle Corner
Chipotle and Chips
Chipotle Snack Crack
"Punning is basically the humor of eight-year-old boys."--the good humor pundit
Rising above the Golden Gate, the spam unites the North and the South bay.
It carries the slaves to work and brings them home again to their barracoons in Mill Valley, Ross, and Kentfield.
The spamming of the Golden Gate was an idea whose time had come long since;
and, just as emancipation of the black slaves by Lincoln helped make this country great,
the deliverance of Marin commute slaves from dependence on fairies by the engineering brilliance of Morrow and Strauss [and Ellis, but that's a long story]
helped make the San Francisco Bay Area what it is today,
the home of the World Champion Giants baseball team!
Carrying the theme eastward, over the Sierra Nevada, we see Mound House, NV, and can't help but compare it to Spam, as well.
Spam is a "crossover product," much like the humble Clif Bar--they put all kinds of stuff in there and gourmets avoid it like it was off-brand catsup.The toll for trolls is nothing. They disdain the roadway above and seem to thrive instead in the cold and shadows underneath. It's damp and they smell funny, but Chongo is good entertainment, so it's livable.
And it's free, unlike camping in a NP.
It's an adventure as well, in some frames of reference.
[Comparisons of Camp 4 and the undersides of bridges are not invited, as it is borderline un-PC.]
The multitude of Bear Creek spams in Merced are shown here.^^^
Among them, two rail bridges.
The BNSF's rail line spam is obvious, but the spur line's spam is hardly visible behind the concrete spams of north- and south-bound 16th St., old 99.
Off in the distance is the spam of Freeway 99 over the creek.
And there are various spams of cable strung throughout, which the birds apparently appreciate.
We have yet to see what the high-speed rail spam will be like, or if it will use it's speed to jump this relative puddle.
Compare the various spams all you like to the Golden Gate.
Or to the Bay Bridge...er, Spam.
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Richard Joly is gone too.
Last time I checked WindAnSea was still there.
All stock photos? or did zorroBrown actually take them. I doubt it. Dude never had a camera, let alone mower or sweeper. Was Tim Leary ever free or was that just the price?
Got mashed potatoes, ain't got no T-bone.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I'm taking in your slack, Dingus. :0)
Marxwell (formerly, Occident) is a census-designated place and farm community in Colusa County, California. It lies at an elevation of 92 feet (28 m).
Located off Interstate 5, it is home to Marxwell High School.
The main crop grown is rice, though a variety of others such as grapes, almonds, squash, ennui, and sunflowers are grown as well.
One of the largest businesses in the vicinity is the Crushing Boredom Cooperative Mill and the main avocation is bird watching.
Its zip code is 95955, which adds up to 33 in comparison to other locations in the same county, using the Zip Code Test
which scored an average of 30.
Marxwell's area code is 530, the same as Chico's, which yields 8. Not very high Marx. I'm not convinced area code sums are a valid point of comparison between communities or people.
Marxwell's population was 1,103 at the 2010 census.
How many were actually breathing, however, is the interesting question.
To kindred spirits!
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Almost two inches of rain in the storm that passed through and I am happy to report, no leaks.
Mt Lukens was formerly Sister Ellie Mtn. and Lukens was an interesting fellow. Will try to fill you all in later, but I'm trying to track down who Sister Ellie was first.
Muriatic acid is the best pipe cleaner, though, some claim it starts a chemical process which cannot be reversed. I seriously doubt this contention.
What purpose do those drain cleanouts outside the house serve. As far as I can tell, none, even if you are able to get them open somehow.
This old hosue is filled with sin, it will swallow you in.
On the thirty-first floor, a gold plated door won't keep out the Lord's burning rain.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
A hearty TFPU to you, Dingus, and to U2, TimidToprope.
Youtube missile sites were aimed at Lodoga, Stonyford, Bear Valley and Elk Creek, I found in an old episode of California's Gold.
HH was in Paskenta, once, but very, very briefly--he sneezed and missed it.
Quoting Wikipedia.
Paskenta is a census-designated place (CDP) in Tehama County, California. Paskenta is said to be an Indian term for "under the bank".
Historically, it had greater local importance due to the presence of an active lumber mill.
The ZIP Code is 96074, for a low total not worth mentioning.
The community is inside area code 530.
Paskenta sits at an elevation of 725 feet (221 m).
The 2010 United States census reported Paskenta's population was 112.
Within Paskenta, there is a store for gas and food also called "Paskenta". It is newly reconstructed.
I have a cousin, Sheila, who lives in Tehama Co., in the dinky burg of Igo.
I haven't seen Sheila since we were children.
They live on the Ono side of town, off of Platina Rd.
I went to Wikipedia again to look up Igo. I go there often.
Igo is an unincorporated community with 625 residents 9 miles west of Redding, CA. Its ZIP Code is 96047. Wired Telephone numbers follow the pattern 530-396-xxxx. It has a neighboring town of Ono 4.0 miles west. It is also home to the Northern California Veterans Cemetery,[1] dedicated in December 2005. It has a post office, elementary school, general store, and a restaurant/beer & wine bar/banquet hall - The Igo Inn. It is also home to Brigadoon Castle Bed and Breakfast, but it is now a private residence.
There are several explanations how the community received its name.
I'm thinking of an itinerant grammar school teacher and poet/songwriter,
a-movin' through the area code,
teachin' the kids about not usin' apostrophes in their writin', but in a song, it's Otay (and we've been there),
but without a trace of the Norman Clyde gene,
a one who carries his library in a gunny sack
with a pan turned on his head for a hat.
He's not one of the guys, puma-hunting all over the Yolla Bolly.
And he's not some bar-fly sitting on the rim of the Valley
watchin' the little DMTs and TTs, LOL,
lookin' like mini-Huells (" I got dual Huells mounted on that truck in Marxwell."),
GPS-ing but not relying on 'em,
instinct tellin' 'em where to go,
and with a good map on the bench of the pick-em-up, like.
This is Fresno County back in the day, back in the first decade of the century.
Plus ca change...
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Smelly Ranch, Yougo, Hewent, Letswent, Jumpbail, Earlymay, Gas Point, Slow Death.
Igo has frequently been noted on lists of unusual place names.
"Ninety-five percent!"
Wrigley owned 100% of Catalina Island, I found by watching California's Gold.
There was the interview with Nick Fiore on Glacier Point, too.
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