Arizona Climbing Appreciation thread


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Trad climber
Oct 16, 2009 - 12:47am PT

1982 FA photo of "Secret Journey, 5.9, A3+, Rand Black, Dave Houchin" a 150 foot free standing sandstone pinnacle aid climb at 34.9315º N; 111.6798º W; 5,266 msl. near Secret Canyon, Arizona.

First Ascent took over 5 hours to lead, because R.B. was too scared to climb past the hibernating hornets in the thin crack. Finally found the courage and drilled a baby angle to runout a coupla free moves or two to the top. Then got to Rap off two tied off brittle bushes all the way back down. Much Fun!

Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Oct 16, 2009 - 09:30am PT
Nice shot of the Unicorn FFA. Thanks for posting!
That crack has a few bats in it these days. Heard them
squeaking it up in there a couple of weeks ago.

Trad climber
Oct 17, 2009 - 01:09pm PT

Love this one at the Mountain ... my favorite way to the base of Slammer Jam

Trad climber
Oct 17, 2009 - 01:16pm PT
Mike Long Leading Rhythm and Blues - 5.10b, at the top of Troon Mountain, Windy Walks, Scottsdale McDowell Mtns.; Circa. 1982

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Oct 17, 2009 - 01:29pm PT
I believe I have the first onsight free solo of that one...

Trad climber
Oct 23, 2009 - 01:29am PT
RB leads on 30º overhanging sandstone of formation Todd Applewhite and myself called "The Cape." An overhanging sandstone junction upstream from the Ultimate Finger Crack/Dihedrals, etc. in Oak Creek Canyon/Pumphouse Wash Junction ... For the Record, I was so scared after drilling and hooking on the lithified sand dunes of the Coconino Sandstone of the 30º overhanging sandstone ... I was 70 feet up on the hypoteneuse and was looking at only maybe falling 25 feet onto jagged talus sharp sandstone blocks ... needless to say ... drilled a baby angle at the high point and BAILED with my tail between my legs! (on a side note) the crack to the right of this I did with Todd in 1986 (or so) and was awesomely excellent ... a route called "Saved by Zero, A3" (don't have any pics of it) .. RB

PS - The angle is actually pretty close ... it's way steep!

Trad climber
Canoga Bark! CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 25, 2009 - 07:51am PT
RB: just down from Jungle Wall? By the old Middendorf Aid lines?

Trad climber
Albuquerque, NM
Oct 26, 2009 - 12:57am PT
Where's Houchin these days ?

Trad climber
Oct 26, 2009 - 11:37pm PT
Pate -- Thanks for the Bump

Mister E -- not sure where duecy did his lines but I am sure it is upstream from there the Lat/Long/Elev I estimate the area of the "Cape" to be:
35.0354ºN; 111.7148ºW; 6130 MSL (it's a major drainage junction)

PK Davidson -- The last time I hung with Dave H. was back in about 2002, when he came up from AZ to visit me where I live now, in Enumclaw, WA.
If you want to contact him contact Jim Gaun in Flagstaff ... he can hook you up with Dave.

    Great to hear from you all -- I am sure there is more to this thread to be discovered.



Hobart, Australia
Oct 28, 2009 - 06:13pm PT
Oh, Mister E, I wish you wouldn't refer to those aid routes as "Mddendorf" lines. That one was Todd's project, he had drilled the ladder on first pitch, I only came along at some later date and led the second pitch with him. The second pitch was more natural, and fairly spooky if I recall correctly, but it was still a pretty vague line going nowhere. Steep wall, though, Todd was pretty bold in that respect.

I like to think of myself of more of a free climber, outside of Yosemite and Zion. Aid climbing in Sedona was more of a sideline--of the 100's of routes I climbed in Sedona, only three were aid: the first pitch of "the Tooth" (solo), the Mushroom (with Stan Mish), and the second pitch of Todd's project.

Oct 28, 2009 - 06:20pm PT
RB, I have a battered old copy of your G. Mtn. topo that I hate to lose, and which is rapidly fading away. Any chance you have additional copies? I would gladly pay replacement/shipping/beer... Thanks for the awesome topo and routes, Atch

Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Oct 28, 2009 - 06:34pm PT
I used to run into Dave H. here and there around Phoenix, but haven't in a long time.

RB: I asked this a long time back, but do you know if the free version of the Nose at Granite Mountain has had a repeat? Thx.


Oct 28, 2009 - 06:36pm PT
I'll pay for that too!! Seriously.
Bob J.

Oct 28, 2009 - 06:46pm PT
I have the Waugh (red), and Lovejoy guides. The RB topo was awesome as it showed lines not in the Waugh and Lovejoy guide and was the same size as the El Cap topo posters. Unfortunately, it didn't survive well in the pack...

Trad climber
Canoga Bark! CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 28, 2009 - 06:55pm PT
Sorry, Deucey - That's what Bloom calls 'em. I'll pass the word along.

BTW, there is only one aid line in the new Sedona guide, and it's in the Church area.

Thanks for the clarification, Erik

Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Nov 5, 2009 - 12:21pm PT
Hey deuce4, FYI, Jim Scott and I freed (Jim led) the first pitch of aid on the Mushroom and looked for a way to avoid the last aid pitch (a corner out left- no go.) DDC and I did a route on the other side, but it also has some aid. Free the Mushroom!

Trad climber
Nov 12, 2009 - 01:13am PT
For those who want a pdf copy of RB's Granite Mountain Topo
just email:

I will arrange to get it scanned into a pdf format to transmit.

Deucy ... you know how much you helped me with it all ... thanks .. I really enjoyed the ride!
Steve Grossman

Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Nov 12, 2009 - 11:49am PT
So ,did any of you folks ever throw a toprope on A Shot in the Dark after all my badgering?!?

Social climber
Nov 16, 2009 - 12:09am PT
hey there all, say, just stepping in and enjoying this arizona climbing appreciation thread....

i always loved arizon, we traveled through it as kids, when we all moved from ohio, to california (hee hee, so chappy coule be a rock climber in yosmite--well--he was about 3? then???)....

well, then last, after i was married, we took whatever regular souther highway and always (during the ex's national guard trek to san diego, from texas) SAW the neatest ROCKS! AND wished i could scamper all over them!...

most likely some of you all have seen them... ?

huge accumilations of bolders, along one stretch of the highway... wonderful to see...

i have a small pic of my kids posing by some---will scan it later, just can't remember which highway it was...

ROCKS ! everwhere for that long stretch... :)
*reckon they could have been full of snakes, though, so good i never took the kids too close...

very nice climbing shares, here... thanks so much... :)

Social climber
Nov 16, 2009 - 06:49pm PT
hey there say, could not find any info on what highway we were on, and the picture did not scan (it was sealed in the frame)...


i DID find this odd-neat-find:

OLD VINTAGE postcards from arizona... :O

*i suspect, that we had traveld the old route 66 or highway, 66 though, now that i think about it...

here is the post card links (they take awhile for all to download)
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