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Excellent thread/discussion.
Something that always seems to be missing in the arguments from those that can't seem to grasp the giant holes and facts that just don't add up from the "official" government fantasy conclusion regarding 911, is questioning their completely blind trust of that "official" 911 report or ANY other official report from a government with a record of decades of lying and deceit.
No one should ever take any so-called official report or story line of any event as a done deal, the truth, time to put it to rest...etc.
Anyone that does is blinded by the propaganda and deceit produced by our government for generations. Just regard the WMD's lie for the excuse/reason to invade and occupy Iraq. Just regard the continued occupation and imperial hubris madness we are still engaged in Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires. We're still spending $10 - $12 billion a month there, for what, why? Lies and deceit to allow war pigs to profit and the neocon madmen to play out their wet dreams. Just one of many, many examples of deceit from our so-called leaders.
Cheney was the POTUS that day, Bush was shitting in his shorts reading My Pet Goat to school kids. The fact is anyone that defends the "official" story is defending war criminal scumbags who are running around selling books bragging about those crimes, how pitiful!
Deceit and propaganda work, don't believe the hype.
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 3, 2011 - 01:52pm PT
When the official version TOOLS stop bullshitting, lying, guessing and speculating then we'll be getting somewhere .....
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 3, 2011 - 02:13pm PT
You haven't made your case either.
What a crock "experts" all disguised as lying cheating hypocrites.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Once again for the billionth time it is both: LIHOP and MIHOP.
Listen to Susan explain why. I have always thought this to. You need a patsy that does indeed occur. You have to have a cover. However, they also take care of business to assure their success and make it happen.
That is how they do it. They did that with JFK, Robert Kennedy, and MLK Jr. You have the fall-guy involved on a limited basis for cover, then you have operatives who take-care of the fine details and are the back-up insurance to make sure it happens just as they want it to.
Then if there is ever an investigation, you start up a commission that is completely in your pocket and they are only allowed to verify the OCT and nothing more.
How many times do we have to go through this before everyone knows their MO?
You can't ignore her . . .
Our US government had her in a military prison for 5 years to try to shut her up.
Truth bubbles to the surface . . .
Ex CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 911 myth
Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq [Paperback]
Susan Lindauer (Author)
Extreme Prejudice / Clear Evidence Of 9/11 Cover Up
By Allen L Roland (about the author)
American Cassandra - Susan Lindauer’s Story
Wednesday, 17 October 2007, 2:43 pm
Article: Michael Collins
"Spies knew"
It wasn't our entire US government that did this. Just as Susan explains there are factions in the US intelligence. You have "White Hats" and you have "Black Hats" to explain it simply. The "Black Hats" in our government are the ones who pulled this off and involved whomever they needed to who think just like they do and who can keep their mouths shut.
But stuff is leaking. Leaking big-time. Word is getting out. The World is waking-up.
Same goes for Israel. I love the Nation of Israel. I'm a Christian. However, there are "Black Hats" and there are "White Hats" more than likely in the Israeli government also. They do not all see eye to eye.
There are extremists in nearly all nation governments who think just like the Neocons and the NWO. They know themselves. They know who they are. And they do conspire to do evil on a global level for their own selfish purposes.
Why should we care about our government lying/deceiving?
Not a very good answer.
The speculators are those that buy into so-called "official" government reports.
The roots of the word "sheeple"
Yes, deceit did happen in the past, the 911 report?? I don't believe anything the neocons say.
The MIC rules, get in their way, end up like JFK!!
The MIC and the neocon madmen do rule, and they do want to rule the world.
Imperial madness has never worked out very well, always failed miserably.
If you claim I haven't made the case official government report regarding many, many incidents in our short history as a nation are clearly fantasy then there is no use conversing with you. Only the very weak mind buys into so-called official stories about anything.
The word sheeple fits your mentality quite well.
I'm not yelling, screaming nor speculating. Just stating the fact that no one should ever regard an official government report as the truth or final word on any incident because of the well documented history of deceit.
Pretty simple.
Oh no, I'm not lying about the deceit spewed from the US government!
Your friends work for the military? The MIC comes down hard on those employed by them for telling the truth. Just check out Bradly Manning for one example.
Coz, I made no claim about government having one voice. Just stating the well known fact "official" government reports are famous for being deceitful.
Captain...or Skully
or some such
This thread needed some Techno.
Ron, that is my point, they never have and never will.
Skipt, no lecture from me, just the fact you're choosing to ignore the most important part of this discussion hence the truther nonsense.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you're free to buy into pure lies from the 911 report. It was written for folks like you.
I'm not denying hundreds of people claim to have seen a plane hitting the Pentagon, I'm simply saying I don't buy into anything the neocons claim, I don't blindly believe much of what the military claims. I'm also not claiming to be an expert on the subject of 911.
Trad climber
San Diego
I like how everyone on this thread thinks he's expert, as if there's no possibility you've misunderstood or misrepresented information.
Mountain climber
So. California
Hey, let's see the list of famous conspiracy theories that have been exposed.....
All mass accelerates at the same rate. Remember the story about the guy with the cannonball and the little ball?
When the huge falling mass hits a smaller mass, the smaller mass is accelerated much faster then if it is allowed to just drop, till it reaches the combined mass velocity.
Try to focus on your reading comprehension skills, Rox. That way you won't make stuff up like floors held up by cables.
Those are much smaller scale and discovered within a few years. These guys couldn't plant WMD's in Iraq or or even get any Afganis or Iraqis on the hijack teams, yet are given credit for the most massive conspiracy of all time.
Social climber
Wondering what all these people that were behind this conspiracy, got to be at least in the thousands that knew or were in on it, from the guys that planted the thermite, throwing passports/papers, adding engines, black boxes, making sure to hit the pentagon where it was not updated with correct blast mitigation even when the other side had been, and everything else. Just wondering what they are going to come up with on Sept 11th for the anniversary.
Too simple if it was just stupid people at the helm. CIA not communicating with FBI. Camera or video not correct, old techology, old buildings, old people without a clue.
Too simple
Maybe more storms and fires, floods or earthquakes. They need to think of something big.
Oh, Tami, using the cave in Afghanistan crap. He didn't go to caves till after 9/11. He had a compound in Kandahar.
And you really think it was difficult to get 19 islamic jihadists to go on a suicide mission?
John Moosie
Beautiful California
got to be at least in the thousands that knew or were in on it
Nope.. not true. Some theories keep it well below 50 people,
and that includes the 20 terrorists.
It just depends on what level of conspiracy you are talking about.
In America.. a few people in the CIA, a few upper level politicians,
maybe the head of security at the world trade center,
then add a few operatives, plus a programmer or two and the terrorist,
and you could make it happen.
I'm not saying that is what happened.
I'm just saying it could be done.
It just depends on the level of complicity and what was actually done.
Boulder climber
Salt Lake, UT
Klimmer has very carefully explained LIHOP and MIHOP to us. They almost sound believable.
But he has missed the two more likely theories about what happened that day:
IHOP - The disaster was organized by the International House of Pancakes which everyone knows is just a money laundering arm of the international illuminati. This easily explains the pancaking effect seen in the collapse of the WTC buildings, and the fact that the object impacting with the Pentagon, when viewed in slow motion, bears a much closer resemblance to a giant syrup bottle than a Boeing jetliner. And syrup, as everyone knows, burns very hot and with alot of smoke and carbonization.
HIPHOP - The disaster was in fact a part of the well-known East Coast rappers vs. West Coast rappers feud. It was organized not by Bin Laden, but rather by Tupac, who is not dead, but rather living in a cave in South Central. Hasn't anyone noticed that no major West Coast rappers were listed among those killed? And less well known is the fact that Kanye, P Diddy and Jay-Z were supposed to be having brunch at Windows on the World that morning, but unexpectedly had to cancel when Kanye's Bentley had a flat tire. Finally it should be obvious that the rumors of the "hijackers" visiting strip clubs and drinking make no sense at all if they were really devout Muslims. On the other hand, that behaviour would be exactly what one would expect from gangsta groupies about to go to war for Tupac.
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