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The Good Places
Sep 8, 2018 - 07:29pm PT
I heard that It does not cheat at golf though.

All that golfing at the trump places is mainly for MAGA!!@!@222211!667!!

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Sep 8, 2018 - 07:59pm PT
Manafort is hoping for a pardon. I guess lying to the FBI is no big deal in tRumplandia.

After all, the entire US intelligence community and the DOJ are part of the “deep state”, right?

This just gets better and better...
Mighty Hiker

Outside the Asylum
Sep 8, 2018 - 09:23pm PT
It seems a near certainty that the Obese Orange One cheats at golf. He cheats at everything else.

And Trump's no gentleman.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 8, 2018 - 09:28pm PT
If Manafort had any damning info, do you think we would've already used it to avoid life in prison?

Manafort is the Wild Joker in this hand of cards.

Manofort may want to live life in prison, rather than be assassinated by Putin on the street in front of his house.

Flynn and Papadopolous have been convicted of lying to the Feds. Nothing more.

Flynn has not been sentenced yet. Federal prosecutors are holding him in abeyance, waiting for the right time to have him testify against his co-conspirators.

Papadopoulos is chump-change. His value to Mueller is low. Mueller may have allowed him to be sentenced as a notice to other potential cooperators that cooperation can result in a relatively low penalty.

Robert Mueller has to be understood to be the KING of investigation and prosecution. Mueller, a longtime Republican, is the best, maybe ever, at what he does. Mueller is like a legal machine - a terminator, targeting illegal activity for termination. He seeks out illegal malcreants, and he will not stop, ever, until they are brought to justice.

Robert Mueller is a great American hero. He is not biased in favor of partisan illegality; he is biased in favor of absolute legality.

This THING is far from over. Trust me. Believe me. I know what I am talking about.

I am telling you.

If you just wait and watch, it will be the most STUPENDOUS, ever.

Never before, ever.

Unprecedented. Amazing.

Never before, and, hopefully, never again.

Mountain climber
Sep 8, 2018 - 09:39pm PT
Re Norton perpetuating hatred with his "Make America White Again" photo, well, I think he owes an open apology here. Absolutely outrageous. This is the kind of nonsense moderators are for?


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 8, 2018 - 09:53pm PT
sketchy....have you tested your drinking water for lead...?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 8, 2018 - 10:23pm PT
Xcon: an earlier post of yours was most delicious, and eloquent.


A collateral benefit, here, is that people write and communicate, and it's a good venue to imbibe in, and master the English language.

I'll do what I can, in that respect.

How is a person supposed to effectively communicate, when they are barraged by a library of over one million words?


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 8, 2018 - 10:48pm PT
It's hard to understand my fellow Liberals sometimes when personal emotions hold sway over just saying the truth.

The polarization of viewpoint is to blame.

The pendulum of political viewpoint is swinging, wildly, from this side to that side.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 9, 2018 - 01:40am PT

state of being
Sep 9, 2018 - 06:07am PT
Love how the cons adore Snopes now.

Sep 9, 2018 - 09:45am PT
What that snopes article doesn’t say is that that doctored make America white again photo was actually created and disseminated by Russian trolls.

But oh no, that’s all fake news, and what’s really important about that snopes article is that it shows what hypocrites the (insert divisive insulting name here) conservatives are for agreeing with it.

At least that’s what’s important to the righteously indignant patriots on our side of the aisle. Nothing to see here - no problem with our side of the aisle colluding with the Russians to exacerbate the partisan divide in our country - that’s just we righteous patriots acting with integrity.

So say I.

Sep 9, 2018 - 10:10am PT

I’m sure the justice department will handle it in a nonpartisan even-handed way, just like we do.

Sep 9, 2018 - 11:41pm PT
Sure, I feel Kingtut’s passion. He is a true patriot who cares deeply about his country.
John M

Sep 10, 2018 - 12:23am PT
You guys really want to claim him as one of your own?

what happened to the concept that he is his own man? Do you claim the white supremacists? If you don't, then why do you try to hold others to something that you wouldn't do.

I understand where kingtut is coming from. Its kind of the same place that Jody and ATG, with their bitterness are coming from. The veneer of civility of those two does not excuse the projection of bitterness. And what happened when ATG was exposed? He lost his veneer of civility. Should I claim that he is a typical conservative? Of course not. He is a typical human being who has lost his way.

There is not much chance that we can have true discussions of ideas if we stick with the notion of us against them. My father is a true old school conservative. I have considerable respect for him. My mother is a deep south compassionate liberal. I also respect her. Should I hate either one because they don't completely agree with me?

Thats where we seem to be headed now. What will come of that? Destruction. Thats what.

You earlier quoted someone who linked a Ted talk by a billionaire. In it the billionaire made the case that if the wealthiest among us weren't careful with the distribution of wealth, that the time could come where the poor would rise up with pitch forks. He described civilizations where this happened. I believe it is true. But you took that and asked the person who quoted it if that is what they really wanted. You seemed to believe that this person was calling for the pitch forks. I took it as a warning of what could happen if we don't solve this issue of extreme disparity between the wealthiest and the rest of us. The pitch forks will come out. Not liberal against conservative. But the massive number of poor against the wealthiest. History is rife with those kinds of tales. Of course it can be staved off by the wealthy if those in power pit people against each other, which is what is happening now. Left agains the right.

How will we solve anything if that is where we are? The most common outcome of that kind of angst is pitch forks. That is not saying that that is what I am wishing for. I most certainly am not.

What I am hoping for is that both parties will come to their senses. We need both the structure of the right, and the creative compassion of the left. What we don't need are either sides imbalances, which is mostly what we have now.

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Sep 10, 2018 - 05:08am PT
Let’s seed this thread with some climbing content. I simply will not tie in with someone who is pro Trump. I have managed to survive for over a. half century of climbing including many forays into serious alpine venues. Aside from a good measure of luck I have to assume that I and my partners have exercised a fair measure of good judgement.
It’s a saftey issue...good judgement is a key component in climbing and voting for someone so completely devoid of any redeeming qualities sends up a red flag regarding judgement that I can’t disregard.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Sep 10, 2018 - 05:59am PT
A wise man.

Further,one should consider who Tut is resisting ,claiming to support an upper east side realtor devoid of any humanistic quality in any way makes resistance of any kind seem ,well,


Ice climber
Sep 10, 2018 - 07:39am PT
Climbing and otherwise Trump goes solo.

Social climber
my abode
Sep 10, 2018 - 07:41am PT
I simply will not tie in with someone who is pro Trump

Trump derangement syndrome....

Mountain climber
Sep 10, 2018 - 08:53am PT
So, JohnM, vile KingTut is “passionate”—but ATG and Jody are bitter clingers who have lost their way? Uninteresing universe you have enclosed yourself in.

I will not tie in with a Trump supporter.

So says likely ST’s single largest global warming contributor.

I will not tie in with a polluter? Ridiculous.
John M

Sep 10, 2018 - 09:03am PT
you missed the point. I don't excuse kingltuts discourse.. good grief man. grow up. try harder. you complain about others, but you do the exact same thing. grow up. you nit pick things to death. Its a pisser.

Werner is right. This place is a pisser. I used to respect climbers.
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