When TRUMP wins...


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Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 7, 2016 - 11:33am PT
Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a ‘real opportunity’ for white nationalists

Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:03pm PT
What do his tax returns hide: Is he an agent of Russia?

Social climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:23pm PT
I personally doubt Trump is an agent of Russia or any other country

I suspect he knows that if he does release his tax returns the effect would be very negative on his campaign

they may show he pays little or no Federal tax

they may prove his net worth claims to be a total lie

they may also prove he lied Ugely about his giving to charities boasts

Mitt Romney also did not want to release his returns, and sure enough when he released his 2011 return it showed me paid only 14% Federal, far less than average middle class Americans

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:36pm PT
Can Trump actually withhold his tax returns all the way to (or past) the election? Is there any legal requirement that a POTUS candidate must release their returns, or has it just been customary?

Gold Canyon, AZ
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:39pm PT
Can Trump actually withhold his tax returns all the way to (or past) the election? Is there any legal requirement that a POTUS candidate must release their returns, or has it just been customary?

There's no law--it's merely been customary and every other presidential candidate has disclosed at least one year of tax returns. Some have released several years.


Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:40pm PT
Trump finally found a rocker to let him use his music for his inauguration...

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Social climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:40pm PT
Sure he can

No requirement

Sport climber
Shetville , North of Los Angeles
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:43pm PT
Trump is hiding the tip money that he stole from struggling American workers...Shame knows no boundries...

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:47pm PT
Wow...that would be an interesting precedent to set. I betcha we'll see more candidates withholding, of either political color.

Sport climber
Shetville , North of Los Angeles
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:54pm PT
Cosmic...Quit attacking me...My pussy hurts...

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:57pm PT


But don't let these facts get in the way of your rant, Cosmic....

Social climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 01:58pm PT
Donald Trump wrongly says Hillary Clinton wants to raise taxes on the middle class

"Wait, what?" was the reaction of the Clinton campaign too. Spokesman Josh Schwerin told us Clinton actually said the exact opposite.

He pointed to numerous reporters who agreed and forwarded us a transcript of Clinton’s prepared remarks that reads, "We aren’t going to to raise taxes on the middle class."

It’s a classic case of she-heard-he-heard, so we asked experts to arbitrate. They agreed with the Clinton camp and offered some technical evidence to prove it. Get ready for some science.

Alan Yu, a linguistics professor at the University of Chicago who specializes in phonology, ran the audio through a computer program called Praat, which analyzes phonetics.

By analyzing the sound waves, we can see that Clinton was saying "aren’t," because she definitely pronounced the "n," though she didn’t really hit the "t."

Edward Flemming, a linguistics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also ran the audio through Praat and came up with the same results. But even if we didn’t have Praat, he said, context alone sways the argument in the Clinton camp’s favor.

"Also if she was going to say ‘we are going to’, wouldn’t she contract it to ‘we’re’, as she does a few words earlier?" Flemming pointed out. "To my ears, it is clear that she is saying ‘aren’t’."

Clinton’s tax plan, by the way, does not change the tax rates for the middle class and instead targets the wealthy through small reforms.

Another LIE Debunked


Trad climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 02:19pm PT
"Wait, what?" was the reaction of the Clinton campaign too. Spokesman Josh Schwerin told us Clinton actually said the exact opposite.

Lol. Winning!

[Click to View YouTube Video]
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Aug 7, 2016 - 02:31pm PT
No wonder Pyro, Comic, Potato Head and Blue like him...biggest liar presidential history.

Go Donald...http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-historic-liar_us_57a72edce4b03ba680129d06

Social climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 02:53pm PT
When Trump lies constantly and effortlessly it is ignored by his thread supporters.

Yet when they are proven emphatically wrong about Hillary NOT raising taxes they dig in and insist they are right

Psychology 101 in action, what does that say about them?

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 7, 2016 - 02:53pm PT
Of course that's 'what you heard', Cosmic.
Fossil climber

Trad climber
Atlin, B. C.
Aug 7, 2016 - 03:05pm PT
Do you suppose that while the Kremlin is digging out Clinton's emails they might also dig out Donald's tax returns?
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 03:07pm PT
Donnie Corn Hair has those tax returns locked down so tight that the KGB could not even find them. No way he will ever release the returns.

Trad climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 03:23pm PT
No wonder Pyro, Comic, Potato Head and Blue like him...biggest liar presidential history.

Just think, he had to out-lie Politifact's Liar of the Year 2013 - none other than El Presidente Barry Obeezy to claim the title.

A new low indeed!

Ice climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 03:45pm PT
Must not have been an election year - 2013.
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