For all you that wanted to help out Blitzo


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Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Jun 29, 2013 - 03:41pm PT
In that photo with Locker, is that his new computer?
Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 29, 2013 - 03:53pm PT

Yep. Macbook Air. Funds provided by someone named Zip? Top shelf bra!
Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 29, 2013 - 04:01pm PT
Tag line:

Blitzo, halibut inspired images

BlitzoFoto, what Sally is looking at.

Images d'halibut, by Blitzo

Looking up and down, and all around... BlitzoFoto


Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Jun 29, 2013 - 06:22pm PT
cool ( kind'a reminds me of how a lot of the porno sites are set up. they scan down forever, it seems, except when ya click on one of their pics ya just get another porno site, that scans down forever..., etc! (hey, or so they tell me, lol).

btw, my favorite Blitzo pic is a b&w landscape shot of this giant cloud formation. perhaps taken in the monument somewhere...way cool pic!

Somewhere out there
Jun 29, 2013 - 06:30pm PT

I can see some photos…

Just peeked… Found # 572 to be a real eye-opener… tag line in duel-rope system falling behind a leaders heel. Me hopeful he never falls.

Thanks Team.

Social climber
1187 Hunterwasser
Jun 29, 2013 - 06:40pm PT
lol, yay!

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Jun 29, 2013 - 07:51pm PT
Amen to that!

Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Jun 30, 2013 - 12:53am PT
Hello Friends!

Hope everyone had a chance to check out the website progression cause I just pulled the plug on it for about 24 - 48 hrs if I'm lucky...maybe a week if I'm not.

Shopping Cart, image protection, copyright, and some other excellent suggestions from Locker and Sooze to be implemented.

BLITZO worked his ass off today labeling images with me over the phone.
Its memory invoking, brain rattling, tiring work, so I really appreciate all the effort he gives despite how hard this is on him.

Before Things got really bad with the Cancer, Blitzo and I had been lollygagging at lunches, drinking beer and talking / planning about his stories and photography. I realized today that we are finally getting to work together the way we had been planning.

Things have been so hard...and we have such a long way to go in healing him and getting rid of the pain....but I'm so thrilled we get to work on this project together in the midst of everything.

I love you Blitzo. BUMP BABY!

Social climber
Jun 30, 2013 - 01:17am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Trad climber
West Los Angeles, CA
Jun 30, 2013 - 11:11pm PT
Sundays with the Bloot and special guest locker! Taken this afternoon.

Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 1, 2013 - 03:08pm PT
susan peplow

Joshua Tree, CA
Jul 1, 2013 - 08:47pm PT
Health update:

Blitzo has a great few days in gaining strength and getting things done. Check back to Saturday as Locker was amazed on how well he was doing.

Yesterday however things were definitely off. He was confused, quiet and anxious but hanging in there for the various guests that came for Sunday visit. By late afternoon when things calmed down he was for sure out of it and just acting weird (told him as much) - I also asked Russ to come home as he was frightening me.

Hoping he would just sleep it off I fed him dinner and sent him to be earlier than normal. He had a good nights sleep but come this morning things still weren't right.

Paul & Locker came to fetch him for radiation treatment transport. Locker was here most the day yesterday but I brought Paul up to speed. Honestly, at this point Paul is his primary caretaker with daily trips down the hill, conversation, consult with doctor's, medication distribution, etc. I told him my concerns, behaviors and off they went.

Fast forward to the radiation treatment where the doctor noted Blitzo's confusion. Discussions of possible dehydration due to heat wave but we've been keeping him on fluids so that was doubtful. Paul ran him by the oncology department and they agreed to pull labs directly (avoiding ER) all three guys went for lunch while the lab work was done. Blooter continued to be a bit out of it and after returning to the hospital found he has extremely high calcium. If you read up on it you can see how it completely whacks you out.

As a result and several hours later they have been able to find Blitzo a bed and admit him to the hospital. The oncologist was pretty upbeat with Paul saying that they can normally get the levels back inline within a few days.

And there we have it.... more to come but at the moment he's a temporary resident at the hospital where he can get fluids and whatever care necessary so he can come home to us.

Thanks Paul, Locker and Arrowcare for all your assistance. Oh and the continued support and love of ST members. I figure those of you watching this thread really care about our Blitzo so it felt right to tell you what's going on today.

Poor Bloot-o, so great a few days ago but doesn't take much to throw you way off! At least he'll sleep well in those frigid air conditioned rooms.... not like what he's getting at our house.


Fish Finder

Social climber
Jul 1, 2013 - 09:10pm PT

Maybe they can find him a razor. He is starting to get the Howard Hughes crazy look!

Hang in there Bloot

Less Milk!
susan peplow

Joshua Tree, CA
Jul 1, 2013 - 09:34pm PT
Actually he needs calcium as his bones are super brittle due to the disease. This is probably more inline with his current medical issue but waiting on diagnosis from Dr. Whatever it is, we hope he's back with acceptable levels and home soon.

Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 2, 2013 - 12:11am PT
Here is the actual info on helping Blitzo.

To send a card or something else:

c/o Russ Walling
HC1 Box 696
Joshua Tree, Ca. 92252

To send a check, make it out to Russ Walling as his bank account is still not quite set up, send it to the address above, and I'll cash it and hand him the money since he lives here at our house.

PayPal is still probably best: is his personal address to send it to. Or, if that one makes you nervous, you can send it to me at "" and I'll transfer it to Blitzo.

Trad climber
West Los Angeles, CA
Jul 2, 2013 - 04:34am PT
Sooze, we noticed a real difference on Sunday from previous visits, even in the hospital. He said he took a muscle relaxer but he was really out of it.

Glad you guys caught it and are getting him help. You, Russ, Paul, Leigh-ann are our heroes. We try to visit every weekend but you guys are the ones doing the heavy lifting and caring on a day to day basis.

PS - locker, glad you were there with Billy at the hospital. I'm sure he appreciates it and knows.

Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Jul 2, 2013 - 05:21am PT
It seems that over half of people with his type of cancer have this problem. A normal complication so to speak. Thanks for catching it early when the symptoms were still mild!

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Jul 2, 2013 - 10:22am PT

Sooze, thanks for the update.
To the rest of the folks taking care of Bill out
there, you all ROCK!!!!

Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Jul 2, 2013 - 11:07am PT
I was just able to speak with Paul. He spent the night with Blitzo at the hospital. He says they are both still a little sleepy but that the Noob is already much more cognitive than he was last night. The Doctor just stopped by while we chatted and she agreed that he is loads better. She woke him up and he was able to answer her questions pretty well and with a lot more enthusiasm. Looks like the levels are coming down and tomorrow he should be all the way back to normal.

sleepy noob this morning:
more to come...

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Jul 2, 2013 - 11:22am PT

You might consider getting Blitzo some Boron supplements at the local health food store; Boron is necessary for Calcium metabolism for incorporation into the bone structure. Not much is needed. Jes' sayin'.
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