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Jolly, they didn't fall in the same fashion. Wtc 1 and 2 collapsed from the impact point. In WTC 7, the supports for the east mechanical penthouse gave way and it plunged through the building, eventually compromising the supports for the north side facade. Seems like you would know these things after all these years.
Yea, Jolly, trot out that u-tube video proving 45 seconds minimum collapse. You know, the calculations that don't use gravity, or accumulating mass, after the first floor impact. Hilarious. What a dumbass you are.
Gym climber
the supports for the east mechanical penthouse gave way and it plunged through the building, eventually compromising the supports for the north side facade.
Hahahahahaha. Yes, small office furniture fires caused the "east mechanical penthouse" to collapse. Right.
But then it gets better: "eventually compromising the supports for the north side facade."
Eventually? Like, a couple seconds later? And, big boy, it wasn't a "facade," it was the entire friggin' structure. Simultaneous falling at free-fall speeds.
Hey, how about a test for explosives? You know, the most easily-explained way for the building to have fallen in that fashion. All other models are so convoluted, they remind me of the Gary Larson cartoon:
"And then a miracle happens"
Office furniture fires, that's so funny, except they are trying to be serious.
Well this circle's, still a jerking,
By and by, Lord by and by.
Gym climber
Still no explanation on the explosions in the buildings, except to deny.
You see, that is the keystone to the Believers. When Truthers bring up a fact of evidence that goes contrary to their beliefs, they DENY it happened!
So predictable.
Go up a page or so to my list of "Wait, now get this." I quickly put that together.
Take a look, how many of the facts there do you deny, or brush off without an answer?
OK, I admit, it's hard to verify that listed hijackers were later found to be alive and well in other countries. Especially with the media the way it is. But how about ALL the other things?
Swallow it up boys.
Post it Jolly. It's in your posting history. Do I have to search for it for you?
Gravity was only used to calculate the first floor impact velocity, then discarded for the rest of the collapse, and assuming constant velocity. No accumulating mass either.
You are supposed to be some kind of an engineer right? A bad one I reckon.
Cumberland Plateau
"Hilarious, Caveman. Why would the NWO put bombs in the basement when they already had framed Islamic terrorists flying planes into the building?
Use some neurons, dude."
I'm not saying who, just saying why. If people are flying airliners into buildings to bring them down then why not bombs in the basement. It had been tried before with those same buildings. If I was in charge of knocking a building over then charges are a cinch over a airplane. I watched a few videos of the building 7 collapse and IMHO that was text book razing Loizeaux style.
Edit to add: What was the quote? Something like...." we're going to pull it" Using what neurons I have I add that up to one thing and it doesn't involve cables.
Hey K-Man, since you are so into eyewitness reports, what about all those who report seeing an airliner slam into the Pentagon?
Edit: that's not the quote and you've taken it out of context.
Caveman, the goal was not to knock down a building.
Don't you think 500 dead from 4 suicide airliner crashes and 3 smoking icons would be enough to justify whatever we wanted to do in the ME?
Why add another method that didn't work the first time?
Trad climber
San Diego
They can't, and they wont. They will now change the topic.... Same thing happened with the alien moon space ship thread. f*#king retards.
Gym climber
momo, yes, folks did see a plane fly into the Pentagon.
But the evidence doesn't fully support that event happening. I know, very strange.
That's why it would be so helpful for the Pentagon to release the films they have. They way they cover things up makes it look very suspicious.
And who took down the OP video??
It says "CollapseMovie", but that film has been released and it does not show the said footage (and the movie is about peak oil, not 9-11). Plus, Rupert wrote "Crossing the Rubicon," a book blowing the 9-11 Official Story out of the water. Why would he want to take down the video, it supports his POV--does not make sense.
Gym climber
soo i haven't been keeping up here, at last look, the missile thing had been thoroughly tromped along with the bldg 7 thing
Funny, you're they guy who says that the 9-11 Truth movement is just a couple of poorly-written blogs (when in fact that hare dozens of books, feature-length films, numerous full-blown web sites, state officials and military personnel, and more, backing the Truth movement).
Where do you see WTC Bld 7 being brought down by controlled demo debunked?
Say, aren't you they guy who went running when I showed you reasons to believe the WTC Bld 7 could have been brought down with explosives?
Yeah, you're the guy who said "Who gives a snot about Building 7 anyways."
LOL Ron.
Gym climber
OK, once again, I find myself getting pulled into this large circle jerk, as it was so well put earlier.
We can all argue this till blue in the face. The truth is, I gotta take a Ron, and I can't waste time getting all excited about this stuff when there is really no outlet.
I got my Truther beliefs, and you got your Believer beliefs. And without further "proof," the two won't mix well.
I've said my stance: I think it'd be great if there were a real and true investigation into the mess. But it just ain't gonna happen.
So now, once again, I'll try to extricate myself from this thread and watch from the sidelines where I can scratch my head and wonder about all the inconsistencies and miracles that the Official Story contains.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
The structural design of the WTC didn't include tension cabling of any kind that I can find. There are no plans, designs or schematics which illustrate such a design feature and no text delineating it from what I can tell.
Midvale School for the Gifted
What's the difference between 9/11 and a cow?
You stop milking a cow after 10 years.
COW being an acronym for Conservatives for Overseas Wars, right?
Here's Jolly's UTube genius boy who calculates 44 seconds for minimum collapse time.
At 4:09 he calculates a velocity and a deceleration (bogus anyway, but lets roll with it) and assumes the same deceleration throughout the collapse.
In other words, since the falling mass decelerated when it hit the first floor, he assumes it will keep decelerating in the same manner. Of course, he forgets that the mass will accelerate between floors, so now it's going faster when it hits the second floor then when it hit the first floor.
See what I mean Jolly, he doesn't use gravity any more after the first collision.
Have there been any other identical highrises hit by airliners?
See, two can play the 'first time in history game'.
And yes, the steel only portion of the Madrid building collapsed to the fire wall floor from a fire only, no airplane hit.
But it was hit by a collapsing 100+ story highrise.
It's embarrassing to know so much.
Google will find the Madrid building links.
Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Does this tin foil hat make me look fat?
Jolly, thats a totally worthless calculation if you don't think the mass will accelerate between floors. What the heck do you think the mass will do once a floor has given way? It's a freaking no brainer. You look very foolish to put so much value in this hilarious video.
See the peer reviewed study by Bazant for the correct way to do the calculations. He comes up with a much shorter time, and assumes the supports for the floor offer no resistance. Only the mass of each floor needs to be accelerated when the falling mass hits it.
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