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Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Whilst acquiring an "in-depth" knowldege of cast iron plumbing and California "Tree Law", it seems that my Flaming has suffered.
Oh dear
What Can I do?
Baby's in Black
I'm Feelin' Blue
Babies in black face
Care for some fries with that
What's that they say about two black birds in the yard & a bush?
Searchin' for a reason to enjoy yourself
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Ricky D
Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Man !
Sure were a lot of white people in the '50's!
Where did they all go?
Yes. Those photos were of Cayucos. I was there last week, and it still looks just like that. Nice pics for trip in the way back machine.
I dream things too weird and alien to imagine
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Tank you, Barb Aryan!
I learned to play "Baseball" in Cayucos. And several other poker games.
My friend's dad, Everett "Washington" Livermore, an engineer for Pacific Te. & Tel., was good enough to reclaim his boy's allowance and mine as 'booty."
We "learned" aout four or five othes, like Low Ball, High Ball, etc.
It's come to this, though. I'm a fan of the Giants, a fan of the A's. But the exploits of Yankees have always amazed...
me or anyone else who loves baseball from the old days when life was simple, like only sixteen teams and two leagues. Far fewer cards to collect, and I wished for years to have 'em all back, but realized everyone else had gotten the same dang cards, pretty much; the same memories, only different; and likes to stand in lines just because others are in it.
Who was the first Major Leaguer to climb El Cap?
Warren something...
American League, I'm sure. Hot Stove-Legs League? Maybe.
But Google this picture, baseball fans. I have no license, currently. I may not be able to travel 'legally" ]John Oight 2, --
Restrictive gov't miss the cell call, nopats.
It's a rare picture, but the autographs were probably *hic* added, like the alcohol might have been added to what Ruth drank, at inflated prices, but he could afford it, huh? I got this today at the Merced Antiques Mall.
So the story goes on...
As Iped wended homeward from the Antiques Mall, by way of the Public HOUSE, I stop into the PARTISAN; and there were no "parties on," not even a minor ATTABOY celebration--the place was empty but for the bartender, who was texting and couldn't possibly be bothered till he said so.
I got to him when I told him that I was independently working for YELP. He took the sports new off and put on the A's game. I asked him pointedly, "Of which team are you a fan?"
He said, passively, The Pirates.
"Why?" asked I.
He gave me a BS reason, it's not important. What's important about this story, is that Ferdinand was no saint. He was, I'll bet, a Dodger fan.
YUCK! Say it ain't so, Ferdie!
And if you do, let me get off at the turn-off to Booth Lake, OK?
Nam Yoho ringay kee yo. Repeat as many times a day as you can and you might end up as wealthy as Babe Ruth or the Lou Gehrig's heirs.
--Joe "Go" Han San
The real deals, like Chuck Cochrane, only better.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
"Everybody's like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece," she said, wistfully.
How right she seemed then, but now that I know she was bullshitting me all that time, I feel somewhere between "slightly foolish" and "really devastated."
It's hard getting fooled like that. Lorde knows.
"Flaming." Ha Ha Ha.
"I got flamed at the Gorge." But only after I drowned in the Green River.
[Click to View YouTube Video]Gee, Fonz...What should I do?
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
We coulda been Royal...
but we all need to "settle" for what comes.
Unless you're some pushy little bastion.
"Whatever you do, Grasshpopper, don't become like me. I actually trained to be me. It wasn't worth it. All I got's this lousy leather jacket and free music for life. I coulda had more if I'd just let go and gone with the flow."
Like, I coulda been a guitar hero instead of a legend."[Click to View YouTube Video]
"Gosh, Fonz. I just need to take a leak, dude. I wasn't all up in yur face gettin' all metaphysical. Can you stop this thing? I'll jump off and go behind that billboard."
"Sure, Richie. Ya got it."
Happy Days/The Fonzie (dance is crap, but cool cuz it's the Fonz)
Legendary stature is enviable.
Fonzie ~ 5' 6"
Pratt, Harding, Chouinard, Napoleon, and others ~ around there, too
Can you beat this, though? It's 5:30 and I want a hamburger. I'm craving a hamburger.
Damn you, zBrown! Or maybe it was just watching Winkler, knowing he could have whatever by snapping his fingers.
"Heeeeeey, 5.9. Let's go to the soda shop, Richie."
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Moussolini reminds me to remind you that Daylight Savings Time officially ends this year on
NOVEMBER 2, 2014.
Be there or be square.
Speaking of Moussolini, the Balcony of the Same Name has been closed.
"They" were informed that "Someone" had been out there, against "Their" wishes and rules, as stated in the lease "Someone" signed.
"Those Bastions" put in a screen, an obstacle permanently screwed into the wooden frame of that old window. (It's a shitty job, "managing" Middle Earth, lemme tellya--the Fonz wouldn't have any problem, but mere mortals, fergeddaboutit.)
It looks like Richie Cunningham did the job, but it does the job. I can't go out there anymore without climbing hi-jinx.
Here's the nail in the coffin, though.
"They" got word from the Fire Marshal, an official document, which states that "They" will be patrolling for violations of "Their" fire safety rule which says no one is allowed on the fire escapes unless they are in danger of impending immolation.
So the party of the first "They" says to "Us" that the party of the second "They" says to knock that shi! off...no more smoking out on the balcony, no more, no more, no more.
But between "You" and "Me" or "Us," "I" still go out there on the escapes OCCASIONALLY--but only in the early morning or at night when "their" patrols aren't out looking for evil-intentioned balcony perps.
"It" is a frickin' GAME, living here.
How many rules have "I" broken today?
How many roaches can "I" kill tonight?
Why are there only two of "We" original Middle Earthmen (Smokey and "Myself") left on this floor?
"Who" still lives in the old El Cap Hotel? (Two people, actually. One is an old black fellow and the other is Johnny El Cap, the building super.)
If "They" dammed the stream of "My" consciousness, how much would "They" charge annually for "Me" to put a boat in and go fishing (trolling only, no wake) in "My" own damned lake?
And would "You" rather have paper or plastic, sir?
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So here lately "I" have been taking "It" to the streets.
Yes "I" have. "It" is the "Berkeley" in "Me." "He" still craves life. "I," on the sinister side, haven't lost interest, but "It" would be "NICE" to have more money.
Why does "It" always seem to come down to dollars, is what "I" wanna know.
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Krones, deutschemarks, Euros, yen, sen, and big-ass rolling wheels of rock.
Well, the Cinema Cafe is now open and "I" still want a burger. See "Ya."
Watch those parking meters, hear?
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Well, I can't say what jcarry has in his febrile mind. But I do know where there's smoke, there's Flames.
So this might be, can't be 100%, of course, but it might could be the beginning of the Meadow fire near Half Don't, Half Do, Gonna Half a BBQ.
T Hocking, the Moussolini is the central balcony, not a real one, just a fake for show...no doors, just the crawl-out window, now screened permanently by the fake Richie Cunningham.
The fire escaped, got in the wind, and went to Little Yo for some rest, but wouldn't ya know...he got burned for his reservations, just like a year ago when the Park shut down. (All in a midsummer day's imagining...it didn't really happen.)
Those eight fire escapes, four per "tower," look like a ladder of zzzzz's down the front of each tower. The penthouse residents have to jam down the stairs to floor five to stay alive in the event of a fire.
Tad, I know it's early when you rise, especially on a Tursday after a WHOLE WEEKEND of NFL, Ray be-damned Rice, and fires eating up our public spaces...it makes me want to drink.
Harry Steier/original "Trink, trink, trink."
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I used to own a Royal. I had to do a term paper in HS seniour English class, and it took me all night to type it on that portable torture chamber.
It saw me thru the FROSH year (love that word, in a sophomoric way) at ST. Mary's in Moraga. It documented my steady decline into a FroshLush.
That burger was pretty bad. Soggy bottomed burgers DON'T make the world go round. It was good beef, lots of everything, but it was a fake restaurant burger, really, if "One" is a Carl's Juniour fan, which "I" no longer claim to be because "They" ditched the salad bar! Bastions!
Well, Carl's rich and famous like Amous, or Amos, and "Those" cookies.
"I" cooked burgers over the hill at Rheem Valley for T-Bone's Drive-In during that Frosh year. Or more specifically, in 1967, the second semester. "They" dropped me from my gig in the college kitchens because "I" stole the brothers' wine and wasn't reliable. "I" didn't give a darn.
The "I" in "Me" tried to blame Obama, but couldn't because no one knew "He" was around yet.
This was in the days back when the ladies in Playboy were uniformly white-skinned, in a manner of time-framing-speak. No offense, liberated blue-skinned friends.
So let's see, "I" was all primed to join the Navy, being a drunk. What happens to a drunken sailor? Put the man on the base (or keep aboard ship) and confine that unfortunate to quarters for the rest of the day. Yeah, as tiresome as writing with quotation marks around all the pronouns may seem, it needed to be done to fulfill a minor bet that I made with a guy that beat me at Scrabble, a former neighbour of mine, Lamont. So that's all over now, baby blues.
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What do you do with a drunken drummer? Same thing, only the musical bass, not Treasure or Corona, both fine beers.But only one is a serial killer.Both of these fine citizens gave up drinking. All greatness demands sacrifices.
[Click to View YouTube Video]And a tank of helium.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
what do you do with a failing burger joint?Start making tacos and burritos. Keep the soft drinks, they'll always need cold drinks cuz it's Merced, in the Heat Zone.
Another business that bit the dust, on old Business 99,It wasn't a cruising destination at all, really. Just a burger joint not near enough to a freeway ramp to make it pay. Their burgers strike no memory chord in my mind, for I probably never ate one of their burgers.
I had not much money as a teen, and we were fed well at home, besides. When we cruised the drag, we were cruising the drag, not chowing down. We turned around at Cecil's Golden Chicken Drive-In on one end of the drag and at Vernon's at the other end.
There was Rose's Chili Dogs and Fosters' Freeze on the drag, and over on old Bussiness 99 was the A & W, a really good spot to visit, especially after dark on a hot night. They had a patio with a real oak tree shading it. Back when we were in Jams and huaraches and being surf-less surfer-types.Still open, but a different name on it today. Both the others are gone, and Cecil's is now a BBQ restaurant, not a drive-in.
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Looks good for it's age - NO?
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Does it run, Forrest? Duh Cati, huh?
What's your prisoner number, son?
Where's your maroon shirt?
Are you one of them Wisconsin surf bums?
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Seen a man named Algernon of Alcatraz recently? He surfs the Prison Break when it happens, but it's highly unpredictable, with time & tide & prayers said in desperation to ST. Patrick Swayze.
"Hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true."
[Click to View YouTube Video]
In answer to your question, zBrown, it looks like crap right now. Goos luck with it.
Enjoy this one...so good.
Moto Guzzi in the Alps & Dollies, 2012.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I love it when a plan comes together.
--former Colonel Hannibal Smith
"It's zPlan, Boss!"
--Hervy Vylly Chase
"Fail to make zPlan, plan to fail."
--Bird Colonel Bird, in Catchy-22 by G.I. "Joseph" Hellmanners
"Sh!t. I pity the fool's a brokedownbiker on a brokedownducati in a brokedowncity like that."
And there you have, the zTeam, run by not one, but two ex-Cols, an ex-felon, and a brokedownmidget.
Their mission: Impossible to Describe. You had to have been there. No TR, so sorry, Yosemite Yossarian.
That Bird has flown.
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
DOES IT RUN YOU SAY? Only if I chase it.
Just finished it an hour ago.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
"People don't kill people, guns do!"
"People don't kill burgers, wet buns do!"
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Curves, yep.
Permanent wetness.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Shasta Dam's veterans and history.
The 75th Anniversary Celebration to honor Shasta Dam and its workers was scheduled Sept. 14-21, 2013.
Rally wish I'd known about it. Double dang!
Trad climber
Hey Z...here's my red project that was once a pile of parts. Couldn't bear to paint the tank and side covers...can't buy that patina!
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