When TRUMP wins...


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Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 7, 2016 - 12:57am PT
Sort of like our wonderful treatment of the Indian Nations.

Trad climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 04:39am PT
Ghost is a good guy and if his bred in the bone Saskatchewan opinions cause sensitivity to Californians, you just have to know that the Canadian mid west people are all about looking potential friends in the eye first...

Oh, he's Canadian. That explains it.
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Aug 7, 2016 - 05:21am PT
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Aug 7, 2016 - 07:44am PT
Some people just can't grasp reality, and fight against it tooth and nail
Stop, stop, Please stop talking Politics Here!
I can't stand it, this is a climbers forum
talk climbing.....

I'll have to throw out a barrage of ugly insults!!!
That'll do the trick..

A long way from where I started

Aug 6, 2016 - 08:43pm PT
Dwain, I don't agree with your politics or your religion, but at least you are a climber.

Whichever side of the political fence people like Apogee, pyro, norton, escopeta, craig fry, etc may be on, why are they posting here? This is a forum for climbers, not for political ranters.

Assholes, one and all.

This guy just won't give it up, he hates American Politics
I wonder why? since he lives in Canada, maybe he should stick to threads that he has interest in, don't ya think?

Let's see, Pyro is a climber, escobaria is a climber, apogee is a climber, Norton is climber, and I'm a F-ing Famous Southern Californian Rock climber, with over 100 FAs and a guide book author.
Maybe you should check out the climbing threads and see us posting there, I just posted a story on the Sheep Bugger thread. Pyro has a Stoney Thread, have you clicked on it?

So ugly
Maybe we want to keep our climbing areas free, and if the politics goes the wrong way, we lose them, so it is important for Americans to debate

Ice climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 07:44am PT
There are very few Canadian passes to be shared among you, JB. Tami & Fam(il)i don't need one, the rest of you better step lightly. :)

Still, [Adam] Falkowski—and probably every particle physicist—is disappointed. He wanted to move beyond the Standard Model, and this seemed to be the shot. “But,” he clarifies, “the reason why I’m depressed is not because this particular bump went away but because it’s not clear we’ll get another chance. We badly need a discovery in our field to keep it moving. We’ve been waiting for so long, and it’s not coming.”

The state of quantum flux
Aug 7, 2016 - 08:15am PT
I hate politics
See me post
post post post
Hate hate GRRR GRRR
Rant hate post rant rant GRRR post

It's so painful
Make it stop
More more
Stop me before I post again

Here's another one...

The Pursuit of Crappy-ness

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Equates to inject some religious clap-trappinines
Or hypocritical pro-life self serving crappy-ness

Leave it to the people with loud voices
And money had without sacrifices
To improve on all our lives
By taking power from our wives

As we stupidly expect
Them not to eviscerate our nuts
While we sleep
Worried that our grandkids
Might have genes from distant Mozambique

Nutless or worse
We can all rehearse
Protecting Zika infected mother's babies
While they suffer
Wring your hands
Say maybe

Some say the Nazis had it right (forbid)
No Zika spawn unless they're white
And as with the final solution
No one can hide from cyanide
So this time y'all be careful
All those skinheads and closet racists
This time when comes Election Day
The good old boys they all believe
They just might get it right


Big Wall climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 08:18am PT
I like how Iran calls the U.S Enemy..

Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Aug 7, 2016 - 08:20am PT
Rubio: No abortions for Zika-infected women


The small Gov. people want to make sure that the Government stops all Abortions of possibly deformed or brain damaged babies, or any other reason for a legitimate abortion.

You must complete the pregnancy, go through child birth and then let the American tax payers keep it alive as long as possible on life support.
That's what the Bible says to do, so be it.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Aug 7, 2016 - 08:25am PT
I like how America calls Iran one of the "Axis of Evil"

Back to Trump

I want a Purple Heart, who's going hand one over to me
I'll put in my collection.

The state of quantum flux
Aug 7, 2016 - 08:29am PT
We can't force change on anyone,
Some would chose death rather than to change.
Or change by their choice.
Or change by their definition of it.

Change almost always comes from within, no zen AA bullsh#t.
People change when they want to.

The problem is;
That the world constantly changes, and unless we are willing to change too, as individuals, we will remain in crisis and turmoil.

Sport climber
Shetville , North of Los Angeles
Aug 7, 2016 - 09:00am PT
Cosmic... Craig Fry should be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize...Keeping the loons from the republican party in line is a thankless full time job...Taking the heat for the tuna oil soaked down jacket goes beyond the call of duty...

The state of quantum flux
Aug 7, 2016 - 09:04am PT
We could write a letter on Craig's behalf, if not for a Purple Heart,
I think the Golden Carpal Tunnel Award is befitting a climbing celeb and writer of his stature.

Social climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 09:25am PT
Crankster, got a link to that Benghazi/Moore piece?

Gold Canyon, AZ
Aug 7, 2016 - 09:51am PT
The small Gov. people want to make sure that the Government stops all Abortions of possibly deformed or brain damaged babies, or any other reason for a legitimate abortion.

You must complete the pregnancy, go through child birth and then let the American tax payers keep it alive as long as possible on life support.
That's what the Bible says to do, so be it.

Probably because brain damaged babies become brain damaged adults...who then vote Republican.


Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 7, 2016 - 09:55am PT
Ghost's contributions here are much appreciated. He has a great, articulate writing style, whether he's writing about climbing or on rare occasion, politics. I have respect for his views, in almost all cases.

The issue of political discussions on a Climber's Forum is old & tired- the mods apparently accept it to some degree (begrudgingly, I'm sure), and that doesn't appear to be changing. Until those conditions change, the only filter that users have to topics they aren't interested in is to not click on them. Dropping in to a thread with a 'smash & rant' about how you don't like the topic (with a little namecalling) doesn't do anything to change those conditions, and just makes one look like an as#@&%e.

Social climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 10:27am PT

Dropping in to a thread with a 'smash & rant' about how you don't like the topic (with a little namecalling) doesn't do anything to change those conditions, and just makes one look like an as#@&%e.

Well said

Perhaps the reason is that the birds and old tractors and what songs threads, that you also don't have to click on. are not targeted for the You are all stupid angry rants is because those threads are quick and easy to enjoy and understand and do not have differences of opinion or require boring current affairs reading to participate in?

Trad climber
Aug 7, 2016 - 10:33am PT
The small Gov. people want to make sure that the Government stops all Abortions of possibly deformed or brain damaged babies, or any other reason for a legitimate abortion.

Since when are Republicans "small government"? They haven't paid lip service to small government for a decade and in truth gave up on it in practice over a half a century ago.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 7, 2016 - 11:09am PT
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 7, 2016 - 11:29am PT
Trump tries any attack on anyone who dares to criticize him. Of course, that attack would seem pretty absurd coming from the guy whose group of economic advisers is the most elite of the elite from Wall Street.

Check out the list: it's very rich, white males from hedge funds and other Wall Street groups. Incredibly, there is only ONE economist on his list of economic advisers.

Try to find any past presidential candidate whose economic advisers were not even economists.

His group's expertise is simply at making money.

Great for them, but certainly not a good measure of skill in macroeconomic policy. It's really ironic coming from the candidate who attacks his opponent for being beholding to Wall Street, simply because she made speeches.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Aug 7, 2016 - 11:31am PT
Here’s the Harvard Republican Club’s statement:

Dear Members and Alumni,

In every presidential election since 1888, the members and Executive Board of the Harvard Republican Club have gathered to discuss, debate, and eventually endorse the standard-bearer of our party. But for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.

Donald Trump holds views that are antithetical to our values not only as Republicans, but as Americans. The rhetoric he espouses –from racist slander to misogynistic taunts– is not consistent with our conservative principles, and his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients is not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel.

If enacted, Donald Trump’s platform would endanger our security both at home and abroad. Domestically, his protectionist trade policies and draconian immigration restrictions would enlarge our federal deficit, raise prices for consumers, and throw our economy back into recession. Trump’s global outlook, steeped in isolationism, is considerably out-of-step with the traditional Republican stance as well. The flippancy with which he is willing to abdicate the United States’ responsibility to lead is alarming. Calling for the US’ withdrawal from NATO and actively endorsing nuclear proliferation, Donald Trump’s foreign policy would wreak havoc on the established world order which has held aggressive foreign powers in check since World War II.

Perhaps most importantly, however, Donald Trump simply does not possess the temperament and character necessary to lead the United States through an increasingly perilous world. The last week should have made obvious to all what has been obvious to most for more than a year. In response to any slight –perceived or real– Donald Trump lashes out viciously and irresponsibly. In Trump’s eyes, disagreement with his actions or his policies warrants incessant name calling and derision: stupid, lying, fat, ugly, weak, failing, idiot –and that’s just his “fellow” Republicans.

He isn’t eschewing political correctness. He is eschewing basic human decency.

Donald Trump, despite spending more than a year on the campaign trail, has either refused or been unable to educate himself on issues that matter most to Americans like us. He speaks only in platitudes, about greatness, success, and winning. Time and time again, Trump has demonstrated his complete lack of knowledge on critical matters, meandering from position to position over the course of the election. When confronted about these frequent reversals, Trump lies in a manner more brazen and shameless than anything politics has ever seen.

Millions of people across the country are feeling despondent. Their hours have been cut, wages slashed, jobs even shipped overseas. But Donald Trump doesn’t have a plan to fix that. He has a plan to exploit that.

Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy. He hopes to divide us by race, by class, and by religion, instilling enough fear and anxiety to propel himself to the White House. He is looking to to pit neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, American against American. We will not stand for this vitriolic rhetoric that is poisoning our country and our children.

President Reagan called on us to maintain this, our shining city on a hill. He called on us to maintain freedom abroad by keeping a strong presence in the world. He called on us to maintain liberty at home by upholding the democratic process and respecting our opponents. He called on us to maintain decency in our hearts by loving our neighbor.

He would be ashamed of Donald Trump. We are too.

This fall, we will instead focus our efforts on reclaiming the Republican Party from those who have done it considerable harm, campaigning for candidates who will uphold the conservative principles that have defined the Republican Party for generations. We will work to ensure both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands, continuing to protect against executive overreach regardless of who wins the election this November.

We call on our party’s elected leaders to renounce their support of Donald Trump, and urge our fellow College Republicans to join us in condemning and withholding their endorsement from this dangerous man. The conservative movement in America should not and will not go quietly into the night.

A longtime student of American democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville once said, “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

De Tocqueville believed in the United States. Americans are a decent people. We work hard, protect our own, and look out for one another in times of need, regardless of the color of our skin, the God we worship, or our party registration. Donald Trump may not believe in that America, but we do. And that America will never cease to be great.

The Harvard Republican Club
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