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Social climber
The island of Tristan da Cunha
Oct 28, 2014 - 06:27pm PT
'For the Love of Will'
So now I see you want of me to dance,
And cause this bear to twirl and spin on queue,
There rarely comes a better circumstance,
And not for you but for myself would do,
The inward mind is twisted now askance,
And stirring up my poetry like stew,
I'll conjugate my writing like romance,
Admitting this at times it's only spew,
But would that I might learn a thing perchance,
I'll thank J. Gill and Mister Shakespeare too.
Social climber
The island of Tristan da Cunha
Oct 28, 2014 - 07:03pm PT
Back to drawing board.
Methinks it's harder than I thought.
Oct 28, 2014 - 09:36pm PT
...climbing syncronicities (meant here in a directly Jungian sense) as a means to verify NON-ENTROPIC MENTAL PROCESS at work upon the macrocosmic universe, by this meaning the universe outside the walls of this Plato's Cave in which we lie ensconced, and this thread as well bottlenecked by stagnant science unto death... climbing syncronicity data is of value due to presence of of Accelerated Syncronicity Phenomenon, that is, the subjective perceptual INCREASE in synchronistic events within the immediate time/space surrounding a significant climb -- song on radio on way to crag, turn back from rockfall due to random intuition on approach, friend mangled on same day you almost were-- and though this data at this point in history is only stoner bullshite, such data could still be used to teleologically map out structures within the flow of events that show that this whole damn thing we're a part of is thinking... the syncronicities we experience during major climbs are nodal points of connection akin to synaptic clouds sparking across neurons... climbers' testimonies is so chock full of syncronicity they need not be cited here-- the boulder blowing out on the Salathe, Erickson's dream, brown paper shitebag lodging slowly on the single rest on Sacherer Cracker-- one would only have to start a thread on syncronicities, but i am only a lowly lurker stranded far away from anything but choss, besides having surfaced up into the What Is Mind? hole like a disoriented seal when what I was really seeking was that New Stoners Thread All the Time Man
Oct 29, 2014 - 08:38am PT
Do chickens think about the Big Picture?
Maybe, when interfering humans aren't throwing them off the track.
Trad climber
Oct 29, 2014 - 09:48am PT
It's good to.see someone from this inherently self serving community putting in the time to qualitatively improving their mind. When you parse through the philosophical double talk, there is much to think about, but in the end, have you reached a point where your musings and meandering have given you a content with your worldview? To find internal peace you eventually have to accept that the mind does not have the capacity to know everything.
Mountain climber
Colorado, Nepal & Okinawa
Oct 30, 2014 - 11:27pm PT
We have discussed these ideas somewhat on the old thread but nobody has articulated them as well as Sam. I would say my experience with peyote was very similar though I wouldn't describe the euphoric feeling as universal love. I got that from high doses of glucocorticosteroids when I was misdiagnosed with asthma.
I later experienced that both the brilliant color effects and altered sense of time as well as the universal love euphoria could be attained though meditation. I've had other effects that seemed more electrical in nature complete with energy surges in the body which happened only with meditation.
As with everything it seems, these experiences can be interpreted two ways. One is Sam's interpretation that we are just dealing with neurotransmitters which can be manipulated, and the other is that people have genuine spiritual experiences and contact with something greater than themselves when certain physical criteria are met. These experiences don't, to my current way of thinking prove the nature of mind or reality one way or the other, but they do change lives.
Social climber
From the Time Before the Rocks Cooled.
Oct 31, 2014 - 09:18pm PT
"[Core concepts: All humans have souls. Souls are software objects. Software is not immortal.]" — Accelerando (Singularity), Charles Stross
Oct 31, 2014 - 09:45pm PT
All humans have souls. Souls are software objects. Software is not immortal
The living entity IS the soul, not has a soul.
The material body is the covering.
Whatever consciousness the soul develops that will be it's material body covering.
When your consciousness becomes too attached to your dog at the time of your last breath and you will enter a dogs body in your next life.
The living entity (soul) is eternal and can transmigrate from body to body according to it's desires.
The gross material scientists are completely bewildered by birth death disease and old age.
The have no clue how to stop these yet the entire material consciousness is fixed on trying .....
Thus the graph on the left (non psychedelic) represents the clear clean.
The graph on the right (psychedelic) represents the power of the illusionary energy creating the mirage.
Thus the clearer the better.
This how the phrase "Zen mind beginner mind" came.
Not that the mind is under control of the inferior illusionary energy and full of nonsense.
All the greatest advanced souls all rejected the material intoxicants of the inferior illusionary energy.
If one so desires to remain in the mode of ignorance then all the facilities of the inferior material intoxicants
are available to keep one bewildered and in poor fund of knowledge .......
Social climber
From the Time Before the Rocks Cooled.
Tired, didactic, unsubstantiated historic memes. Software is not immortal.
Software is not immortal.
Though if we make the umbrella large enough, DNA is making a long run.
Mountain climber
Colorado, Nepal & Okinawa
Agreed Warner, but I think the point Sam was trying to make is that most people are so tied to the rational material model that they can't imagine any other world view until they take a psychedelic. Every ashram I've ever visited, more than half the people there told me they got interested in meditation after taking psychedelics.
It might apply the other way around too. For those people lost in the experiences of the astral world, seeing what is really going on in their brain, might help them to understand that's not the goal.
Right now what the scientists are doing is trying to establish some kind of baseline for understanding brain connections and how they function and malfunction. The article concluded with the usual, the connections are so complex they don't have the tools to make a 3-D model yet and nobody knows what consciousness really is.
DNA is the design file for how to manufacture the hardware.
"Verdi", my new anti-housefly defense system.
What does Verdi think?
Ward Trotter
Trad climber
Many years ago I took an entire day to reflect on the phenomenon of ingratitude. This reflection was provoked by witnessing one person selflessly go out of his way for another--- at a considerable risk. Although both were strangers to one another--- nevertheless there was no good reason for the recipient of this favor to ignore the clear requirement to show gratitude by a simple "thank you" . The recipient merely grunted, sneered, and went on his way.
At the time I was somewhat distracted by my own reaction, which consisted of a near complete inability to understand the unabashed mind of the ingrate. The more I thought about it ,the more confounded I became; despite my intuitive grasp that something psychologically abnormal had definitely taken place. Since then I have witnessed other examples of crude and straightforward ingratitude of the sort that could not be mistaken for anything but.
So it was there I left matters to marinate ---as I am want to do; preferring to figure out some puzzles for myself.
Until yesterday---when again I witnessed one stranger being openly generous to another without as much as a "thanks" in response. Perhaps it had been the surly and agressive way the recipient had turned away, revealing for an unguarded moment his inner self ,that gave me my long-awaited epiphany as regards the true nature of extreme ingratitude.
When I got home I immediately went to the computer and punched in Psychopathy Checklist
There it was #12
Hare's PCL-R 20-item checklist is based on Cleckley's 16-item checklist, and the following is a discussion of the concepts in the PCL-R.
But first of all, here is Cleckley's original list of symptoms of a psychopath:
1. Considerable superficial charm and average or above average intelligence.
2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
3. Absence of anxiety or other "neurotic" symptoms considerable poise, calmness, and verbal facility.
4. Unreliability, disregard for obligations no sense of responsibility, in matters of little and great import.
5.Untruthfulness and insincerity
7. Antisocial behavior which is inadequately motivated and poorly planned, seeming to stem from an inexplicable impulsiveness.
7.Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
8.Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience
9. Pathological egocentricity. Total self-centeredness incapacity for real love and attachment.
10. General poverty ot deep and lasting emotions.
11. Lack of any true insight, inability to see oneself as others do.
12. Ingratitude for any special considerations, kindness, and trust.
13. Fantastic and objectionable behavior, after drinking and sometimes even when not drinking--vulgarity, rudeness, quick mood shifts, pranks.
14. No history of genuine suicide attempts.
15. An impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated seX life.
16. Failure to have a life plan and to live in any ordered way, unless it be one promoting self-defeat.
Boulder climber
15. An impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated seX life.
Is seX > sex ?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Ward Trotter
Trad climber
A bit of research could garner you the name of the hapless typist responsible for that error. A discussion with same might quench your burning desire in this regard.
If that happens don't forget to say "thank you"
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