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Trad climber
An only slightly cryptic post from John Schindler on his @TheSpyBrief Twitter. because it's a pay-for account, I cannot quote, but he states that it's time to declare your fealty to Trump or your opposition; that there should still be mercy for those who honestly "don't get it," but from now on "not getting it" is a choice.
You'll have to subscribe if you want to discuss that further, or if you are one of the "don't get its" and have begun to question your position and want to learn why it is that the majority of people around the world(not just the US, and discounting those who have no limited or no access to media) are opposed.
The Granite State.
Corey Booker.
Trad climber
that would contend that some of trump voters were innocents
Yes, it would, and I have no problem allowing that. At all. Frankly, I have had concerns that everything I myself have been counting on is smoke and mirror, calming the masses until we get the chop. While I don't THINK that is what is going on, I sure won't say I positively know it ain't. What I DO know, is that SOMETHING is going on, and whatever it is is serious, and a historic chain of events in the history of this country, if not the world.
Who are you thinking should run against President Trump in the next election?
I don't think about that, until the candidates begin to present themselves. I shamedly have to admit that when Obama got nominated, I was like "Really? You think the US is going to elect a black man? We can kiss this election good bye."
But, I don't think Trump will be running, if that's anything.
Trad climber
Who are you thinking should run against President Trump in the next election?
Who we need are moderates. Unfortunately, the current political climate is unusually adversarial, which tilts the primaries towards hardliners, like Trump, Sanders or Warren.
From the GOP, I'd like to see Kasich, Huntsman or Sasse step up. If Nikki Haley ran, I'd campaign for her, even though she's got a nasty Trump taint to overcome.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
It will interesting to see who runs against Trump. Rubio is smeared with Trump stink, he blew it. Kaisch has the best chance of beating a liberal. Flake is obviously posturing for a run. he was smart to distance himself from Trump, but he is not moderate enough to overcome the Blue Wave.
edit: yeah, Huntsman and Sasse are voices of reason. I have some respect for Haley, but yeah, she smells
Trump will run, maybe even as an Independent, and screw the Republicans, he has no loyalty
The Wastelands
by early 2019 the polls will be so negative that Trump will have no chance of reelection
he will declare victory and return to his opulent private life
Joe Biden will easily defeat any Republican and become President
the wave of anger and emotion against all things Republican will sweep the Dems into majority control of the House and Senate
open an account on betfair and put some money on it
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
I find Kaisch extremely annoying
And any Republican will just be more of the same Republican policies that ruined this country in the first place
The only moderates are the Democrats,
what was f-ing Hillary?? a moderate
What single policy do the Democrats want that the majority of the population are not for?
Everyone wants :
SS, medicare, social services, common sense gun laws
affordable or single payer health care
affordable college, vocational programs
taxes paying for education, science, infrastructure
preserving wild lands and having strong environmental regulations and species protections
to stop discrimination
The Republicans work against these same issues
They take away protections, services and tax payer paid entitlements from the people
Trad climber
The world as we know it will be gone soon.
We have a regular at the naked section at Split Rock, who is into ashrams and that kind of thing. Which, I can do my best to hide my eye-rolling when listening to her, but.....
In the summer of 2016, she said her guru(or someone associated) had predicted that Obama would be the last president of the US, that the US as a country would fail, and that the world would be thrown into chaos.
Yes, I eye-rolled. Until the day after 2016 elections. Then I kind of went "ha, wouldn't it be weird....." And every day since, it has been more like "Well, everything considered, it's not implausible."
Not to rush things along, but I'm getting ready to push harder to get back to NY, and if it's just going to be one of those things where you look back and say "Well, that wasn't necessary......"
I hope you are wrong Moose. But if it happens, I hope I am swept away fairly quickly and painlessly. Besides, I want to see what the world is like in 2050, and look back and be amazed, and tell any youngster who will listen "Oh, yes, we had to actually steer and stop the physical vehicles. There was none of this virtual travel back then...."
Trad climber
had predicted that Obama would be the last president of the US
true so far..
Fukn classic.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 4, 2018 - 11:47am PT
Who are you thinking should run against President Trump in the next election?
All the Democrats, and probably some Republicans, running in 2018 will be against Trump. Voters in Trump Land are going to be against him, too. The Chinese tariffs on US agricultural goods are going to hit his billy-bob fan base pretty hard.
By 2020, the only running Trump will be doing is from the law.
Mueller is working very methodically from the bottom up. He has not yet publicly mentioned the most important co-defendants. Mueller's interest in Roger Stone indicates that he is almost ready to start naming those who directly connected Putin to Trump. Trump thinks the collusion investigation is over, but it is just starting to get interesting. Trump thinks he is in the clear, because he is only a subject (not target) of the investigation. But, Mueller is prepared to upgrade his status at any time.
Trump filed his paperwork to compel Stormy Daniels to submit to arbitration. This puts him and his attorney Cohen in an untenable situation. They can no longer pretend that Cohen set up the LLC and paid the $130,000 out of his own pocket, without Trump's knowledge. The payment is now officially an illegal campaign contribution, and a felony under Federal law. Mueller will come poking around, to see if the money came from Russia.
The Stormy Daniels case is very likely to wind up in public court, with Trump being called as a witness, and having to testify under oath. That will be in addition to any questioning that Mueller subjects him to.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 4, 2018 - 01:01pm PT
This is the list of products that China is targeting with retaliatory tariffs to call Trump's bluff, and raise him his voter base.
Yellow soybean
Black soybean
Uncombed cotton
Cotton linters
Brewing or distilling dregs and waste
Other durum wheat
Other wheat and mixed wheat
Whole and half head fresh and cold beef
Fresh and cold beef with bones
Fresh and cold boneless beef
Frozen beef with bones
Frozen boneless beef
Frozen boneless meat
Other frozen beef chops
Dried cranberries
Frozen orange juice
Non-frozen orange juice
Unstemmed flue-cured tobacco
Other unstemmed tobacco
Flue-cured tobacco partially or totally removed
Partially or totally deterred tobacco stems
Tobacco waste
Tobacco cigars
Tobacco cigarettes
Cigars and cigarettes, tobacco substitutes
Hookah tobacco
Other tobacco for smoking
Reconstituted tobacco
Other tobacco and tobacco substitute products
SUVs with discharge capacity of 2.5L to 3L
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 2500ml, but not exceeding 3000ml for SUVs (4 wheel drive)
Vehicles with discharge capacity of 1.5L to 2L
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 1000ml, but not exceeding 1500ml for SUVs (4 wheel drive)
Passenger cars with discharge capacity 1.5L to 2L, 9 seats or less
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 1000ml, but not exceeding 1500ml for 9 passenger cars and below
Passenger cars with discharge capacity of 3L to 4L, 9 seats or less
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 3000ml, but not exceeding 4000ml for 9 passenger cars and below
Off-road vehicles with discharge capacity of 2L to 2.5L
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 2000ml, but not exceeding 2500ml for off-road vehicles
Passenger cars with discharge capacity of 2L to 2.5L, 9 seats or less
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 2000ml, but not exceeding 2500ml for 9 passenger cars and below
Off-road vehicles with discharge capacity of 3L to 4L
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 3000ml, but not exceeding 4000ml for off-road vehicles
Diesel-powered off-road vehicles with discharge capacity of 2.5L to 3L
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 2500ml, but not exceeding 3000ml for diesel-powered off-road vehicles
Passenger cars with discharge capacity of 2.5L to 3L, 9 seats or less
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement exceeding 2500ml, but not exceeding 3000ml for 9 passenger cars and below
Off-road vehicles with discharge capacity of less than 4L
Other vehicles equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source. Cylinder capacity displacement not exceeding 4000ml for off-road vehicles
Other vehicles which are equipped with an ignited reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor and can be charged by plugging in an external power source
Other vehicles that are equipped with a compression ignition type internal combustion engine (diesel or semi-diesel) and a drive motor, other than vehicles that can be charged by plugging in an external power source
Other vehicles which are equipped with an ignition reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor and can be charged by plugging in an external power source
Other vehicles that are equipped with a compression-ignition reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and a drive motor that can be charged by plugging in an external power source
Other vehicles that only drive the motor
Other vehicles
Other gasoline trucks of less than 5 tons
Transmissions and parts for motor vehicles not classified
Liquefied Propane
Primary Shaped Polycarbonate
Supported catalysts with noble metals and their compounds as actives
Diagnostic or experimental reagents attached to backings, except for goods of tariff lines 32.02, 32.06
Chemical products and preparations for the chemical industry and related industries, not elsewhere specified
Products containing PFOS and its salts, perfluorooctanyl sulfonamide or perfluorooctane sulfonyl chloride in note 3 of this chapter
Items listed in note 3 of this chapter containing four, five, six, seven or octabromodiphenyl ethers
Contains 1,2,3,4,5,6-HCH (6,6,6) (ISO), including lindane (ISO, INN)
Primarily made of dimethyl (5-ethyl-2-methyl-2oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorin-5-yl)methylphosphonate and double [(5-b Mixtures and products of 2-methyl-2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorin-5-yl)methyl] methylphosphonate (FRC-1)
38248600a articles listed in note 3 to this chapter containing PeCB (ISO) or Hexachlorobenzene (ISO)
Containing aldrin (ISO), toxaphene (ISO), chlordane (ISO), chlordecone (ISO), DDT (ISO) [Diptrix (INN), 1,1,1-trichloro-2 ,2-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane], Dieldrin (ISO, INN), Endosulfan (ISO), Endrin (ISO), Heptachlor (ISO) or Mirex (ISO). The goods listed in note 3 of this chapter
Other carrier catalysts
Other polyesters
Reaction initiators, accelerators not elsewhere specified
Polyethylene with a primary shape specific gravity of less than 0.94
Lubricants (without petroleum or oil extracted from bituminous minerals)
Diagnostic or experimental formulation reagents, whether or not attached to backings, other than those of heading 32.02, 32.06
Lubricant additives for oils not containing petroleum or extracted from bituminous minerals
Primary Shaped Epoxy Resin
Polyethylene Terephthalate Plate Film Foil Strips
Other self-adhesive plastic plates, sheets, films and other materials
Other plastic non-foam plastic sheets
Other plastic products
Other primary vinyl polymers
Other ethylene-α-olefin copolymers, specific gravity less than 0.94
Other primary shapes of acrylic polymers
Other primary shapes of pure polyvinyl chloride
Polysiloxane in primary shape
Other primary polysulphides, polysulfones and other tariff numbers as set forth in note 3 to chapter 39 are not listed.
Plastic plates, sheets, films, foils and strips, not elsewhere specified
1,2-Dichloroethane (ISO)
Halogenated butyl rubber sheets, strips
Other heterocyclic compounds
Adhesives based on other rubber or plastics
Polyamide-6,6 slices
Other primary-shaped polyethers
Primary Shaped, Unplasticized Cellulose Acetate
Aromatic polyamides and their copolymers
Semi-aromatic polyamides and their copolymers
Other polyamides of primary shape
Other vinyl polymer plates, sheets, strips
Non-ionic organic surfactants
Lubricants (containing oil or oil extracted from bituminous minerals and less than 70% by weight)
Aircraft and other aircraft with an empty weight of more than 15,000kg but not exceeding 45,000kg
Gym climber
Getting a little tried of the whole Trump thing but I'd really like to see Warren take a DNA test. Hopefully someone will get a sample from her by hook or by crook if she won't do it willingly.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 4, 2018 - 01:57pm PT
Trump says he is going to call up the National Guard and send them to the Mexican border. The reserve troops will be pulled away from their families, homes and jobs, and deployed in the desert. Most of them will come from Texas and Arizona, both of which voted for Trump in 2016.
Voter remorse will be running at an all-time high by November.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Trump would be better to ask "Who funded this supposed caravan of 1000's of people through Mexico". Such movement requires large amounts of $$$, coordination, planning, food,water etc. Displaced homeless people cannot 'walk' across Mexico.
Trad climber
^^^^I dunno, this is an annual event. Who funded it last year and the year before that?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Brewing or distilling dregs and waste
I was not aware that the Chinese drank Budweiser
The Wastelands
blah blah said:
Getting a little tried of the whole Trump thing
not surprised you are getting tired, you voted for him and the daily almost hourly flat out lying must be tiring
but I'd really like to see Warren take a DNA test. Hopefully someone will get a sample from her by hook or by crook if she won't do it willingly.
that all you got? you would "really" like Elizabeth Warren to be proven wrong that she was told growing up that she had some native american ancestry? really?
why is that such a really big deal to you?
just a good guess, One - so it deflects, about an hour in the media a little attention away from you being "tired" of Trump's lying
Two - because it proves that a Democrat may "lie" about her ancestry, therefore you can claim the US President's constant relentless lying is ok because "both parties do it"
every heard of the phrase "False Equivalence"? google it
Gym climber
that all you got? you would "really" like Elizabeth Warren to be proven wrong that she was told growing up that she had some native american ancestry? really?
why is that such a really big deal to you?
just a good guess, One - so it deflects, about an hour in the media a little attention away from you being "tired" of Trump's lying
Two - because it proves that a Democrat may "lie" about her ancestry, therefore you can claim the US President's constant relentless lying is ok because "both parties do it"
every heard of the phrase "False Equivalence"? google it
As I understand it, there are many millions of white Americans who have a "family lore" that they are part Indian. Of course some of them are. Many if not most of them are not.
As far as can be discerned, Warren is in the "are not" camp.
It's disrespectful to real Indians to claim to be one, even in part, when that's simply not true.
And the old "that's what my parents told me" is a load of crap. In general, most of us believe our parents, most of the time. But here, anyone who does 10 seconds of research can learn that false claims of family lore of Indian ancestry are rampant. Does Warren somehow think that this can't apply to her?
And what about her plagiarized recipe in Pow Wow Chow cookbook? First, she shouldn't have even been featured in the book because she's not Indian. Second, why did she shamelessly plagiarize?
Admit it: Warren is a big a liar as Trump. If you want to call out Trump for lying, great, but remember your hero Warren is just as bad!
Warren is a big a liar as Trump. If you want to call out Trump for lying, great, but remember your hero Warren is just as bad!
Warren = 1 possible lie.
Trump = Thousands of lies.
Yup same thing.
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