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Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 7, 2018 - 01:53pm PT
George Papadopoulos, will be sentenced by a Federal Judge this afternoon. He is a former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, and the first Trump staffer to be sentenced. Most, or all, of the other seven Trump convictees are still cooperating with Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian interference, and Trump's non-stop efforts to obstruct justice.

Papadopoulos is begging for leniency, claiming that he was an incompetent bumbler who had no business acting as a conduit between the Kremlin and Trump.

Papadopoulos arranged the Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents. The purpose of the meeting was to illegally obtain "dirt" on Clinton to assist the Trump campaign.

Papadopoulos' Russian handler was an agent in London named Joseph Misfud. He notified Papadopoulos of the Kremlin's "dirt" on Clinton, and the thousands of emails that the GRU hacked from the DNC server. Misfud told Papadopoulos that the Kremlin was anxious assist in getting Trump elected.

Papadopoulos' wife, whom he met on LinkedIn during the 2016 election, worked for Misfud in London. She claims she is not the link between Misfud and Papadopoulos. She also claims "no collusion, no crime", and that she is not a spy.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 7, 2018 - 01:56pm PT
George Papadopoulos, will be sentenced by a Federal Judge this afternoon. He is a former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, and the first Trump staffer to be sentenced for crimes related to the 2016 election. Most, or all, of the other seven Trump convictees are still cooperating with Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian interference, and Trump's non-stop efforts to obstruct justice.

Papadopoulos is begging for leniency, claiming that he was an incompetent bumbler who had no business acting as a conduit between the Kremlin and Trump.

Papadopoulos arranged the Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents. The purpose of the meeting was to illegally obtain "dirt" on Clinton to assist the Trump campaign.

Papadopoulos' handler was a Russian agent in London named Joseph Misfud. He notified Papadopoulos that the Kremlin wanted to share hacked DNC emails and "dirt" on Clinton. Misfud told Papadopoulos that the Kremlin wanted to illegally assist the Trump campaign.

Papadopoulos' wife, whom he met on LinkedIn during the 2016 election, worked for the Russian agent Misfud in London. She claims she did not connect Misfud to Papadopoulos. She also claims "no collusion, no crime", and that she is not a spy or Russian agent.


The judge gave him 14 days in prison and one year of supervised release.

Judge Randolph D. Moss said the sentence could have been higher but he sensed “genuine remorse” from Papadopolous. He said there’s no evidence Papadopolous had “any desire to aid Russia in any way.” However, by lying to the FBI, he placed “self interest over the national interest.”

Yeah, that's right. Papadopoulos never had any desire to aid Russia in any way. The desire was for the Russians to aid Trump.

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 7, 2018 - 02:14pm PT
I believe it's pronounced Papadopoulish.

The Wastelands
Sep 7, 2018 - 02:17pm PT
plus 200 hours community service and a $9500 fine
the Fet

Sep 7, 2018 - 02:34pm PT
Although I agree that Trump will probably get Kavanaugh in place I think it's ridiculous to claim there is some arbitrary "soon" cut off for when the senate won't vote on a nominee.

The Garland nomination remained before the Senate for 293 days. There was about 1/5 of Obama's term left.

Of course the reason to delay Kavanaugh's vote now is that if Dems take control of the senate they can hold up Kavanaugh like the reps did for Garland. That will be 1/2 way thru Trumps term. So shouldn't we also allow the public to have a say on the nomination with their vote? If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander, right?

But of course like Kavanaugh changing his rules for Clinton vs. Trump being subpoenaed, politicians and partisans will change their story to say what is fair is what benefits their side at that time.

Gym climber
Sep 7, 2018 - 03:29pm PT
Of course the reason to delay Kavanaugh's vote now is that if Dems take control of the senate they can hold up Kavanaugh like the reps did for Garland. That will be 1/2 way thru Trumps term. So shouldn't we also allow the public to have a say on the nomination with their vote? If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander, right?

No you've got it flipped around, the "Biden Rule" (named after, duh, Joe Biden) is that the president can't nominate for the Supreme Court near the end of his term (I believe the precise contours of the rule aren't yet well defined, and perhaps the Repubs were a little aggressive with its application re: Garland, but that was just a one time thing, doesn't really establish a precedent).
There's no corresponding rule regarding mid-term elections, at least that I'm familiar with.

At a very superficial level I suppose they could be equated, but we have to have some sort of boundaries, you can't be having rules that prevent appointing justices just because a mid-term election is coming up or the pres is it in a little hot water with a special counsel, otherwise nothing would ever get done.

If Mueller's really got Trump then he needs to show his hand and then perhaps we could have a new rule, but very premature at this stage.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Sep 7, 2018 - 03:40pm PT
Starting to resist this DB is the best thing Obama could be doing ,pointing out what a shitshow this presidency is.

Elections have consequences.

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 7, 2018 - 05:03pm PT
David Brock- I knew Brett Kavanaugh during his years as a Republican operative. Don't let him sit on the Supreme Court.
We were part of a close circle of cynical hard-right operatives being groomed for much bigger things.
Sep.07.2018 / 5:25 PM ET

David Brock is the author of five political books, including "Killing the Messenger" (Hachette, 2015) and "Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative" (Crown, March 2002). He founded Media Matters for America in 2004 and then American Bridge 21st Century in 2011.

I used to know Brett Kavanaugh pretty well. And, when I think of Brett now, in the midst of his hearings for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, all I can think of is the old "Aesop's Fables" adage: "A man is known by the company he keeps."

And that's why I want to tell any senator who cares about our democracy: Vote no.

Twenty years ago, when I was a conservative movement stalwart, I got to know Brett Kavanaugh both professionally and personally.

Brett actually makes a cameo appearance in my memoir of my time in the GOP, "Blinded By The Right." I describe him at a party full of zealous young conservatives gathered to watch President Bill Clinton's 1998 State of the Union address — just weeks after the story of his affair with a White House intern had broken. When the TV camera panned to Hillary Clinton, I saw Brett — at the time a key lieutenant of Ken Starr, the independent counsel investigating various Clinton scandals — mouth the word "bitch."

But there's a lot more to know about Kavanaugh than just his Pavlovian response to Hillary's image. Brett and I were part of a close circle of cold, cynical and ambitious hard-right operatives being groomed by GOP elders for much bigger roles in politics, government and media. And it’s those controversial associations that should give members of the Senate and the American public serious pause.
the Fet

Sep 7, 2018 - 05:26pm PT
No you've got it flipped around, the "Biden Rule" (named after, duh, Joe Biden) is that the president can't nominate for the Supreme Court near the end of his term (I believe the precise contours of the rule aren't yet well defined, and perhaps the Repubs were a little aggressive with its application re: Garland, but that was just a one time thing, doesn't really establish a precedent).
There's no corresponding rule regarding mid-term elections, at least that I'm familiar with.

That's not a real rule. Republicans came up with the term from a Biden speech where he said that *if* Bush should be in that position, he shouldn't appoint someone during the summer or should appoint a moderate. Obama did appoint a moderate (though I guess people can argue about that). And Biden said summer, Obama's was much earlier in winter. So "soon" went from 3-5 months out, to almost 10 months out. So why not 2 years out until the next presidential election? I'm being facetious, but really when they push the limits like this it just increases animosity and partisanship.

And of course this "rule" only applies when the opposition party is in charge of congress. They'd vote in a justice on the last day of a president in their own party's term.

The Wastelands
Sep 7, 2018 - 05:41pm PT

New Thread Rule

Make "them", the ones who proudly voted to put Donald Trump in the WH, answer questions

No more allowing them to come on and post their half arsed quasi opinion defenses

Challenge them every time they pop up

 Why did you vote for him when you knew he declared business bankruptcy four times?

 he inherited ten of millions from his father Fred, he is the farthest from "successful businessman" you can get

 Why did you vote for him when you knew he had been sued by the Federal Government not once but twice but refusing to rent his NYC apartments to black Americans?

 Why did you vote for him when you knew he dodged the draft with four deferments including "bone spurs" in his foot yet he played college sports

 why did you tolerate his Fake Patriotism knowing he refused to serve when called?

 why did you vote for him when you heard his vulgar pussy grabbing on the Access Hollywood tape?

-Why did you vote for him when he was a very well vetted, documented "liar" on record for decades?

 I am just getting warmed up, feel free to add to this list, demand they defend their votes

 ask them why they are not now calling for his removal from office with all the more lying trash coming out daily about him


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 7, 2018 - 05:50pm PT
White House has digital team alter official photos of inauguration

The doctored photos continued to show a much smaller crowd than at Obama's inauguration. To fix the doctored photos problem, the White House resorted to Orwellian Deception and "alternative facts".

Even when they engage in plain-vanilla fraud and deceit, like photoshopping a few pictures, Trump and his staff are incompetent bunglers.

Does anyone here remember a sitting president spending so much time campaigning? Trump has been running for re-election from his first days in office (he actually filed about that time).

And, he's off every second or third week to his rallies, ostensibly to promote GOP candidates who are in trouble.

Trump spends a great deal of time trying to retain his hold on power. Who is actually getting anything done at the White House? Mister Op-Ed?

It's just one more way that Trump demonstrates that he is a dysfunctional, incompetent, illegitimate president who should be removed from office as soon as possible.

Oh, Mueller. Oh, Mueller. Why hath thou foresaken us?

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Sep 7, 2018 - 05:53pm PT

some eastside hovel
Sep 7, 2018 - 06:02pm PT
What kind of presidential candidate comes to the media two nights before the election and says "if I don't win, this will be a huge waste of my time." Seriously. What an idiot. He still has his flock of sheeple though. Sad and frustrating.

Trad climber
Sep 7, 2018 - 06:16pm PT

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA

Sep 7, 2018 - 01:56pm PT
George Papadopoulos, will be sentenced by a Federal Judge this afternoon. He is a former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, and the first Trump staffer to be sentenced for crimes related to the 2016 election. Most, or all, of the other seven Trump convictees are still cooperating with Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian interference, and Trump's non-stop efforts to obstruct justice.

Papadopoulos is begging for leniency, claiming that he was an incompetent bumbler who had no business acting as a conduit between the Kremlin and Trump.

Papadopoulos arranged the Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents. The purpose of the meeting was to illegally obtain "dirt" on Clinton to assist the Trump campaign.

Papadopoulos' handler was a Russian agent in London named Joseph Misfud. He notified Papadopoulos that the Kremlin wanted to share hacked DNC emails and "dirt" on Clinton. Misfud told Papadopoulos that the Kremlin wanted to illegally assist the Trump campaign.

Papadopoulos' wife, whom he met on LinkedIn during the 2016 election, worked for the Russian agent Misfud in London. She claims she did not connect Misfud to Papadopoulos. She also claims "no collusion, no crime", and that she is not a spy or Russian agent.

It all sounds so conspiratorial. He plead guilty to lying to the FBI. That's it. He wasn't convicted for trying to "illegally obtain "dirt" on Clinton". He wasn't charged for anything involving Trump's campaign.


Sep 7, 2018 - 05:41pm PT

New Thread Rule....

Sorry Mr Wannabe Thread Nazi.

That dog don't hunt.

Ice climber
Sep 7, 2018 - 06:20pm PT

or The Kav

Send The Donkey to Afghanistan


Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Sep 7, 2018 - 06:22pm PT
If you lied to the FBI, about anything,do you think you would only get 14 days ......
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Sep 7, 2018 - 06:30pm PT
If you lied to the FBI, about anything,do you think you would only get 14 days

Martha did 5 months in the joint and 5 months confined to her house.

Ice climber
Sep 7, 2018 - 06:41pm PT
Well, if you are The Kav and you lie to the Senate, you get a federal judgeship. Et tu, Butthead.

One more in a ship of fools.

the Fet

Sep 7, 2018 - 06:52pm PT
Why did you vote for him when

Her emails!!!

I'm more interested in the future. *if** Muller's report has good evidence Trump conspired with Russians in illegal activity (hacking and releasing emails) will they admit he did it and it was wrong?

And I would hope, but won't hold my breath, will they admit they swallowed their honor to vote for Trump knowing how dishonest and unqualified he was just because he was the Republican/fake conservative? Will they learn from this and try to be more objective?

As I've said in the past, I don't typically vote for the dem or rep because I think they are typically both dishonest, and corrupt, the 2 party system is not true democracy, and the same special interests pay off both parties, but as much as I didn't like Hillary I voted for a dem for the first time in a long time because there was so much evidence that Trump is an hateful, corrupt, buffoon (much of it coming directly out of his mouth so the excuse that it's "mainstream media" fake news is just that an excuse). I've realized the guy is mentally ill and not fit to be president since long before the election.
the Fet

Sep 7, 2018 - 06:54pm PT
typical Christian
just another motherf*#ker who lives for hurting other people whenever he can and as badly as possible

That's a lame statement. I know plenty of Christians and most of them are wonderful people.
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