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Gym climber
I'll repeat myself:
The video in the OP has been taken down by YouTube.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
I wonder why.. I never really looked that close at it because it was just too fuzzy and I don't trust much of this. I prefer information that has been researched by more then a few people because this whole thing is crazy.
Ice climber
post 666
Gym climber
Holy cow, that Flight 77 passenger list!
I wonder if they're all getting Brazilians right now.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Its surprising how few passengers, but not that surprising at the passenger manifest. Its washington. Thats all they do there.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
A LOT of CIA spies and weapons designers and military scientists were on that plane.
You can't be serious? Really. That's should be as gross an insult to your intelligence as it is to the folks aboard the flight. It's moronic statements like that one which utterly destroy the credibility of conspiracy theorists.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
I'm just telling you the way it is Rox. Lots of people tune you out at different times because you write a lot. Heck, karl is one of my best friends and when he gets on a tear, I sometimes tune him out. Meaning I don't read everything he writes. Mostly because I already know what he is going to say, but also because I'm not that interested in the subject.
It has nothing to do with whether I am weak sauce or not. Maybe I am, But getting upset with me because I don't hang on every word you write is also kind of weak sauce. This isn't a classroom and I'm not here to take a test.
Plus this thread is on a topic that has so much disinformation that I don't follow it that much anymore. The video wasn't that good and so much of this thread is a rehash. You may be intensely interested, but that doesn't mean I have to be.
Plus I'm dealing with a deep infection that has me feeling exhausted most days. So my focus isn't the best.
Its just the way it is. You asked why you keep having to repost things, and I'm telling you. These threads are long and I dont' follow them every day.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Thanks Riley. I will look at it tomorrow. I'm not really that concerned about flight 77. I mainly showed up tonight because I'm interested in the scientist who said there was thermite, and Cleo said it was paint. I want to know if the thermite has been dissproven.
Then I got caught up in splaining how it would be possible to do some of this stuff, simply as a mental exercise and because I like figuring out stuff like that, and Warbler has some interesting ideas. I didnt' really buy the video that started this thread. Nor have I followed it that closely.
Gym climber
I haven't read all your links, I'll try when I get some free time.
But, I don't see how they can discount the claim that residue of thermite was found, without testing for thermite!
Also, have you seen any source debunk the reports of explosions within all three of the WTC building that fell?
That is very important, you know.
Call me a nut, but I find it very telling that the OP video was taken down. Although fuzzy, the video of a missile was pretty darn convincing.
And the photos of the missile painted up as a AA plane, also looked real to me. But I'm not expert in photo analysis--like the crusty old general who served for many years as a top-ranking officer in the Military.
Explosives and Thermite now is the claim. Fantastico!
Just trying to see what the claim is Rox. So it's three buildings packed with explosives and thermite. Two of which are to be hit by airplanes, and the third is to be hit by a collapsing building, but the explosives don't go off for a few hours. Got it.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Edit: So Healy, I see something wrong with your list of the people who were on the flight. Why don't they list the four hijackers as being on board? Not a mention.
Are you utterly impaired? It's a list of the victims of the crime.
Gym climber
How many times do you have to hear "Wait, now get this," before you say "Now wait a minute?"
Here's a list of some of the things that can't be debunked. Some of these just make me shake my head in disbelief.
Wait, now get this:
Condoleezza Rice denies knowing anything about using planes as missiles, although she had a report, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States" -- in which, Rice admitted, references to earlier warnings of al Qaeda plans to hijack passenger airliners.
Wait, now get this:
They find Atta's passport in the NY street shortly after his plane hit the WTC tower.
Wait, now get this:
Three modern steel buildings fall to the ground, in their footprints, at nearly free-fall speed.
Wait, now get this:
The Official Story claims that WTC Bld 7 was felled by small office furniture fires.
Wait, now get this:
Multiple eye witnesses describe large explosions in the basement and lobbies of all the buildings shortly before they collapsed.
Wait, now get this:
A pilot with no jet training makes a very impressive 270-degree arching dive to precisely hit the Pentagon, even though a much easier flight path would have been sufficient to hit the target.
Wait, now get this:
There no wing or tail marks in the facade of the Pentagon where it was hit.
Wait, now get this:
The Official Story says the 757 at the Pentagon disintegrated upon impact, yet it was still able to punch clean holes through six 18" steel-reinforced concrete walls.
Wait, now get this:
The wall hit at the Pentagon was lined with security cameras, yet the Pentagon claims there is no footage of the jet impacting the building from these cameras.
Wait, now get this:
Many reports say people were forewarned of the attacks before they happened.
Wait, now get this:
Very soon after the attacks, the WH administration produced a long and detailed Patriot Act, which rescinded many civil rights from the people of the United States.
Wait, now get this:
The attacks were uses as a pretext to go to war with Iraq, even though there has been no linkage between the attacks and Iraq.
Wait, now get this:
An independent group tests the dust from the collapsed WTC buildings, and finds evidence of thremite, yet no official agency tasked with investigating 9-11 will administer a test for explosives.
Wait, now get this:
Secretary of Transportation Mineta testifies that Cheney seemed to give questionable orders about the hijacked plane approaching Pentagon.
Wait, now get this:
Very shortly after the attacks, the FBI listed all the hijackers and described how they carried out their plan.
Wait, now get this:
Several of the named hijackers turned up alive in different countries after 9-11.
Wait, now get this:
The tape of Bin Laden claiming responsibility for the attacks shows a man who is obviously not Bin Laden.
This, of course, is just a small list of the incredible things you have to swallow in order to believe the Official Story. I could go on and on, with each new addition being verifiable, and each one as incredibly hard to believe has the one preceding it.
At what point do *you* say "Now wait a minute?"
Boulder climber
Salt Lake, UT
The passenger list of the Pentagon flight had lots of CIA folks on it?
Actually if I trust that list, it looks exactly like what I would expect an DC to LA flight to look like. My dad worked for an aerospace company and flew that route frequently. There are tons of aerospace and military contractors in LA, so I'd expect those type of folks to be frequently flying back and forth to DC.
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 1, 2011 - 09:18pm PT
All the spineless homo media outlets like CNN NYT FOX etc. will never tell the truth.
All the sheep read theses sites ......
Mountain climber
San Diego
What do we know:
Absolute fore knowledge that an attack was going to be done and on the WTC towers. We knew they were going to use aircraft to do so.
From before . . .
They "TPTB" knew what was going to happen and they used it to their advantage to accomplish what they wanted: LIHOP
Also they "TPTB" knew what they had to do to make it happen: MIHOP
**Eric Rockefeller revealed to Aaron Russo what the NWO wants and that something big was going to happen to be the pretext to go war and invade Afghanistan and Iraq before 9-11-2001.
**Lt. Mike Vreeland from the Pentagon revealed while jailed in Canada that 9-11-2001 would occur and what the events would be. He wrote this down and sealed it in an envelope and gave it to the Canadian authorities. They opened it after 9-11-2001 occurred. This has been verified in Canadian court.
**Ex CIA Asset Susan Lindauer reveals that US intelligence knew very specifically that the WTC towers would be attacked by aircraft before 9-11-2001 and she shares all the specific details and more. She was held in prison for 5 years by our US government on a Texas military base in attempts to silence her.
All of this verifies LIHOP and MIHOP.
Eric Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo
A White Knight Talking Backwards
by Michael C. Ruppert, Author of Crossing The Rubicon
Ex CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 911 myth
Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq [Paperback]
Susan Lindauer (Author)
Extreme Prejudice / Clear Evidence Of 9/11 Cover Up
By Allen L Roland (about the author)
"Spies Knew"
Cont. on what we know:
Richard Clarke admits that the CIA purposefully withheld information from other intelligence agencies concerning all involved in the 9-11-2001 plot involving "terrorists." They had a great amount of information/intelligence that they purposefully did not share with other agencies.
Considerable means, motive, and opportunity evidence exists that 9-11-2001 was planned and used as a pretext for endless war on "Terror," war-profiteering, and to radically weaken or eradicate our Constitution and our Civil Rights. Remember, PNAC needed "A New Pearl Harbor" to do and to achieve what they have been able to do since 9-11-2001.
If you can't believe that our government can do this, look at the history of false-flags that the US government has carried out. Read and know the details of "Operation Northwoods" to know this truth. In that plan they discussed in detail using false-flag hijackings, using remote aircraft, and killing of our own citizens/soldiers/people, and much more immoral and heinous crimes to take the US into war against Cuba.
Many federal agencies practiced emergency procedures and scenarios for just such a large scale terrorist attack such as 9-11.
Even the Pentagon practiced wargames with aircraft attacking the Pentagon prior to 9-11-2001.
We have Condi et al. saying "we couldn't imagine they would use aircraft as missiles." That is 100% USDA Bull Dung.
We also know that there where many wargames on 9-11-2001, 15+ or more.
Evidence that NORAD was given a stand down order after the attacks on 9-11-2001 began.
Many physical evidences show that the laws of Physics were suspended on 9-11-2001 if the OCT is held-up as true as told in the 9-11 Commission Report, for all 3 WTC towers to fall as they did due only to the 2 aircrafts slamming into them.
An incredible amount of physical evidence and eye-witness reports are ignored concerning demolition of all 3 WTC towers.
The absolute physical evidence of nano-superthermite found in the dust of all 3 WTC towers.
The physical evidence fits the fact that something other than a 757 slams into the Pentagon. The evidence that explosives were used is considerable.
The means, motive, and opportunity, and the physical evidence for LIHOP and MIHOP is fairly overwhelming. The OCT has been invalidated time and time again.
A new thorough and complete investigation of 9-11-2001 by an open and honest international community or commission must be done.
Re-investigate 9-11 now.
Southern Illinois
Yes Joe, "utterly impaired" seems a good way to put it. These "klimmer" types are, as I stated in my first post in this thread, GOOFBALLS. Their need for conspiracies seems to be their outlet for public pondering in order to fulfill their quest of looking important. Kind of sad.
Notice how none of them can provide an answer to my original question-
Do missiles also carry lots of luggage, clothing, shoes, passenger seats, and the occasional poor soul still buckled therein?
Mountain climber
San Diego
You fail to read comprehensively.
No one has said it is or has to be only a missile and nothing else.
What we can say is AA flight 77, a 757, did not slam into the Pentagon.
It could very well be a much smaller jet that only seats a few, that can indeed fly very fast and below the radar and over the ground very low. Could have had more explosives on board also.
It could have been a missile, but it doesn't have to be.
The larger aircraft that did approach the Pentagon flew North of the Citgo gas station. The evidence shows it didn't slam into the Pentagon. Couldn't have with the empirical damage to the Pentagon on 9-11-2001. 2 different crafts from 2 slightly different directions. One slams in, the other flies over. Classic illusionist sleight of hand on a grand scale.
Flights can be switched and false-flags inserted. Read "Operation Northwoods," they talk specifically of doing this. That was in 1962. How much more can they do now with today's technology?
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