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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 8, 2014 - 09:02am PT

The conductor also made a point to bring music to foster children. “He really wants to inculcate a love of music, the whole emotion of what music can do for any person, young or old,” said Ann Andersen, vice president of the Merced Symphony Association.

When I moved into my studio apt. here in Middle Earth the week prior to 9-11, all that I had to entertain myself were my books, my dreams, and my radio. I kept it tuned to Capital Public Radio and listened to classical exclusively, nothing else. I'd been doing so for a number of years since my wife passed. This piece was one which guaranteed my tears for several more years.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Now, it's a pleasant memory of several good crying jags. And I no longer am such a "genre snob." There is a world of music to which I'll never get to listen, simply because there is not time to do so.

But by becoming a member of TPR, Taco Public Radio, I am able to use my music-listening time so much more wisely than with no guidance except that of some jaded program director who is constrained by the collection of music available to him and by his own personal ideas of what's good for his audience, the mercenary bustard. All THEY want is my money.

Here, on TPR, it's all about the joy and the dancing and the sharing FOR FREE AND WITH NO QUALIFICATIONS the music of many lands and times. We have jazz, classical, lots and lots of rock in all its gaudy variety. We have Gypsy, with Musical Migrations. We have a number of excellent musicians, TT leading the pack, and Ron playing his guitar to get Sally to Lay Down, not to mention the rival Politard Choirs, the Blues and the Reds.

I want to thank the All-Taco All-Stars Music Appreciation Squad for providing us with such a weird and representative mix of melodies and noise.

I have had the opportunity to listen one time to the Merced Symphony, but ticket prices are higher than I can afford. The piece that stands out from that one concert is the Schumann Third Symphony, the Rhenish. I'm not a capable judge of live classical orchestral efforts. I did like what I heard and managed a smoke break with the maestro at the intermission. He is an exceedingly pleasant and jovial man and he was a loyal book buying customer of mine for several years after. (The best kind is the one that buys.) He'll definitely be missed around here.

Adieu, Henrik.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 8, 2014 - 10:48am PT
It's not kosher!

This is Classic, Vlasic.
[Click to View YouTube Video]Classic Creach, that is.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 9, 2014 - 07:46am PT
More of a mouse's shadow life.

My older brother Mike some forty (Edit: more like fifty he tells me) years back on prom night, aged eighteen.He was tall and skinny, as you can tell.
Here he is with our second cousin, Ricky Callender, at an even more tender age.
His birthday is today, June 9, and the anniversary of my meeting with my late mate, Liz.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 9, 2014 - 01:32pm PT
A ver si alguien se acuerde de mi conjunto, Los Insectos...tocamos por televisión de Guayaquil en ano 1966.--Hoolie O'Garra

Technology may save your Canadian auto from destructive roadway chemicals, among other possibilities.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Julio Inglasses.

Rock on!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 10, 2014 - 08:55pm PT
A la espera.[Click to View YouTube Video]As are we all.
And the sunset shots were botched. But it looks like a burning town--Atlanta, Greeley Hill, or even Watts.

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Jun 10, 2014 - 09:02pm PT
I've often wondered what became of Los Insectos.

I hope they didn't sell their catalog to Michael Jackson.

Que mierda caminar esta puta ciudad, muerta de matar esta puta ciudad!!

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Los Insectos - La Trampa
Como te lo digo, andaba deprimido
a veces camino como un zombi dormido
para donde yo miro todo esta podrido,
para donde yo miro no tiene sentido.

Y vuelvo y te lo digo, andaba deprimido
a veces camino como un zombi dormido,
que mierda caminar esta puta ciudad,
muerta de matar esta puta ciudad.

Zombis y muertos se acaba tu tiempo(x3)
zombis y muertos tu tiempo se acaba.

Sigue tu camino, no te metas conmigo,
ten en cuenta que...casi somos enemigos
ten en cuenta que...

Que mierda caminar esta puta ciudad,
muerta de matar, esta puta cuidad.

Zombis y muertos se acaba tu tiempo(x3)
zombis y muertos tu tiempo se acaba

Captain...or Skully

in the oil patch
Jun 10, 2014 - 10:17pm PT
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 11, 2014 - 12:16am PT
Indeed it does, Cap!

And in keeping with that,

Saludo a la señora Leggs, cuyo mensaje es disfrutar de la vida!

La Trampa...some all-time cruisin' music, brujo!

Chunga lives![Click to View YouTube Video]The Return of the Orbs is imminent.

Big Mike

Trad climber
Jun 11, 2014 - 12:26am PT
Mouse, your such a tripper bro! Lol. I love it!! Can't wait to hang at COR!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 11, 2014 - 01:09am PT
Roobish, lad. I'm totally serious here. :0)

Have some fish eggs, bro.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
This is from last summer. Too bad it's such a mediocre effort, but it shows what the county's northern edge looks like out by my big brother "Shorty" Mike's place (he's only 6'1" and can't jam or even lieback worth a dang, I'm sure).

This shows about halfway through the video the Crocker-Huffman Dam, the lowest along this dammed river.

Exchequer Dam, then McSwain Dam, then the Merced Falls Dam, and finally this one, all of six to eight feet tall. You could "dunk" here, Big Mike!!!!

I did not know they were collecting sturgeon out there, however.

That dam backs the river up about two miles, on past the yard at Mike's, to the first riffles, then it gets a kind of steep run to the base of the MF Dam.

Below that dam, in the race below the spillway, is where some VERY LARGE TROUT end up. But they are spread all along this stretch, along with salmon in season, and them big old sturgeons.

There are predominately rainbows here, but there are the predatory browns, too. It used to be there were lots of brookies, but not many now.

It's all just so much cat chow, though.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 11, 2014 - 03:34am PT
And the trout jumped over the moon.And thrills.
[Click to View YouTube Video]For more thrills try the Vernal Falls Raging video when this one finishes.

"Hikers climbed over this railing,
Railing at life's BS and wailing,
'We're not gonna take it any more!'"
[Click to View YouTube Video]Never did, never will.

Except for monumental floods and fires...

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Jun 11, 2014 - 07:08am PT
I think this explains most, if not all, of the problems around here.

Chimps outsmart humans at simple strategy game

Quote Here

Having more complex cognitive reasoning skills doesn't necessarily make you better at simple tasks, a new study has found. When it comes to outwitting the competition, the chimpanzee seems to be smarter than a human.

See what I mean.

Basically there is a very simple situation that becomes complex and could be returned to normalcy by having more chimps participating on the forum.

zBrown remember to email cMac on this.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 11, 2014 - 08:08am PT
Meanwhile, a bit further up the so-called evolutionary ladder,


Chip Rockstone
Shaka, his wife
Cobbles, their way-above-average daughter
Excuse Me, their klutzy pet giant gecko

His pal, Al O’Soreass
Al’s gal Ooma, short for Oomamamama
Gangbam, their “sweet angel child”

Mr. Gneiss, their boss at the wheel works
Mrs. Gneiss, his former secretary
Miss Greystone, his present secretary

Buster Butts, Shaka’s way-below-average younger brother,
and the local LEO/law enforcement officer, as he describes himself

I could tell you a little bit about him.
He lives alone in a trailer.
He has his grave already dug out back.
He has barely enough in his world to keep him living.
He walks the line.
He likes to be in motion, but just barely.

“Get out of the way!”

Buster up and jumped a foot and came down with his hand slapping leather. His throwing stick was in his hand and cranked back to throw as quickly as anyone could have done it.

“Freeze right there!” he shouted, but it came out like, “Fees white ai-yah.” Buster’s tongue was partially bitten off way back in his youth. He got involved in a misbegotten sabre-tooth cat-herding operation dreamed up by his late father, Duster.

Now Duster would have been proud of his boy, except he couldn’t pronounce the letter ‘r.” Duster’s fame with the stick was widely known and respected. Buster could put the eyes out on a cave bear at sixty paces and still almost outrun the blind sucker. He was a cool shot, but his speed on his feet was in a totally different realm.

He seemed to move twice as much as Shaka, his older sister, or any of his friends, in order to go anywhere or to do anything. It annoyed most people, so he spent most of his time alone and was used to doing so.

He was so slow on his feet that some days you’d swear he was going backwards, even.

Which is why the sabre-tooth cat-herding venture was so painful and so forth. Cats are nothing if not very fast and cunning.

But Buster Butt’s immediate concern was with the persons still coming toward him, in spite of his threat with the throwing stick.

There were just two people, not many at all.

And he knew them both well.

One was his niece, Cobbles, and the other was her neighbor, the local screw-up, Gangbam O’Soreass.

Buster knew that the kid’s heart was in the right place, but all the same, the boy was quickly digging his own grave, and Buster knew graves. He moonlighted digging holes for dead bodies.

That boy had tombstones for eyes.

“What’s the trouble, Officer?” said Gangbam, smiling and smirking slightly. “What did you say?”

Buster repeated his warning in a mushy monotone, adding “Punk...” under his breath.

“Take it easy, G,” said Cobbles. “The cat’s got his tongue.”

Buster’s eyes crossed, his nostrils flared, and he screamed at her as he fired,

“You have no style o gace!”

She closed her eyes and gave up hope.

They buried her in the hole in back of the trailer.

No trouble at all.

Buster has not been seen.

It is rumored that he dug a hole to the center of the earth.

No one bothered to look hard for him.

Actually, nothing was done.

Buster probably moved faster than he’d moved in his whole dreary life.

“No time to begin another story now.”

Have a pleasant stay above ground.

And leave the cat be!

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Cave Women's Collective and Support Goup CLUBHOUSE is closed for renovation this week. Please take note.

For Tom Higgins, the master, from LONG AGO. :0)
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 11, 2014 - 11:06am PT
I warned you about the Orbs...

IDAHO ORBUSTUS.--City of Rocks "Motto of the Month" (unofficial)
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 13, 2014 - 09:21am PT
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 14, 2014 - 11:05pm PT
Feli, of Corsica singing Golu.

Alejandro Rivera, of Mexico, playing Zorba on his guitar. FAB!

Listen to Gypsy's show, Musical Migrations for more of these artists.

Zorba the Chinese?
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Pretty hot baroque here.
[Click to View YouTube Video]Bless us, Father, for we have listened to jazz.

And we liked it, too.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Jun 15, 2014 - 08:42am PT
K-PAX Americana. From the same guy who brought you The Big Leibowski.

Continuing impact of British rock & roll, The Beetles invaded America and killed my birch tree. This root is thirty feet long.


Sport climber
Jun 15, 2014 - 09:30am PT

Temples In Flames Tour - Bob Dylan - Tomorrow is a long time
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Ice climber
Brujo de la Playa
Jun 15, 2014 - 12:38pm PT
Nice one Marlow. I had never seen this. Ages well. 1962 I believe.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jun 16, 2014 - 06:46am PT
Did you have a rough weekend?

Looking forward to a few zzzz'z in yur cubicle?


Remember, a day without sunshine is like...night.
But there is no justice and yer gonna die!
They call this Stormy Monday,
But Tuesday's dust is bad.
It's the words that make me feel blue,
But I remember what fun we had.

Yep. Every day should be Monday.

That way nobody can complain about the day of the week...
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Speaking of showers, Anastasia should have a baby shower for Baby Number Two. Treat all the kids the same. It's hard. It's like...climbing!
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