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Ice climber
The Stooge, hardly a great rocker. Some folks would rather watch paint dry than Ted.
"Cat Scratch Fever" – 3:39 (from the 1977 album Cat Scratch Fever)
"Just What the Doctor Ordered" – 3:42 (from the 1975 album Ted Nugent)
"Free-for-All" – 3:21 (from the 1976 album Free-for-All)
"Dog Eat Dog" – 4:03 (from the 1976 album Free-for-All)
"Motor City Madhouse" – 4:27 (from the 1975 album Ted Nugent)
"Paralyzed" – 4:11 (from the 1979 album State of Shock)
"Stranglehold" – 8:24 (from the 1975 album Ted Nugent)
"Baby Please Don't Go" (live) – 5:58 (from the 1978 live album Double Live Gonzo!)
"Wango Tango" – 4:49 (from the 1980 album Scream Dream)
"Wang Dang Sweet Poontang (live) – 6:27 (from the 1978 live album Double Live Gonzo!)
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 1, 2018 - 12:10pm PT
Maybe Cohen just had a standing order to make those NDA's with the people Trump humped, and maybe Trump had set up a fund beforehand, to be used in such situations.
Some legal analysts on CNN and MSNBC are saying that Trump may have had a slush fund to finance various cover-ups. That would be a page directly out of the Nixon playbook, which Trump has already referenced with his firing of the FBI investigators.
The legal analysts also suggest that Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal are just the tip of the iceberg. They say that Trump is the most vulnerable president in history because he can be blackmailed by so many people.
Aventatti says eight other women have contacted him, and at least two say there were NDAs involved. Avenatti's not ready to reveal details yet, because Avenatti is not engaging in legal buffoonery. Like Mueller, he's very carefully playing out the cards of his winning hand.
Avenatti says he is playing 3-dimensional chess, but Trump and Cohen are playing tic-tac-toe, and not very well.
He doesn't know me, but I will go down fast and hard, crying all the way.
President Trump, in a rare flash of self-awareness
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Why the furor over Trump's secret affairs...? He's said all along he's pro-life...Is it his fault his mistresses use of birth control were covered under a NDA... ? Hopefully the religious right recognize this injustice and continue to support Lord Spanky the victim...
Social climber
An Oil Field
Trump has me worried. His behavior is setting an unbelievably low bar for those who follow. His base is uneducated white people. He feeds them red meat everyday on Twitter, and they lap it up.
The finest newspapers in the country are now suspect because they call him out on his regular bald lies.
In Trump world, Fox & Friends and Sean Hannity set his agenda. He watches TV, doesn’t read, and is generally a completely unethical circus promoter.
Congress, unfortunately, has been his lap dog. It will be interesting to see if they lose in the midterms. They need to show their loyalty to Trump to make it through the primaries, and that will bite them square in the ass in the general elections. I have never liked one party rule, so I am rooting for the Democrats to retake the House.
Hardly a day goes by without some sort of monumental screwup. We shall see if the populace has noticed or if Fox News has them brainwashed.
You people are still having wet dreams about me falling into a perjury trap?
Alrighty then, just don’t blame me when you lose your pants by betting against how good a liar I am. Again.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 1, 2018 - 03:43pm PT
Tell me more, Georgie Boy, tell me more . . . . . . . . .
To whom and how did this Facebook censoring take place? I don't know anything about using Facebook. Do I just use the Facebook search engine Foogle to look up "supertopo trump scandal jeering hecklers"?
Hopefully the religious right recognize this injustice and continue to support Lord Spanky the victim...
The Evangelicals have been making the CNN and MSNBC rounds, explaining how they reconcile Trump with their incongruous support for him. Their canned responses all sound the same:
We didn't vote for Trump because he was morally acceptable to us. We voted for Trump because of where he stands on the issues.
The logical extension of that argument is that if the devil himself showed up, the religious hypocrites would vote for him as long as his social agenda aligned with their own.
The fallacious reasoning that allows the Evangelicals to sleep at night is known as a pro homine defense. It can comprise the argument that the person has done so many good things, his crime(s) should be ignored, or at least excused.
A typical application of this false reasoning is when character witnesses attest to a defendant's good moral character. The flaw in the argument is the (false) premise that a person's behavior is consistent, and that a person who has exhibited good behavior in the past is incapable of bad behavior now. Or, that "paying it forward" allows a "good" person to "accidentally" misbehave, and simply have a few Karma points deducted as his only penalty.
In the case of Trump, the flawed argument is twisted upside down to read:
We, the Trump apologists, have benefited greatly from Trump's deeds (or misdeeds); ergo, Trump is a good man who deserves an unlimited number of Mulligans.
Those two guys provide some possible hope for the Republican Party. They're breaking ranks with the doomed business-as-usual GOP gang.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 1, 2018 - 06:19pm PT
1) - A bear, or a bull elephant, will charge at the hunter, believing that might makes right. They think noise and intimidation will save the day. But, just one good shot is enough to take them down.
2) - A deer will flee through the trees, bounding away quickly. Speed and distance equals safety for the timid and easily spooked.
3) - A duck will hide in the reeds, and remain as quiet as possible. The plan is the hunter will pass by, and go shoot something else.
President Trump is a #1, loudly charging down the seven spinning barrels of Robert Mueller's indictment-issuing Gatling machine.
Hope Hicks is a #2, running away because continuing to lie for Trump is not worth a stretch in Danbury.
Jared Kushner is a #3, hiding behind his attorney, being as quiet as possible, and praying that Mueller will forget to indict him.
Seeking consistency and logic from the GOP and the right is a fool's errand. Their true mantra is "Anybody but . . . " (fill in the blank). They are not for Trump, so much as they are against Hillary (or any Democrat).
Their ludicrous plan of "voting the lesser of two evils" is now playing out against them, and they are loudly trying to justify their prior stupidity at the polls.
The right likes their tax cut, and just ignores the deficit that someone else will have to deal with. This is just like how they want to criminalize abortion, and then it will be someone else who has to deal with illegal back-alley abortions.
Ditsy Davos wants to teach children that Jesus rode a dinosaur into Bethlehem because that makes it easier for her, and other inheritance plutocrats, to control the masses.
Trump's primary promise that he has kept is working very hard to deceive the public, and ensure that the wealthiest people benefit the most from his policies. Both promises (to deceive and to shift wealth upwards) were implicit in his speeches, but his voters were too stupid to recognize what he was really saying.
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Norton! Re your question on what promise Trump has kept.
I do think his promises to roll back environmental restrictions & "make coal great again" have not been all that sucessfull, but he & his EPA Secretary are doing their best to make America horribly & more dangerously polluted again.
Spider Savage
Mountain climber
The shaggy fringe of Los Angeles
I don't think any of us really knows what is going on. The media lens is heavily distorting things.
Time may tell.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
The media has been remarkably correct, so has the Steele dossier.
Social climber
Lida Junction
The Evangelicals have been making the CNN and MSNBC rounds, explaining how they reconcile Trump with their incongruous support for him. Their canned responses all sound the same:
We didn't vote for Trump because he was morally acceptable to us. We voted for Trump because of where he stands on the issues.
I saw an interview with Billy Graham's son Franklin. Franklin was asked how he could support trump, who is guilty of moral terpitude. Franklin responded "he's a work in progress."
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Aren't we all.
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
I've done a bit of sinning, but I didn't have enough money to make it into a political career.
Other people should vote the way I think they should vote for the reasons I think they should vote that way, and if they don’t, they must just be doing it wrong.
I like the idea of believing that a duck has a plan. Birds fly, humans do this believing thing.
Oh hey, look who’s president!
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
So, the Republicans believe that the US would be far better off if many gov't functions were privatized: The VA, Social Security, National Lands, etc.
But we don't have to speculate as to what the outcome would be if that were done. The experiment was carried out, in Russia:
Teams of American economists thought that if you privatized property correctly, the law and order and social cohesion would take care of themselves.
Social catastrophe followed. Russia’s average life expectancy fell below that of Bangladesh. The government went bankrupt. Members of the old Communist nomenklatura plundered the nation’s resources.
Of course, if you are a member of the "inner group" that has access to the resources, you look forward to this, as it represents an unholy opportunity to take things away from the people, and turn them into your own.
People like John E. support this, and his carefully contrived show to discourage people from voting for Clinton, and continually downplaying Trumps chances for election, really made this option really possible.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
David Brooks:
Putinism is based on the idea that people who are unlike you are sowing cultural chaos; they are undermining your way of life. Putin is continually railing against gays, Muslims, atheists, the “infertile and genderless” West.
In times of anxiety and distrust, it’s a lot easier to sell us/them distinctions than tolerance for cultural diversity.
In short, never underestimate this man or his cause. All over the world political regimes are adjusting, becoming either a little more authoritarian or a little more democratic. Right now, the momentum is clearly in the authoritarian direction. That’s in part because that side has a brilliant and reckless figure at its head. It’s also because when you pause to ask who is the global leader of the liberal democratic camp, you come up with no name at all.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Trump lied about McCabe.....? Shocking...!
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 3, 2018 - 10:13pm PT
Sinclair Broadcasting owns hundreds of local TV and radio stations across the United States. Sinclair is forcing local news anchors to read a corporate-mandated script about "fake news" that implies other sources (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) can't be trusted. The company provided wardrobe and posturing instructions to its news anchors, to ensure they project a "non-political" image while reading the statement. The script warning viewers about fake news doesn't mention the $13 million fine Sinclair recently paid because it had broadcast paid ads that were disguised to look like news stories (i.e., "fake news").
Not surprisingly, Trump tweeted his approval for Sinclair's fake news heads-up statement. Sinclair is currying favor with Trump because of a pending Sinclair takeover of the Tribune TV and radio stations. Sinclair is establishing a pervasive autocratic media system, like an American version of Pravda .
At the same time, the Roseanne Barr Show has been exhumed, and is back on TV. The episodes are newly made, not reruns, and are chock-full of unfunny musings on current events. Playing an older version of her former character, Barr is the opinionated housewife of an uneducated blue-collar family who voted for Trump. Roseanne Barr, in real life, supports Trump, and blathers online about long-debunked fringe conspiracies, like Hillary Clinton's child sex slave dungeon below a pizza parlor. The line between Barr's character and the real person is gone, and Barr's off-screen, real-life political antics are presented as if they were bonus episodes of the TV show.
Not surprisingly, Barr's new show is a big hit in the Midwest, and a flop on both coasts.
The Trump propaganda machine is shifting into a higher gear. It wants to discredit the Russian investigation so that the forthcoming mountain of evidence can be dismissed as "fake evidence". Right-wing pundits, like Sean Hannity, will say factual indictments and evidence are fake, and compare them to the Clinton Pizzagate hoax.
As Mueller gets closer and closer to Trump, he and his supporters will become more and more desperate in their autocratic maneuvering to stay in power. It is likely that aberrant behavior coming out of Moscow will also increase.
On a more humorous note, here is President Trump making a speech to young children at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. Watch Melania's reaction as Trump's speech rambles into subject matter wholly inappropriate for the audience and the occasion.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
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