When TRUMP wins...


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Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Aug 6, 2016 - 08:07am PT
Alex Jones is the biggest bigot I can think of
and master of Projection

basically everything he says is pure BS
Pure Insanity
He should be in a mental hospital.

just another link in the right wing media bubble world
you can source any lie you want to use against the enemy, liberals

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 6, 2016 - 08:45am PT
"Trump is winning when it comes to ford relocating factory / jobs back to U.S.."

What is this....criticism of your favorite narcissistic ball-cuppee....?

Are you finally starting to smell the coffee, pyro?

Sport climber
Shetville , North of Los Angeles
Aug 6, 2016 - 10:26am PT
When Trump wins , his thong -clad wife will hand him the football and then the launch codes.. Donald will hold it over his head like a world cup trophy.. The loons will go crazy chanting " find the missing emails.."

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 6, 2016 - 11:07am PT
I generally choose to not take people seriously who go to the trouble of screencapturing a dialogue to prove an insignificant point. But that's just me.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 6, 2016 - 11:14am PT
Love you too, Riley!

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 6, 2016 - 11:18am PT
Oh, I wouldn't say that....we've just never met, that's all...

Social climber
Aug 6, 2016 - 12:56pm PT
Love you too , anonymous internet politard that no one has ever met .

oh, I have more than "met" Apogee

He saved my life in 1989 on K2, he is one hell of a climber

the fact that people on public internet forums choose to remain anonymous is common sense with stalking and cyber hacking

Trad climber
Missoula, MT & "Pourland", OR
Aug 6, 2016 - 12:59pm PT
Kind of a change in topic but read the Texan monthly link.

Question is if physician run hospitals drive up costs and are intolerable why do we have a lawyer "owned" and run legal system? Doesn't that just make more profits for lawyers at the expense of the serfs?

To survive in the modern world don't you need not only free health care but also free legal care and free investment care?

Ice climber
Aug 6, 2016 - 01:14pm PT
Dr F is a pathological liar
Time to stop taking him seriously

So when does Trump get the boot? Oh wait, nobody with a brain ever took him seriously.


Trad climber
Aug 6, 2016 - 01:37pm PT
We're not afraid of Trump.

We're embarrassed and ashamed that a sizeable section of our country actually believes the man has a clue and that they are willing to throw the dice and vote for him, with our country as the stakes.

Big Wall climber
Aug 6, 2016 - 01:42pm PT
I mean lawyers are corrupt too .but that's another issue .

wait a min Lawyers is the problem. One of em is nominated by the democratic party and those hedge funders are looking to bank of that deep pocketed bitch.. Trump said himself that he was going after those hedge fund dudes so hence the recent massive media Trump hunt.. so lawyers are a BIG problem.. I say get those crony lawyers outta Washington.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 6, 2016 - 01:46pm PT
"24/7 spray lord,"

Who are we talking about, again?

And Norton....yeah, you still owe me big time for that one.

Boulder climber
Aug 6, 2016 - 02:54pm PT
I guess that he's like the rest of texas, 200lbs of sh#t in a 5lb bag. . .

The state of quantum flux
Aug 6, 2016 - 04:22pm PT
The Best Apple Pie

I grew up in the sixties
But saw disparity from the fifties
Where insidious racist thinking was the norm

With biological extinction blooming
And nuclear annihilation looming
Our free love generation did very little harm

But there were those throughout the seventies
Who brought into the eighties
Their rejection of such liberties as we knew

I should have seen with Reaganomics
Today's rejection of Obamics
And what all the disenfranchised ex-hippie rednecks wouldn't do

It might've been the way it went
And that's my humble two cents
An opinion I'm not likely to philosophically conform

I've seen so much hate and hypocrisy
And too little of civil democracy
To forget about what history will teach you


Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Aug 6, 2016 - 04:45pm PT
Funny to see Riley squirm his way out of here, really just another bully who talks a big game, kinda like the Chief who would latch on to someone to point of sick stalking.

What is his little fan club going to do now?


Aug 6, 2016 - 05:26pm PT
The intelligent class throws the garbage away.

This thread is full of stupid garbage.

The Hillary garbage eaters in this thread love eating their own trash and keeping it ......
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Aug 6, 2016 - 05:56pm PT
"The intelligent class throws the garbage away.

This thread is full of stupid garbage.

The Hillary garbage eaters in this thread love eating their own trash and keeping it ......"

Look who talking, the dumpster diving master.

Big Wall climber
Aug 6, 2016 - 05:59pm PT
Bob you should cool it with the werner jabs he works way harder than all of us combined..
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Aug 6, 2016 - 06:00pm PT
Every post by Radical has been deleted up to July 27, which is the probably the max time ST gives you to delete your thread posts....

it always seems to be me and Bob that attract the most pathological stalking unhinged fellas drunk on piss and vinegar
They become obsessed with us....

of course I was trolling the troll
I have a thick skin, and can work any angle needed

there was some improvement

Hopefully the Chief Jr. is gone
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Aug 6, 2016 - 06:03pm PT
How can you even make a statement like that!! So he gets a free pass for calling people names every time he posts. Too bad, I work hard too, so do other people on this site, never stopped him from calling everyone stooopid americans.

How's Trump working out for you? :-)

Dr. F...so I was about six years old and this kid maybe eight or nine was picking on me, I grew up in a rough area in SW Philadelphia, I tell my dad hoping for some help. He tells me if I start running now I will be running the rest of life from them. Got my butt kicked the next day but the bully never bothered me again, amazing what happens when you stand you ground. Have carried my dad's advice my whole life.
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