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John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oh really Werner? The kind of conspiracy you guys insist upon would require that kind of manpower. At a minimum.
You don't seem to be paying attention. It wouldn't require that many people. A half dozen people in the upper echelons. Plus if the wiring of the buildings was done over a period of time, it would only take a few guys to do that.
Bush's brother to gain access to the twin towers.
Cheney to schedule the military games and keep the fighters on the ground.
A few ops to set the charges.
Someone to write the computer programs and infect the proper computers.
Whoever was in the CIA who discovered the plot to begin with.
And no one else would have to know. Our role could be minimal. I might be missing one or two, but that seems to mostly cover it.
Since the NIST's own report says it didn't test for explosives in any of the buildings.
They weren't the perps NWO...
So now you're all expert on conspiracy.
Now you're all expert on how it's done.
You're more whacked than the so called conspiracy nuts ...
You guys are coming up with the fancy fantasies, not me.
I keep hearing about how the military, the MSM, NYPD, NYFD, etc are involved. That sounds like thousands of people to me. I'm not coming up with this sh#t, other people are. I'm just trying to add it all up.
You don't seem to be paying attention. It wouldn't require that many people. A half dozen people in the upper echelons. Plus if the wiring of the buildings was done over a period of time, it would only take a few guys to do that.
And Al Gore is making a fortune (how many homes does he own? I don't suspect he flies commercial?) pushing his climate change info. Your point?
Well, there's a lot of science backing up global warming. But that's another topic.
but you think they are all part of some kind of weird NWO scheme too. Like I said, you have a tenuous grip on reality.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
oops.. forgot about the missing plane. Don't know how to take that out without involving a few more people.
And I'm not saying anything I proposed is what happened. I just want to know if a scientist really did find thermite.
Yeah, there's thosee missing planes with all the missing people who got on board those missing planes.
But that's another layer of the cake.
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 1, 2011 - 12:57am PT
No dirtbag no no no
You made up the fantasy and projected it onto people.
It doesn't take much to put your foot in your mouth ....
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Only one missing plane, if you believe a missile hit the pentagon. Of course I know about the theories about the twin towers being hit by military drones. But that doesn't have to have happened.
I think I could figure out a way to get rid of the one plane. But I would have to think about it.
Your argument Dirtbag, was that it had to involve lots and lots of people. I'm just showing how it could be done with a whole lot fewer people then most folks realize. I'm not saying that this happened.
I just want to know if anyone disproved the thermite, since the NIST says they didn't test for explosives, even though it was a 3 year study and they knew some people thought it might be explosives. Seems kind of shoddy work to me.
It seems like they latched onto one theory, and ignored all else. Some criminal detectives would tell you that is shoddy work. A friend of mine was a homicide detective in Los Angeles county for 25 years.
No dirtbag no no no
You made up the fantasy and projected it onto people.
It doesn't take much to put your foot in your mouth ....
Now what are you babbling about?
I didn't make this sh#t up.
IF a missile hit the Pentagon, there's only one missing plane, db.
Look it up. There are obituaries and interviews with the families of those missing on the planes.
Or are they in on it too?
Whatever. I'm done for the night.
Fantasies are fun to entertain, but reality is nice too.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
He's soon to go in for a vasectomy.
You don't have to go there. Dirtbag is a good guy.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Ouch.. geez Warbler.. you should write novels.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
But then you would have to install remote controls on those plane and that would involve more people. Because you wouldn't install remote control on just one plane, you would do it on all of them.
Its getting too weird to think about.
Good night everyone.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Presumably conspiracy theorists aren't allowed to use Occam's Razor, because they'd probably cut themselves. The likelihood of personal harm outweighs their being allowed to indulge their fantasies in public.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
And yet conspiracies have happened.
Funny how that works.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz Mountains and Monterey Bay
keep your life simple
everything is just fine
believe all the official news
go to work in the morning
eat processed food
take all your prescribed pills
pay your bills
pay your taxes
trust your government
watch TV until you pass out
John Moosie
Beautiful California
So gas everyone, put the plane on autopilot and fly it that way.. hmmm. Don't know if that would work, but there are sites that say autopilot cna fly an entire flight plan.
So why not fly the plane into the pentagon if you control it?
Maybe the controls didn't work exactly and they sent it out over the sea, but then air traffic control would have noticed that.
To work, it really can't have a lot of people involved.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
We need Tom Clancy to finish this story. Too much going on for me to buy it.
I don't know how to explain it, but it seems more likely a plane hit the pentagon.
If they planned to use planes, and two of them failed, and they used a missile, then they would have had to have plans to use a missile as a backup. thats a lot of extra planning and work for a just in case the planes don't work.
Especially if there were no passengers by then.
I dont' understand what you mean. why wouldn't there be passengers. They would have been gassed.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
How do I have to write this stuff, then five minutes later write it again?
Because sometimes you get too intense and I have to ignore you. Plus I really haven't read this whole thread. Just felt like jumping in tonight.
And no.. I hadn't heard about the passenger list.
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