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Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Locker, kick ass!, I'll be down for t-week...we gotta hook up. Cosmic, Lynne, maybe Woody...good times, man !!!! Shucks, maybe Chaz will show with that crazy kite he's got.
"When is Doug B. going to weigh in on this topic? "
Until I scrolled waaaaaay down to that NPS Antiquities Act post, I thought for sure he had returned. Sure hope he hasn't been reincarnated in (or possessed the body of) S.Powers...
GDavis: "Hey, lets all jump to conclusions and get in a tissy online, while actually never doing anything about it or researching it."
Good call. Agreed, it looks like sh*t, but there very well may be much more to the story. Anybody motivated enough to find out, or shall we just keep bitching about how screwed up the NPS is?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Last year I had a ranger cut me some cool slack...caught me going 'out of bounds' with a dog before we were out. Threatened a ticket, smelled my beer, I said cool, we were wrong and it ended nicely. He coundn't have cited me I think, but he could have been waaaay more of an as#@&%e. Having a pregnant wife crying next to me helped out too!~~
John Moosie
Beautiful California
It would be funny if this turns out to be a photo shop troll.
Has anyone actually seen this?
Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2008 - 12:29am PT
Not a troll. Go there. See it.
edit: JTree is a special place for me. I have some footprints there, and I would never ever troll about something like this.
I want to say more but I won't.
adam d
S. Powers...I'm right there with you about the enforcement on antiquities poachers. There is a purpose for rangers, and defending the resource against law breakers is part of it. That guy had it coming for sure, just wondering what happened to him for it.
For the most part I've had really positive interactions with jtree rangers (several very flexible about overloading cars/tents in sites, not paying camping fees, etc)
Slathering fake adobe on old brick ruins though to make them look like some other kind of ruins...that's just silly.
Anyone track down any info on this on the web? I've searched a bit and found nothing about this "restoration"
Trad climber
East Wenatchee, WA
I was climbing at Hound Rocks recently, and I see there is still quite a bit of trash out there. My personal opinion is that I have never understood why old trash is somehow precious...
And new trash is just...trash.
All of it seems like trash to me!
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
I wonder how long it will be before it's tagged?
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
More Nat. Park "improvements"....thanks!
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Show Ass to Ranger
Social climber
Jtree, now in Alaska
"Slathering fake adobe on old brick ruins though to make them look like some other kind of ruins...that's just silly."
Agreed, Just remember its not the rangers that did this.
"It would be funny if this turns out to be a photo shop troll.
Has anyone actually seen this?"
It's true, the restoration actually started some time ago (at least a year or more), I'm actually surprised nobody said anything before.
Where I once was,I think?
Perfect, where is Mr. Buchanan ?
Mountain climber
Legal or not,right or wrong, it looks hokey. I agree with Kris. I have a lot of "footprints" there as well. I'd like to think that the money could have been spent on something better. This is the kind of slippery slope we've been on since the Monument became a "Park".
Ah, I recall the day when...........
Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Hi to all....Good post Kris. The Park service is full of S about it's self. Went to the tree last Sun. The "show ass" sign at the entrance has now been replaced by the "campgrounds full" sign. This will become a annual thing Im sure. I asked the rangerette who was on duty, "when are you guys going to make more camping?" I asked. She gave me a steely eyed face and said "we don't want it to look like a parking lot DO WE?" I told her that it's the park services duty to manage the park for the visitors and the visitors wished to have a few more spots to camp so we don't need to spend lots of time driving around......It's no use, we have no voice in the matter. Just pay your taxes and quit bitchen.
Im out, gotta go vote.
Trad climber
So. Cal.
This "campgrounds full" crap is just that.
Any other business would put the customer (YOU) first, and make sure there's enough to satisfy demand. It was different before they charged for entry / camping. We weren't customers then, and we were thankful to get nothing for nothing. But charging money changes things.
Campground restrictions make very inefficient use of resources. Weekend before last (the weekend there was NO wind), my friend and I were forced to occupy two sites, because only two vehicles are allowed in a site. My pal had towed his Nissan behind his camper. I drove a Toyota. That's three vehicles, and to keep within regulations, we had to hog two sites when one would have been just fine.
And some poor bastard was shut out that weekend because of it.
Back in my bartending days, we ran out of Budweiser on a Friday night. The next Friday we had TWICE as much Bud on hand, we couldn't let this happen again. The customer deserves it.
Instead of spending the summer (they always do this sh#t during the summer) plastering adobe and posting asinine signs all over the place, they should have been adding a few more campsites.
Big Wall climber
A cube at my soul sucking job in Oregon
"Back in my bartending days, we ran out of Budweiser on a Friday night. The next Friday we had TWICE as much Bud on hand, we couldn't let this happen again. The customer deserves it"
I was with you right up till you said that. Customers deserve better than Bud... I'm sincerely sorry that you had to work in a gay bar. A very, very gay bar.
Trad climber
So. Cal.
It was a Bowling Alley, Moof.
Henney knows where this Bowling Alley is, don't ever shoot pool with him for money.
Social climber
Falls Church, VA
i wish folks, especially climbers, would stop dumping on the nps...remember, j-tree doesn't belong to climbers; it belongs to all of us, meaning all americans, which includes hikers, birders, and rv-driving tourons who love having their pics taken next to "restored" ruins...the nps has an overwhelming job--maintain access, preserve the environment and historic sites, keep everyone safe, deal with self-entitled a**holes who refuse to follow the rules, etc.--to fulfill with a budget that isn't anywhere near what is needed (even with the entirely reasonable entrance and camping fees)
to me, the nps is like the police department: underpaid, understaffed, and underappreciated...if i exceed the speed limit, the cops are doing their duty by writing me a ticket, NOT "harrassing" me
yeah, the adobe looks ridiculous but i'm willing to believe the nps had its reasons...i'm even willing to bet that the idea was publicized long before it actually happened...and that opportunities were made available so the public could ask questions/criticize...and that many climbers who are on the nps mailing list likely deleted/threw away the notices because they didn't have anything to do with climbing...i could be wrong, but i'll cut the nps some slack because it isn't a big deal...it doesn't detract from the climbing or even the overall beauty of the park
don't like the nps? ok, how's this...we make a real commitment to preserving our natural and historic resources; begin by tearing up all the asphalt and anything else installed by the government for US; then require any and all visitors to walk in and enforce a leave no trace ethic...if this idea doesn't sound appealing because you want easy access, clean camp sites, convenient toilets, and maintained trails, then stop "bitchen", follow the rules, and thank a ranger whenever you see them doing their jobs (even if it's telling you to keep the noise down)
Ahh a fine use of resources for sure. Gives me hope. In all seriousness though, at least they haven't allowed a private Del Corp to come in and run for profit concessions in JT............yet. No matter how fugged the things the NPS does in JT it doesn't seem to be as nearly as FUGGED as what they've done with OUR Yosemite.
STUCCO THE WORLD FOR PRESERVATION! ERASE HISTORY AND CONSERVE AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!! C'mon folks we can all do it! All you gotta do is volunteer.
Bob J.
Nate and Eli like it.
My boys do ask me "who put the steps here" at real hidden valley.
I told them it was the rangers. They put them there so old folks could make it.
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