Barack Obama for President- why are you inspired?


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Trad climber
primordial soup
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2008 - 04:20pm PT
feels good, don't it?

Boulder climber
Redmond, OR
Nov 4, 2008 - 04:47pm PT
This one's for Grandmother

Boulder climber
Redmond, OR
Nov 4, 2008 - 05:10pm PT
Talus--wanna play basketball?
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Nov 4, 2008 - 05:20pm PT
I am not inspired by the man one iota.

Matt, I often agree with you but your OP is BS. You are inviting people to rail against Obama.

I don't like him, he seems like he is an used-car salesman who turned into a Baptist preacher. A lot of style, but where is the substance? He has flip-floped on seveal important issues. He is way too smooth and slick for me, but I can see were his rhetoric is compelling for the averge Joe "I Do Not Know" Citizen. But it looks like he is going to get the job.

Anyway, anything is better than Bush, and next to anything is better than McCain, so let's hope Obama does a good job. Still, I say it is a poison chalice, whoever the next POTUS is.

I still think that of all the primary candidates in both parties, Hillary would have made the best president.

I guess that I did not respect your wishes from your OP. Tough, you asked for it. And I wasn't the first to kowtow to your BS wishes. You start a political thread and you get what you deserve. Duhhhhhhhhhh.

Trad climber
primordial soup
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2008 - 06:05pm PT
hey patrick-

is it sobriety or lack of it that makes you so abrasive?
just curious.

have your opinion pal, but no need to aggressively SEEK OUT conflict. i was honestly seeing to avoid conflict, as opposed to avoiding alternative poiunts of view...

and btw- hillary would have lost to mclame, that's just the truth of it. after losing twice to bush jr., democrats voting in the primary were unwilling to take a chance on her- or at least that's my take.

she simply didn't inspire us.

Social climber
wuz real!
Nov 4, 2008 - 06:33pm PT
I like Obama.
He'll be a good president.

I don't feel the need to tell other people what they're really thinking. Not right now, anyway.

Nov 4, 2008 - 06:58pm PT
I was for Clinton. Then after she lost it made sense that she lost. There was so much history there during the campaign everyone would be thinking, "Do we really have to go through all this AGAIN?" We really needed a new start.

As for Obama's ability to handle challenges, what can I say. A candidate never meets as many challenges in office as they meet on a campaign. The campaign, the way Obama planned it, his basing it on fundamentals, and the ease with which he handled it all says he can even handle all the juvenile destruction Bush has left behind.

Obama is right when he tells us the Democratic Party, by itself will not be able to clean this up. We are going to have to stop fighting each other like the Sunni's and the Shia. Stopping what we have been doing in politics during the last forty years is our part of the task. No one but us can do that.

If we can do that, in one fell swoop we will turn the worst of times into the best.

Almost independently of who wins the presidency I think we have to ask whether we can waste another 77 days. The president-elect really should sit down with the present members of Congress and ask whether we can waste this time. Should we not remove him and his VP from office and work together with Ms. Pelosi to attack the most immediate problems?

If there were unanimity, I think it could all be done in a week.

Big Wall climber
Phoenix, AZ
Nov 4, 2008 - 07:19pm PT
He is the anti-Christ. I find it inspiring that we'll see the end of times soon.


Trad climber
Nov 4, 2008 - 07:29pm PT
The Republicans have plans for those 77 days. Big plans.

November 4, 2008
So Little Time, So Much Damage

While Americans eagerly vote for the next president, here’s a sobering reminder: As of Tuesday, George W. Bush still has 77 days left in the White House — and he’s not wasting a minute.

President Bush’s aides have been scrambling to change rules and regulations on the environment, civil liberties and abortion rights, among others — few for the good. Most presidents put on a last-minute policy stamp, but in Mr. Bush’s case it is more like a wrecking ball. We fear it could take months, or years, for the next president to identify and then undo all of the damage.

Boulder climber
Redmond, OR
Nov 4, 2008 - 07:44pm PT
Excellent post jstan.


Chalkless climber
the Gunks end of the country
Nov 4, 2008 - 07:59pm PT
Well whoever wins will have a lot that will get blamed on him.

They both stink, but I could not bring myself to waste a vote like I did with Perot.

OK. I wasted one anyway. 1 vote won't matter in NJ

But it took less time than buying a cup of coffee to vote, so what the heck.

I think this country works best when the executive and legislative are split, or at least the two houses are dominated by separate parties.

I figure in two or four years we'll be back there.

Chalkless climber
the Gunks end of the country
Nov 4, 2008 - 08:15pm PT
Yay! I just noticed that I got the magic post 69 in a MATT thread.
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