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Trad climber
Placerville, California
bump for mountains wrestling men action.
jeez you guys.
my hats off to you
for steadfast resolve during your asse kicken.
Trad climber
Placerville, California
i just spoke with mucci
and lars had surgery on his leg today.
it sounds like the healing has commenced.
lars has spent some time on hardship's rug, he'll surmount.
go lars.
go mucci.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
This hits close to home; it could happen to any of us.
Best wishes to Lars and Josh for complete and speedy recovery.
Nate D
San Francisco
Thinking of Lars.
And best to Josh & Brad!
Sport climber
Golf Wall, CO
@ Ksolem: Yes, Voyager Rock. One of his favorite campsites. I understand you know that rock quite well.
Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
What a drag, always been one of my nightmares, to have that happen.
Good thoughts for a full recovery.
Mountain climber
Hang in there, Lars and heal up quickly!
Am thinking of you. Scary thing that happened. I dread this.
Positive vibes your way Lars.
Social climber
hey there say, where can we send him cards??
will stop by later and see...
go to run now...
god bless to lars and all...
and to the one with broken wrists, as well...
Max J
Hi I am Lars son Max. Thank you all for your kind posts. My dad is a strong man and I am very optimistic about his recovery. HIs wife and family are all there for him (especially his wife) and we hope the best. He will prevail. Please keep up with the posts Im sure he will read them in the future, Those who know him, thank you for your support. Me, his wife and his family thank you all again, please keep up the support.
Boulder climber
I'm James Brown, Bi-atch!
oh wonderful, christmas on crutches,
dang you boulder, dang you!
heal up soon, your life depends upon it,
did you write any new songs while under the rock?
were the vultures starting to circle?
pinnacles is a weird place,
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Get better quick, Lars!!!!
Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Lars, sending you energy for speedy recovery.
This summer will be a good time to go have a BBQ at Courtwight. You already know the spot. It would be nice to meet you and climb some.
Guy Keesee
Trad climber
Bay Area
thinking of all three of you.
How's Lars doing? Any updates?
Trad climber
East Bay, CA
Warm thoughts and prayers coming your way, Lars, and to Josh and Brad. Wonderful photos of you, Lars, and your paintings!
Sue and John
Social climber
Land of Goats and Tacos
Classic pics, looks like a great guy. I don't know you Lars, but get well bud, the world needs men like you.
Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
It's hard to respond to requests about how Lars is doing. Of course everyone is concerned (what remarkable community of climbers we are all part of). But, I'm concerned also about Lars' and his family's privacy.
Here's an effort to balance the two. What I'm posting is based on what Josh has told me and on my own impressions:
Lars: It's not easy to say, but Lars was very seriously hurt. As of last night, he was still in ICU (although there had been some talk about moving him to a normal hospital bed, that didn't happen). I am told that the surgury to insert rods and pins into his leg is the last surgery he needs. I hope so. I know that many people have been spending time with him, from his wife and family to long long time climbing friends like Steve B. I am told that there are times when Lars isn't very coherent and that this seems to be due to the pain medications. And there are other times when he and his friends are sharing irreverant humor, which I consider to be an excellent sign. I think other people who post here are planning on seeing him today or tomorrow and they may be able to give better updates. Keep praying.
Josh: I think Josh will be OK. He won't really talk about his wrist injury, which will heal. As to his state of mind he and I have talked and talked about how the boulder moved. He barely touched it. He did nothing wrong and nothing any different from what every other person who has ever hiked cross-country has done. And yet he knows, and I do too, that he will always wonder whether and why he didn't do something just a little different. That's human nature. It's a subject I've been able to talk with him about from experience; in 1992, I dislodged a flake on the Leaning Tower that hit and badly injured my partner. I've talked to Josh about that incident (and about PTSD) with the perspective of 19 years, and with the insights that come from having asked the same questions of myself that I know Josh will ask of himself for years. I've told Josh, too, that he better damn well shake his own hand. The event that happened was a total fluke. What wasn't a fluke, and what isn't open to question, is that Josh's quick thinking, his effort to dig Lars out with his bare hands, and his EMT training saved Lars' life. When the helicopter short haul took place, there were 15 minutes left until it would have been too dark to fly. If Lars had still been under that boulder (which two of us couldn't budge) when the SAR team arrived, if Josh hadn't taken steps to guard against shock... well the picture is obvious. Still, Josh needs our help and prayers, too.
Brad: The flashbacks continue, but I slept last night without using Ambien.
I hope nothing I've posted has gone too far into anyone's personal life. If it has, I'll hear about it and I will then edit this post.
I'll bet many members of the Supertopo commununity are going out this weekend. Have fun, but take a minute, too, to insert just a little extra caution into your adventures.
Trad climber
New England
Thanks for the update. All the best to Lars. We are pulling for you!!
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