strike three


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Trad climber
boulder, co.
Mar 11, 2006 - 04:32pm PT
Speaking in metaphor... Try not to think of it as "Strike Three". Your NOT out yet right? Try to see it as "Third Time at Bat". Sounds like you got at least a couple of base hits before, prehaps even a ground rule double. You may be due for a home run.
Everyone chooses their own way of "dealing" with what they face on the river raft ride of life. You seem to be dealing well. I commend your courage and encourage your recovery. Your openess in this thread is admirable and trust me it will help others.

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 11, 2006 - 07:44pm PT
Thank you all again.

Lois, do you mean bad good in the newer way, or bad bad in the old way?

I want to make one thing really clear, I do not see what I am doing here in this thread or in real life as anything heroic.

I do think I can offer something valuable to others who may have to deal with this crap though, even if it's only how to enjoy farting when all the hair has fallen off your body from chemo, LOL.

Another good chemo tip is, when your hair starts to go, help it go fast-- shave your head and laugh about it. Your hair falling or pulling out with no effort by the handfull is disconcerting to day the least, so get it over with and have some fun doing that.

One more tip-- you really really really NEED and will miss your eyelashes. all other body hair is vestigial compared to eyelashes. All kinds of crap gets in your eyes when you don't have lashes.

I'm clinically depressed, have been since I was 8 years old. I've learned to deal with it. For me this is actually kind of fun.

Rising to the occasion when the chips are down is not hard for people with my brand of mental problems.

What I find almost too hard to bear are the mundane, everyday requirements of normal existence.

I know it's weird, but that's the truth.


Social climber
The West
Mar 11, 2006 - 09:46pm PT
Somebody here is now dealing , or in the future will, "have to deal with this crap." My life has invovled many people dealing with IT(in it's various forms)in the past and the present. As have a bunch of you's out there.

Thanks for talking about it with us.

Once you get better I've got a check list of new adventure climb opportunities, but you seem to, also.
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
Mar 11, 2006 - 10:27pm PT
Just when you think the taco stand is all light hearted or political we find real sentiment. Heavy stuff. Dirt, well now your ST name makes sense and the Replacing dead partners thread has even greater weight.

You said: "...I have great power and influence...I'm a Fvcking ROCK GOD!"

Flex your rock god power for full recovery. :-)

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 11, 2006 - 11:00pm PT
Oh Jerry, I'm afraid I was joking. The comment about being a rock god was sarcasm, LOL.

Of course if you climb no harder than 5.6, I guess I am a rock god.

Not to be confused with being a non-existent retarded child rock god.

But I am more like that. Right now. Young Jeffrey Noffsinger claims that we will free Box Car Willies late this spring. I suspect he may be right.

YOu know, I don't mean to insult retarded kids at all. I have worked with a bunch of em, and while they break your heart in several ways, some of them would still do a MUCH better job than the god we currently have.

Jaybro, where are these climbs you're talking about?
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
Mar 11, 2006 - 11:12pm PT
"One is already dead, from cancer.
One is a recovering druggie, and got really hurt (unrelated to climbing or drugs) a while back, and just has not been the same.
One is a recovering alky, with other health problems.
One is always too busy these days, overworked, and has one foot in the grave from medical problems anyway.
I'm maybe about to kick the bucket myself."

Joking or not, you guys make quite the posse of ailing rock gods. I need a photo. Maybe this is work for Ouch! PhotoShop will fix any problem.

Mar 11, 2006 - 11:15pm PT
Hey Dirt

Post up a photo of yourself.

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 12, 2006 - 10:11am PT
Three of us were together a couple of years ago, and decided when had one complete uninjured climber if you used various parts from each of us.

We were the march of dimes climbing team then, haha, now it's worse.

We should have a party and do a group pic, but I always look stupid in those group pics for some reason.

Werner, I'll put something up. I know someone who met you long time ago LOL.

Ok here: This is me before I started having more medical problems, about three years ago or so. 132 pounds, able to do a full mantle from a dead hang, a pullup with 60 pounds on my back, great flexibility, 47 years old. Almost no fat. Could hang out on a route forever. NEVER got a cramp.

Today, 152, weak, get tired going up stairs, can still do a few V4's that I have wired, but I really suck and have NO endurance whatsoever. Get craps and precramps just looking at rock sometimes LOL.

This is from a little before the first pic, in the BSF, doing the FA of Box Car Willies, with Jeff Noffsinger and Patrick.

Happiest time of my life. Noffsinger is an animal-- but a very nice happy animal. More fun than a barrel of monkeys.

That's Jeff, in a very relaxed belay position.

Man I love photobucket!! No more of that RC.commie hassle. Thanks for the tip Terrie. Now I wonder why it took me 6 -8 months to get around to using photobucket LOL.

This is my favorite climbing pic of me. HAHA! No, that's not a rope grab. Yes, I used to climb in trail shoes. Honestly, I put three fingertips on a muddy crimper, started to slide off, threw the other hand up, determined to stick it out, and um, you can see what came of it, LOL.


Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 12, 2006 - 12:15pm PT
There's your pics Werner. Hope this does not bog down the loading too much.

Mar 12, 2006 - 12:29pm PT
Amazing Dirt, Thanks.

It makes me feel very sad that you have so much pain.

I'm so sorry that you are suffering.


Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
Mar 12, 2006 - 01:09pm PT
Thanks for sharing. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Your ordeal could easily be any one of us.

Trad climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Mar 12, 2006 - 01:14pm PT
dirtineye - You've probably seen this book...pretty amazing story though. Best of luck to you bro. cheers, jb

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 12, 2006 - 01:21pm PT
This is not really an ordeal for me, yet.

Here's a guy who went though an ordeal-- Jim Okel.

This is one of the last routes he ever did. 5.11 at least. he took a big fall a bit above this point, climbed back up, finished the route. He was the most graceful and stylish climber I ever saw. We also enjoyed playing music together-- oh for a recording of the night we were all at the shack at the BSF! That was in March or April two years ago, I believe. In June of the same year, we all hit the BSF, where he did a few more good routes. I got Stegg and Okel together for the first time in years, just by luck. That's two of the original Dacatur Killers, LOL. We had a blast. Within 6-8 weeks Okel couldn't go climbing. He died of recurrent throat cancer 8 months later.
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
Mar 12, 2006 - 02:08pm PT
Sheesh. Maybe you guys should check the water down there.

Social climber
The West
Mar 12, 2006 - 03:22pm PT
Dirt, california, Nev, Wyo and Co but the list keeps changing.
Russ Walling

Social climber
Same place as you, man...... (WB)
Mar 13, 2006 - 02:25am PT
Sheesh Dirt.... and I'm over here whining that I'm out of Krazy Glue for a split on my tip...... Chin up mate, go get 'em!!

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 13, 2006 - 11:29am PT
HAHA, split tips hurt!

I've said it before and will again, cancer usually does not hurt until it is to late. I've been EXTREMELY lucky that twice mine has hurt enough to get me to the doctor. Most people are not so lucky.

Go get a checkup, espscially if you are a tough guy who ignores stuff hoping it will go away, or if you ahve had some niggling little problem that just is not quite right but not really all tyhat bad, but it won't go away. OR, if you are 50, or close to 50 get a bunch of tests and know for sure.

Caught early, colon cancer is not even cancer. Ccaught late, it may be too late.

Since some people seem determined to turn me into an aphoristic ascendant being ( I'm resisting as best I can tho), here's something from that other site that might do someone some good.


j_ung wrote:
dirtineye wrote:
My advice is, get busy doing what you want to do today, and forget about any doubts or obstacles.

And in the midst of all that, you give us a gift. I'm going to try to take this to heart, Curt. Thank you.

I'm glad you like the advice.

It's not anything you can't hear all over the place, you can even come up with it yourself, but, somehow it gains credibility when you hear it from someone in my situation.

I'll be the first to say, for three years after the first two go-rounds with cancer, I was really good at following that advice myself.

Then, I let it slide for various reasons-- none of which were valid. There really are not any valid reasons for giving up on your dreams, and procastinating your life away.

Even though the idea is almost a cliche, it is still about the best advice you or I or anyone wil lever get or give, and the trick is to remind yourself on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and even longer term basis.

Um, and it's not a gift. There is no free lunch J_ung. I'll be coming round to collect a few belays before long.


I'm kinda worried now. This is what Okel did. HE was a buddist anyway, and all calm and spiritual and stuff, so it was OK for him to do it. Now I'm doing it. I'm afraid I'm catching Okel Beautiful Death Syndrome. Hell, two girls have actually talked to me lately, and one even hit on me. She was even kind of nice, and attractive.

This is a bad, bad sign, LOL.

I need a psycho climber chick to come into my life and make me miserable, so I can live.

You know who you are, LOL. Rescue me please!

Social climber
The West
Mar 16, 2006 - 02:57am PT
Positive vibes to dirtineye tomorrow.

Trad climber
LA, Ca
Mar 16, 2006 - 03:07am PT
Well Dirt, by the time you see this you will most likely be post op, but I gotta say I have been following your story and you are an awesome individual. We're all hoping and wishing and praying and whatever other way there is to gather strength for you. Best wishes.

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 16, 2006 - 09:39am PT
I'm getting a core inspection window today!

See you in three to five days.

Thanks y'all.
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