What is "Mind?"


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High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Sep 8, 2014 - 10:08am PT

I just want to know... are those eeg sensors on baby... or electrodes, lol!

Resistance is futile.

Mountain climber
Colorado, Nepal & Okinawa
Sep 8, 2014 - 10:19am PT
Resistance is futile.

Ever get a sense of deja vue? What flashed through my mind is that 200 years from now, the politicians will be trying to control everyone's brains with electrodes, and most likely Harrisism will be a new religion or at least a new sect of Buddhism, and there will of course be people bowing down and making offerings to golden statues of him. He'll be no more responsible for the whackiness of his followers than Jesus or Buddha is.

Of course there will also be people trying to maintain the original teachings and spirit of Harris. The question is whether there will be more of them or more of the whackos. History is not encouraging.

Sep 8, 2014 - 10:22am PT
But still ....

Everyone's soul knows what is genuine ......

Sep 8, 2014 - 10:26am PT
Yes, in a 'genuine Corinthian Leather' kind of way.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Sep 8, 2014 - 10:26am PT
the politicians will be trying to control everyone's brains with electrodes

The politicians or Skynet?

most likely Harrisism will be a new religion...

How about we call Harrisism... Regenesis... and the new religion... superligion instead?

"In the beginning was the word."


there will of course be people bowing down and making offerings to golden statues of him

Good thing this only "flashed" through your mind, Jan. Sounds awful. I like to think future generations will be a lot smarter than that.

History is not encouraging.

Well, as we both know but tend to lose sight of... there's (a) the history of the past and (b) the history of the future. Keep the evidence-based faith, Jan. IT GETS BETTER.

(If you haven't already, read Pinker's latest book.)

Sep 8, 2014 - 10:28am PT
No ....

In the beginning was "sound" ......

Mountain climber
Colorado, Nepal & Okinawa
Sep 8, 2014 - 10:38am PT
Regenesis and superligion. I like the idea behind those. My own research and notes have been to show the similarities of experience and non verbal symbols behind the meditative experiences of people from many different religions. Different religions, same human physiology and experiences.Harris is going beyond any religion. I wish I were around even 50 years from now to see how this is all working out.

I say and he says, that he is going beyond any religion and yet his vocabulary is from Buddhism. The next step for him would be to develop a new vocabulary that is not connected even to that tradition.And of course, the question the interviewer brought up about what to do with people who have an experience of a personal presence while meditating - the theistically inclined.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Sep 8, 2014 - 10:48am PT
I wish I were around even 50 years from now to see how this is all working out.

Yeah, my wish, too!
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Sep 8, 2014 - 10:49am PT
The next step for him would be to develop a new vocabulary...

Don't hold your breath, jump to 14:00...

[Click to View YouTube Video]


Needless to say, SH is wrong on this count. :)

In a 21st century world that has a million more ideas than say even the 18th or 19th century worlds it makes sense, it's only reasonable, to have new vocabularies and to expect going forward the developments of these.

Of course an irony here (and I've mentioned this before) - Who is a leading critic of the "poverty of language" in English? ANS SH. LOL!

I should add, in SH's defense, perhaps he's only encountered awful neologisms in his experience. Not hard to imagine as there have been plenty of those to come our way the last hundred years or so.

One of my favorites... awful favorites, that is: eupraxsophy. LOL.

Mountain climber
Colorado, Nepal & Okinawa
Sep 8, 2014 - 11:03am PT
Yes, the irony did hit me already. Another case of deja vue.

Sep 8, 2014 - 11:09am PT
A new vocabulary will have no effect other than reinforce the ultimate illusion.

Mantras, or sacred sounds, are used to pierce through sensual, mental and intellectual levels of existence
(all lower strata of consciousness) for the purpose of purification and spiritual enlightenment.

"By sound vibration one becomes liberated" (Vedanta-sutra 4.22).

Social climber
Seattle, WA
Sep 8, 2014 - 11:12am PT
Werner: +1

Social climber
Seattle, WA
Sep 8, 2014 - 11:24am PT
Everything seems to be some form or another of energy, and there seems to be an infinite abundance of it around, everywhere, wherever one looks. In tantra, the practice is to disconnect the interpretations (content) from the energy that drives them. So, it makes me wonder why energy gloms onto content so ferociously to begin with? Why are beliefs, story lines, interpretations so strong in us?

A concept is just a thought, an idea, an abstraction. Concepts / beliefs / ideas seem to drive us from the great energy behind them, but why did the energy get behind or attach to them in the first place? What links them; what links energy and our conceptualizations?

EDIT: I should add, that disconnecting interpretations from energy means that one *can* then surf the energy as one can surf the waves in the ocean. They just keep coming.

Sep 8, 2014 - 11:28am PT
Forgive me if I find Harris neither profound nor original. My peeps have been espousing the same ideas all our adult lives.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Sep 8, 2014 - 11:46am PT
neuroscience phds by kicstarter now...


Sep 8, 2014 - 12:00pm PT
Another deja vu: be careful what you wish for. I like being around right now pretty well.


Sep 8, 2014 - 12:03pm PT
That we can see ..... :-)

Social climber
An Oil Field
Sep 8, 2014 - 12:29pm PT
The opinions on this thread are really diverse. We are lucky to have Largo and Mike, just as I am grateful for Ed H.

We've learned all of this stuff about nature. It is incredibly complex and beautiful. Yes, scientists can see beauty in answers which nature provides. They are not drones.

We have three camps:

1) Religious dogma: BB, Go-B and Werner.

2) Internal Mental voyagers: Mike, Largo, and PSP.

3) Physical scientists: Ed is the kahuna. Guys like me aren't as knowledgeable as Ed.

When you religious guys see some fantastic view of the Universe, how immense and wild it is, do you frantically try to dismiss it as wrong?

The Zen voyagers are kinda like scientists IMO. It doesn't seem that they believe in woo woo type spiritualism. Therefore I cede a huge chunk of this conversation to them, and I am grateful.

Meaning is an interesting word. Our newly found discoveries about the universe. Does it MEAN anything? I leave that up to Mike and Largo and PSP.

I'm not certain about any meaning, particularly in a spiritual sense in all of this new knowledge. Nature is what it is, and there is beauty in it.

I suppose that I am a back sliding pantheist. I am awed by nature, but I don't worship it.

Seriously. What does this picture mean to you people? Honestly? Don't you feel that it is beautiful? It is difficult to dismiss. If I were a serious Christian, I would say that if God created the Universe, he certainly did a good job of it.

We know that we are one planet orbiting one star. There are trillions of stars in galaxies, and there are billions of galaxies. There are so many other suns out there that it kind of makes us seem small. That is something that is difficult to convey to Christians.

Just admit that Genesis is an allegory. You can still say that God created all of this if you like. It makes God seem bigger to me. The Genesis account left out almost all of the relevant information or just got it out of order. The basics are sort of there.

Closing your eyes and clinging to a 2000 year old text written by men some time after Christ's death causes huge problems. Mainly that as science marches on, the Abrahamic religions become more disconnected. I find this a little sad, that they refuse to participate in human knowledge.


Sep 8, 2014 - 12:49pm PT
I'm frantically dismissing the above for what it is.

A pixelated zero and ones that say in words a photo and that is all .....

Sep 8, 2014 - 01:01pm PT

You're playing the field too ...... :-)
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