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Trad climber
san diego
Paul- "Harold Bloom, "Jesus and Yahweh"
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Trad climber
san diego
Actually Christ is going to set up His kingdom up here on earth for 1,000 thousand years. Repopulate the earth and there will be all kinds of animals! "The lion will lay down with the lamb...+ And there is another verse about a baby playing harmlessly on top of the Adders(snake)nest.
We, believers, past and present, will have body's like Christ had after the Resurrection. And a whole universe to explore(I imagine).
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
And there is another verse about...
I'm guessing this makes you in the biblical literalists camp - is that correct?
Trad climber
san diego
If Jesus Christ created the universe as the Bible claims, He is quit capable of getting His love letter to mankind intact from generation to generation. "The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8
Karl Baba
Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
I guess in the end - for me - is that from my own observations I see the principle role and root of religion and gods (all of them) is serving as a 'neutral' authority which can be used to establish and wield power.
Religion has absolutely been used for political power, doesn't mean there isn't an ultimate spiritual being. Sex and Love have all kinds of levels to them, from acquisition and manipulation to deep Love.
777 wrote
Actually Christ is going to set up His kingdom up here on earth for 1,000 thousand years. Repopulate the earth and there will be all kinds of animals! "The lion will lay down with the lamb...+ And there is another verse about a baby playing harmlessly on top of the Adders(snake)nest.
Let's hope in the transfigured world, the animals still can't speak cause I know the lions will be complaining about the food and the adders will be bored to tears...
Trad climber
san diego
At the battle of Armageddon, man would wipe out mankind if God did not intervene!
God is not going to destroy the world, end of the world, as you here so often!
You have so much faith in that some day science will solve their dilema as to were matter came from!! Who created matter? How can you get something from nothing?
But yet deny the possibility of a designer Creator!!
Berkeley, CA
Who created matter? How can you get something from nothing?
but questions of how your god could have existed forever and created everything with its thought don't seem to be a problem for you.
Trad climber
san diego
I know you can't comprehend this, but God is capable of revealing Himself to you in a very powerful way if you ask Him to.
Trad climber
san diego
"This thread is supposed to be about evo..."
Check out the title "Creationist...."
I just answer questions...correct fallacy's!
Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Speaking of evolution, religions on this planet have evolved too, along with our subsistence base.
(All early dates are based on Homo sapiens in the Middle East, later ones on Europe)
Hunting and Gathering 50,000 - 8,000 B.C.
Pastoralism 8,000 - 6,000
Horticulture 6,000 - 5,000
These subsistence modes featured a combination of three belief systems
Animism - nature worship; Everything alive is close to God juat by virtue of being alive
Mythological - creation accounts; one's own tribe or ethnic group is believed to be closer to God.
Magical religions - contact with spirits; Certain specialists, shamans, had unusual attributes which made them closer to the spirits and God.
Agriculture 6,000 -
Growth of Reverential religions which emphasize the distance between God and humans and the need for priests and religion as intermediaries. The basis of all the major religions today. The legitimacy of the religious leaders is based on literacy - knowledge of scriptures and ritual.
Industrial Age 1800 -
Secular Isms and Ologies. Explanations based on social science and the idea that reordering the political and economic institutions of society will do better than religion and make it obsolete.
Post Industrial 1960 -
The search for individual spirituality as opposed to institutional religion. Emphasis on experience of the transcendant rather than dogma.
-The big challenge for the religions of the agricultural age is to modernize for the post industrial era. Many think they will do better at this than in confronting science and political/economic idealogies. After all, their founders started out as individuals seeking spirituality as opposed to religion.
When sweet and bitter
mingled together, no reed was plaited, no rushes
muddied the water,
the gods were nameless, natureless, futureless, then
from Apsu and Tiamat
in the waters gods were created, in the waters
silt precipitated
excerpt from The Babylonian Creation
probably composed in the 12th century B.C.
Religions change, inevitably, and the Christian world view will one day be no more familiar to people than the epic of Gilgamesh is to us today.
Prescott, AZ
Well said Jan and MH2. We could very well end this thread right here.
Well, almost.
By one measure the creationists have not run to the dugout and are actually ahead in the game. I was trying to follow up a question about Ardi and googled for 'Ardi DNA', and links number two and three mocked scientists because Ardi had changed their ideas on primate evolution. Therefore, "Scientists have been wrong all along! " Links 2 and 3 were to the same article by Do-While Jones.
On the other side, CBC science commentator Bob McDonald, visiting Rwanda:
Chimps are harder to see in the forest because they spend most of their time high up in the trees, although we did see one male sitting on a log by himself in a pose that looked like deep thought. I jokingly wondered if he was contemplating the universe, but the guide said he had probably lost a fight and was figuring out what to do next.
But with a little more specifity, 'Ardi FOXP2'
AK's Rambling Thoughts
I have no idea who AK is, but the possibility that a significant part of the language difference between humans and chimps is one or two amino acid differences on a gene-regulating protein will make any Ardi chromosome 7 of high interest. Neanderthal DNA shows the human alleles for FOXP2.
Trad climber
Los Angeles
I guess in the end, Jesus was crazy, a liar, or He was who He said He was!
And as a Christian we are deluded and wasted our own lives on nothing or there is an all powerful God of the Bible that does what He says He will do!
The charm of this life won't keep me here even if there is no God, for me there is no where else to go, I've made my choice, I'm with Jesus!
"And as a Christian we are deluded and wasted our own lives on nothing or there is an all powerful God of the Bible that does what He says He will do!"
Is that supposed to be a question? Or do you already know the answer?
"The charm of this life won't keep me here even if there is no God, for me there is no where else to go, I've made my choice, I'm with Jesus!"
The 'charm of this life won't keep you here' because you are a human being with an average US lifespan of 76.2 years. Make the most of it.
If you want to go with Jeebus, I'm cool with that. Just shut the f*ck up about it and enjoy yourself.
Trad climber
san diego
Gobee- "I am with Jesus."
Well said Gobee...I am with Jesus too!
"For me and my house will serve the Lord"
"Jesus is Lord."
Trad climber
Los Angeles
"For me and my house will serve the Lord"
How blessed we are to serve the one true and living God!
Each day to live with Him in mind, and to thank Him, and to do His will as we understand it through the Bible, it gives our life purpose and meaning, the high calling of God!
Prescott, AZ
MH2 By one measure the creationists have not run to the dugout and are actually ahead in the game.
By what measure? Quantity? Maybe I should post Origin of the Species just to catch up with Gobee's cut and paste posts.
As for the scientists against evolution website material, I'm almost certain that they are quote mining and misintepreting the data and comments by the scientists involved. Standard issue when new data comes out and the implications are not fully understood yet.
Trad climber
Golden, CO
Got Richard Dawkins newest book, The Greatest Show on Earth, for Christmas. It's not his best book (I've read them all), but it's the first where he takes on all of the criticisms of evolution and presents the overwhelming evidence for it. And it IS overwhelming. So overwhelming that any refutation can only be of the I'm going to take the leap of faith and believe in the bible instead type. This type of believer is on par with with Muslim fundamentalists, in my opinion.
Evolution is always accepted and bonafide.
What is the big problem?
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